“… but thank God for Kentucky fans, and we’ll go from there.”

Georgia Tech fans, this is why you can’t have nice things.

The TaxSlayer Bowl attendance was 43,102 for Georgia Tech’s 33-18 victory over Kentucky last Saturday, down from 58,212 for Georgia-Penn State the previous year…

In the case of the TaxSlayer Bowl, ticket sales by Georgia Tech fans and local sales dragged.

Kentucky’s fan base, spurred by their first bowl trip in six years and first Florida bowl game in 18 years, sold out its allotment of 8,000 tickets in three days and were estimated to have purchased 12,000…

But it was still the lowest attendance since 1958 and the two lowest-attended TaxSlayer Bowls, last week and the 2000 Georgia Tech vs. Miami game, have involved the Yellow Jackets.

Catlett said he’s not going to criticize the ACC for slotting Tech to Jacksonville.

At least not in public.


Filed under Georgia Tech Football

10 responses to ““… but thank God for Kentucky fans, and we’ll go from there.”

  1. Spike

    Well… that’s .. wait for it… CHANTASTIC! Are they buying themselves rings?


  2. W Cobb Dawg

    Mix gtu with an 11:00 am start and this is what you get.


  3. The other Doug

    Somebody needs to tell the Tax Slayer Bowl that you have to offer free hot dogs and cokes to get Tech fans to buy tickets.


  4. Russ

    Well, you know every tech fan makes a million dollars upon graduation so money’s not the issue. I guess even with a million dollars, you still have to man the tech support hotline in Mumbai so that makes attending the game problematic.


  5. Bright Idea

    There were what, 500 of them in Athens on Nov. 26 but a million of them on Sunday morning.


  6. Argondawg

    The thing that strikes me most is that there is a 5% drop in bowl attendance in one year and they say the bowls are “healthy”. If my business is losing 5% a year there isn’t anything healthy about that. This is going to be a slow agonizingly painful death and we all have a front row seat.
