Today, in understatement

Ladies and gentlemen, our athletic director on the state of the state:

But don’t worry.  Mr. Accountability is on the mother.



UPDATE:  Marked improvements… starting… now.


Filed under Georgia Football

33 responses to “Today, in understatement

  1. Russ


    Or we won’t see it. Either way, please send in your checks.


  2. John Denver is full of shit...


  3. He is in total CYA mode at this point. The Directors Cup finish isn’t going to be good, and there’s really only one place to point the finger of blame.


    • gastr1

      Right…directly at all of those facilities improvements that cost the reserve fund so much money. Amazing, I tell you, that we’ve not taken on any debt. That’s the real story here, dagnabit.


    • Irwin R. Fletcher

      First time in two decades out of the top 20 of the directors cup.


  4. aladawg

    or we’ll have to raise ticket prices and donation levels some more so I can build the reserve fund in case we get better.


  5. Greg

    Good….at least he is acknowledging it. If he does not have “marked improvements”, his future should not be a surprise. His statements sets up perfectly, get it done or move out of the way……


  6. I just want to get this right: our baseball record under Strickland is under .500 with 0 NCAA appearances, but somehow on the ride home from Hoover the AD didn’t come to the conclusion to do something about baseball?

    I guessing sweeping Tech carries some momentum?


    • Well played … or the benefactor of the baseball coach’s salary told him not to do a darn thing.


      • Bulldog Joe

        Correct. Can’t risk bringing in someone we would actually have to pay.

        Same thing with the Athletic Director.

        Safest jobs in the country.


    • Greg

      WELL……at least he let a fellow go who had a .740 career win percent, he has that going for him. No more mediocrity………


    • Gaskilldawg

      Not in November 2015. I understand the reasoning in the firing in 2015. I understand the reasoning in retaining the coach in 2017. I just don’t understand how one guy can have the conflicting rationales to buy into both conclusions.


  7. Silver Britches

    “Let us not be distracted by those who attempt to divide us. We must be united and stronger than ever before to help move our athletic program forward.”

    Our athletic director, ladies and gentlemen.


    • Bulldog Joe

      ““I feel confident you will see marked improvements in several sports in the future….”

      “…if you just get your contributions in before the end of the month.”

      “Onward together.”


  8. Mark Fox, Georgia Way advocate

    I’ve been told by numerous folks that I’ll need at least 6-8 more years to get the program going.


  9. JCDAWG83

    Be careful wishing to get rid of McGarity. His replacement will probably be Karla Williams. Nothing would say ” we are a tolerant, inclusive, politically correct university” like hiring the first black woman as an AD at an SEC school. If she were also a gay transgender she would already have the job.

    Liked by 1 person

    • 86BONE

      You NAILED it!!


    • Chickamona

      How about instead you just say she shouldn’t get the job because she has worked under McGarity and might not have fresh ideas, instead of making it about her race/gender or a bizarre shot at transgenders.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Bulldog Joe

      She will get the job because she was groomed in the financial corruption of The Georgia Way, not because of that other shit.

      No experienced Athletic Director would accept having that much money skimmed from his or her program AND suffer the indignity of having to lie about it.

      For this reason, the next athletic director will have to come from within the building.


  10. Bright Idea

    Football needs not only to get to ATL but win the damn game or McGarity will still be stuck in “splainin'” mode. Only an SEC championship is going to create enough of a distraction from these doldrums and football is the only major sport that is even remotely close and that’s debatable. More pressure on Kirby this season than was ever on Richt simply because the entire program is so bad. McGarity doesn’t just need some good news, he needs some great news.


  11. Chi-town Dawg

    “I feel confident you will see marked improvements in several sports in the future….”

    Like any good politician, he just doesn’t tell us how long into the future we’ll have to wait for those marked improvements.


  12. Spike

    Striklin? He’s the first the first one who ought to have his ass run off from there. Plus, he’s a prick to boot..


  13. Hillbilly Dawg

    Illustration of diggIng ones own grave.


  14. Athens Dog

    The Georgia way Shame.
