Bulldog City

This one got passed on to me to share with you:

A+ on incorporating the South Carolina clips into the video.  (Plus, you know I’m always gonna dig a gratuitous shot in front of a BBQ joint.) Welcome to the Dawg House, indeed.


Filed under Georgia Football

10 responses to “Bulldog City

  1. Spike

    I’m getting taped up and putting my eye black on right now after that!! That clip of Spurrier… Priceless..


  2. Skeeter

    Awesome! Would love to know the story behind that vid.


  3. Bulldog Joe

    I know first hand that BBQ is Dawg Gone Good.


  4. Dawg in Beaumont

    In a world that has quite a few bad UGA hype videos, this one kicks some ass.


  5. Castleberry

    What’s the Q place they’re in front of? I’ve given up on trying to find one in Athens. Let me know if I’m missing any?


  6. Russ

    Got me fired up! Good video.


  7. Oh Senator, I have cold chills from my head to my toes. Thank you..wonderful. Archive for sure!
