Today, in bungled metaphors

Regardless where you find yourself on the political scale, you ought to recognize this as the kind of moronic quote you get from politicians who don’t follow sports closely, but try to act like they do.



Filed under Political Wankery

38 responses to “Today, in bungled metaphors

  1. Bulldog Joe

    In Canada, they award points for that.


  2. Reipar

    Reggie Davis might run it out.


  3. Dylan Dreyer's Booty

    Well, at least he didn’t say something like punt the ball for a home run. 8)


  4. Jt (the other one)



  5. Derek

    In fairness, it’s possible that Molly didn’t hear correctly and added the “n.” It could have been “put” and then the sentence makes sense not withstanding that the “end zone” is really after both houses deal with it and its ready to be signed into law.

    Reince does talk like he’s had 4 martinis and a mouthful of marbles.


  6. Biggus Rickus

    I would be happy to accept a six figure salary to become their staff sports metaphor consultant.


  7. Former Fan

    LOL! Now that’s funny. My first thought was it was probably a typo where “put” was meant instead of “punt”. Still funny though.


  8. Russ

    That’s about as stupid as a football bat.


  9. Hogbody Spradlin

    I keek a touchdown for you!


  10. 202dawg

    Ha, this is funnier still because Molly Hooper is on my old tennis team here in DC.


  11. WH

    Corrected quote: “The president stepped up and helped PUNCH the ball into the end zone.”


  12. WH

    So, possibly a misquote from a journalist who doesn’t follow sports closely.


  13. This will probably be pretty civil….


  14. Don in Mar-a-Lago

    Once I was emerging from the GOP cloakroom after going in through the out door. That’s not the only thing that’s been punched in there. Now watch this drive.


  15. doofusdawg

    Don’t worry Senator. I’m sure when the leftists take over for good in this country you will be able to walk away from your blog because there really won’t be anything else to talk about regarding college football… with all the concussions and labor regulations you know. And if you are implying that the left in this country is more knowledgeable about football than the right then you are too far gone to debate. But hey… if you can utilize a coed in your attempt to reclaim the metaphoric football domain then knock yourself out.

    Just when I thought we were making progress.


    • I just thought the quote was stupid.

      I didn’t realize that football knowledge has a political bent. The things I learn here.


      • doofusdawg

        And my response was too. Apologize. But I did see where the reporter misquoted him… evidently everybody ran with it to make him look bad. More fake news.


      • Walt

        He doesn’t call himself doofus for nothing.


    • ASEF

      It would help if the word “leftist” didn’t keep growing to include the likes of John Boehner, Paul Ryan, Eric Cantor, preexisting conditions, the Pope, etc. All disciples of Mao and Stalin, amiright?


  16. Normaltown Mike

    you have to tip your hand at her.


  17. And Derek wins for most reasonable and even handed political comment. (Turns out he was right). WTF! Things are getting weird here at GTP.
