Today, in buddy movies you never really wanted to watch

Booch and Brady, together at last.


Filed under Because Nothing Sucks Like A Big Orange

10 responses to “Today, in buddy movies you never really wanted to watch

  1. 81Dog

    Somebody call Gerry Faust. They have the chance to build a special staff in Knoxville. Who wouldn’t want to add “back to back Champions of Life” to his coaching resume???


  2. lakedawg

    Am beginning to believe the gamecocks might be toughest SECE game. Man if we do not win East this year Booch at the hillbillies and Bucky Beaver at gayturds then somebody got some big explaining to do.


  3. Bulldog Joe

    Butch has wasted no time in getting Brady out on the recruiting trail.


  4. Russ

    Head coach, to defensive coordinator, to defensive line coach? If it weren’t for the 6- and 7-figure salaries, I’d almost feel sorry for the guy.


  5. OrlandoDawg

    Do they have the 3rd Stooge lined up yet?


  6. Dog in Fla

    “The relationship and trust factor that we have in each other that was built over many years, it’s one reason it was attractive to come to Tennessee.”

    Johnny Majors thinks this is a brilliant idea

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