Georgia football, where there’s always a meme waiting to emerge

Welcome to the wonderful world of punditry, Coach Smart.

You’d think that many questions would mean patience would be required of fans. You’d think it would be met with more tempered expectations. But you’d be wrong. This is Georgia, which fired Mark Richt for being good, but not good enough, remember? Though no one is saying Smart is on the hot seat from Day 1, there is a clear sense that a full-on rebuilding project isn’t on the menu. In a mediocre SEC East, it’s a win-now mentality in Athens.

It’s nice that he’s got at least a one-day honeymoon.  I’d keep an eye on that G-Day QBR, though.


Filed under Georgia Football, Media Punditry/Foibles

38 responses to “Georgia football, where there’s always a meme waiting to emerge

  1. Jack Klompus

    IMO- Easy, lame journalism- low hanging fruit that plays off the last meme. I don’t have the expectation that we win now. I do expect us to be at the same level of competitiveness as we were last year, but I won’t throw myself nor Kirby off a bridge if we don’t win the SEC East…this is UGA we are talking about. 😉


  2. I think the expectations are pretty cut and dried for Kirby. Our record in 2001 is the baseline from which he should be measured. He didn’t inherit a smoldering dumpster fire like Donnan did. According to the naysayers, he inherits a program that was similar to the one Donnan left CMR. Since everyone says that the 12-game schedule only added a cupcake, he should be expected to win 8 or 9 in the regular season (Richt won 8 in an 11-game regular season).

    Anyone who says Saban’s first year at Alabama should be the expectation is only looking for an excuse. Georgia under Richt (2016) > Alabama under Shula (2007). For us to have that type of season, this is what it would look like:

    UNC – loss (similar to loss to FSU)
    Nicholls St. – win
    @ Mizzou – win
    @ Ole Miss – loss (similar to loss to Georgia)
    Tennessee – loss (similar to loss to LSU)
    @ USCe – win
    Vandy – win
    Florida – loss (similar to loss to Miss. St.)
    @ Kentucky – win
    Auburn – win
    ULL – loss (similar to ULM)
    tech – loss (similar to Auburn)
    Bowl game – win (meaningless bowl win over Colorado)


  3. Cousin Eddie

    Smart has lost control of Fan Expectations. I know but really what the ……. I would at least give him a year


  4. Hogbody Spradlin

    Click bait at it’s most droll.


    • Uglydawg

      Yep. But I was hoping KS would have named a starting QB, Punter, Place Kicker, and punt returner after yesterday’s practice. What’s taking so long?


      • Dog in Fla

        He’s waiting for Chaney to complete a full gasser by running the width of the field four consecutive times


        • DiF, that would be about September 3.


          • Dog in Fla

            Good. That will give us plenty of time to analyze G-Day QBRs 🙂


            • I want someone at the practice field tweeting out live updates on practice QBRs. G-Day is only one day, dog.


              • Dog in Fla

                Fantastic! Springtime for Real-time QBR


              • Don in Mar-a-Lago

                ee, we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with QBR rating guns. Who’s going to do it? You? You, ee? I have a greater responsibility than you could possibly fathom. You weep for not having daily practice QBR ratings, and you blame Chaney or Kirby, or both. Sad. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know. That daily practice QBRs, while tragic, save roster management lives. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, is just your opinion, man. You don’t want the truth because deep down in places you don’t talk about at parties, you want me on that wall, you need me on that wall. We use words like closed practices, Pass EPA, Sack EPA, ACT Plays, QB Par, QB PAA, and no media allowed except in 37F. We use these words as acronyms of a life spent defending something completely just all made up and flagellant – Total QBR. You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very QBR freedom that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it. I would rather you just said thank you, and went on your way, Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a QBR rating gun, stand a post, then take a walk and point it at somebody.


              • Bulldog Joe

                Might have to settle for tracking/tweeting stats from today’s UGA pro day.

                Jordan Jenkins impressing is no surprise, but the second-fastest 40-time was turned in by….. Jake Ganus?



  5. 3rdandGrantham

    “This is Georgia, which fired Mark Richt for being good, but not good enough, remember?”

    The only thing he failed to mention (like so many others have) is the whole “the fired a coach that averaged 10 wins a year.” Fact is, since ’09 CMR only averaged 9.1 wins a year, with a winning percentage almost identical to Donnan (’97-’00). UGA also had quite a poor record against ranked teams over the past 10 years, with something like a 34% winning percentage. IMO, that’s not ‘good’ or ‘very good,’ but rather pedestrian at best.

    Among my small sphere of UGA friends, none of us feel like Smart has to ‘win now’ or else. This upcoming season will indeed be a so-called honeymoon season, in which we realize very few first year SEC coaches win big (not to mention a possible new QB, glaring roster holes, etc.) 2017 is the year where the pressure will absolutely ramp up quite a bit, unless this upcoming season completely goes off the rails and we finish, say, 6-6 or worse.


  6. Rusty

    Geez, Louise….


  7. Aladawg

    There won’t be any patience from me with the way the East looks and our schedule. Anything less than an East championship ends up being the SOS. You make a change to upgrade. Taking backwards steps with the talent present is a step backwards and NOT an upgrade……………



    CMR and staff had not won a game of consequence in 3 entire years. CKS will fix that.


    • USCe ’13, LSU ’13, UF ’13, Clemson ’14, Mizzou ’14, Arkansas ’14, Auburn ’14 … I’ll give you last year, but that’s historic revisionism at its best (or worst)


  9. Macallanlover

    “fired Mark Richt for being Very Good, but not good enough” FIFY


  10. Debby Balcer

    My expectations for this year are the same as last year. To show up play hard and be in the game. I don’t expect us to regress. I did when Bobo left. I knew his offense was special. I was hopeful with Schottie but that was an obvious failure. I can’t see us getting any worse on offense and I see our D as stable. Whatever happens I will not quit on our team or coach. I will support Coach Smart with the same respect I supported Coach Richt.
