“Like I said, I’m going to get a chance. It’s no secret I’m going to get a chance at the next level.”

Because the future is brightest for once-touted Heisman Trophy candidates who find themselves demoted to third string.


Filed under Auburn's Cast of Thousands

8 responses to ““Like I said, I’m going to get a chance. It’s no secret I’m going to get a chance at the next level.”

  1. Bright Idea

    Sure he will at Auburn’s Pro Day. Isn’t that a chance?


  2. truck

    Mitch Mustain couldn’t have said it better.


  3. Can you say “Delusional for $2000, Alex”?


  4. AusDawg85

    Johnson’s confidence comes from the polling conducted of NFL GM’s by the same advisors to the Clinton campaign.

    Too soon?


  5. Sh3rl0ck

    Can he block, run routes, and catch? He is 6’5″ and 235 pounds. Someone might give him a look at Tight End as an UDFA.


  6. Yes he is delusional, without question, but is he anymore delusional than the sports writers,coaches and Auburn fan base who had him second string all-SEC before he had started a game? Just another poor sucker who was stupid enough to read the press clippings and believe them. I’d call him a dumb ass Auburn football player but that would be doubly redundant . Sorry it is just redundant because not ALL football players are dumb asses , they are at Aubarn but not all football players.


  7. He might get a chance at the NFL and if he does he should take solace in this player:


    or maybe this guy:


    or maybe he will turn out like this guy:


    Because you know all of us commenters here have been fitted for yellow sportcoats.
