Sexy sexxed up sex

As far as I can tell, the only difference between SI‘s piece on sex at Oklahoma State and, say, your typical Bleacher Report boobtastic post is that there’s no slide show.

There’s also nothing alleged in SI‘s article that’s even close to being in the same solar system as a NCAA violation, so it’s hard to see what the point to it is.  Other than sex talk, of course.


Filed under Media Punditry/Foibles

4 responses to “Sexy sexxed up sex

  1. Greg

    Naim Mustafaa, the Georgia LB, sure didn’t last long out there and then he transferred to Miami. The reality of Stillwater on a day to day basis obviously was much different than what he experienced on his recruiting visit.


  2. Shiz

    Sex on a college campus…….don’t tell me their smoking pot too


  3. eldawg

    Alvin Lee, Good morning little school girl, nice touch.


  4. I like the….”Hey little girl….I have some c a n d y for you.” That candy is dandy, but you know liquor is quicker.
