If you can only win one game against Auburn…

They picked the right one to win.


Filed under Georgia Football

152 responses to “If you can only win one game against Auburn…

  1. Dolly Llama

    OMG I love everybody!

    Liked by 6 people

  2. dawgtired

    SEC Champs!!! Congrats Dawgs! Congrats Kirby! Congrats Chubb, 2nd only to Hershel! Man this feels good. Go Dawgs!

    Liked by 3 people

  3. An indelible 2nd Half smackdown! And oddly I felt it all coming, naturally. That Gawddamn D was like a beartrap thru the 2nd Half! I LOVE this team.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Fuck Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Scorpio Jones, III

    Thank you God.

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  6. Scorpio Jones, III

    Nothing quite like Gus with that deer in the headlights look….makin plans for Fayetteville, no doubt.

    Liked by 6 people

  7. Scorpio Jones, III

    This Georgie team is a pretty good team. (cue Bobby Dodd accent)

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Bulldog Joe

    We kicked the dog outta them. Dilly dilly.

    Liked by 4 people

  9. MurphDawg

    Hell Yeah!!!!!

    Well deserved victory, let’s all party responsibly.

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  10. I love each and every one of you.

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  11. PatinDC

    DGD’s. Woof Woof

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  12. ChiliDawg

    We got over the hump

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Debby Balce

    Amen and Amen. It’s great to be a GEORGIA BULLDOG!!

    Liked by 2 people

  14. Cpark58

    its great….to be….a Georgia Bulldog!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Kirel13

    Thanks for sticking through the hard times senator….sweet pay off….

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  17. PTC DAWG

    I been telling y’all since last year…

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Granthams replacement

    Hell fucking yea. To quote ric flair wooooooooooooooooooooooooooool

    Liked by 2 people

  19. Tronan

    Finally! It has been too damn long.

    What impressed me most about today was how we ground them down. By the middle of the 3rd quarter, the Barners were tumbling like dominoes on both sides of the line.

    Liked by 4 people

  20. D as in Dawg

    What’s that witnessed on the screen?
    A damn good SEC Championship team.
    There’s nothing left for a Dawg to do,
    But win a playoff game or two!

    Liked by 2 people

  21. Mark

    Glad to share this with all of you. It’s been a pleasure.

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Mayor

    Congrats to the Dawgs!!! SEC Champions!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  23. stuckinred

    I was at the beach fishing last week when a couple walked by and we shit the shit a bit. Auburn-UGA came up and this woman just went off drooling about “We kicked your ass and I WAS THERE”. I wish i’d gotten her number.

    Liked by 2 people

  24. dawgtired

    Shouldn’t we get special consideration in the rankings since we beat Auburn AND the refs?

    Liked by 5 people

  25. 1smartdude

    Beat the tiger crap out of em, didn’t we?

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  26. ApalachDawg

    Order is restored!

    Liked by 3 people

  27. playmakers in space


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  28. playmakers in space

    The Seniors Who Returned are Legends.

    Liked by 4 people

  29. ViewsfromtheSouth


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  30. Ha ha, 40-17 literally meaningless. Have fun back in the ATL for the Peach Bowl you stupid motherfuckers!!

    Gus to Arkansas!

    Liked by 2 people

  31. PTC DAWG

    I told y’all…

    Liked by 1 person

  32. Aladawg

    See my moniker. It’s going to be damned nice to go home to Alabama Go Dawgs!

    Liked by 1 person

  33. AusDawg85

    Auburn Part 1 was a throwaway. Part Deux was the setup.

    I told y’all…that Kirby is a sly one!

    Liked by 2 people

  34. Russ

    Great game called by Chaney. We need to keep that game plan. I think we’ll need it in the future.

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    • dawgtired

      Kirby and staff got the 2nd chance to figure out how to stop Auburn’s passing game. There will be no 2nd chances here on out. If we play OU, we better figure a way to stop Mayfield from the get-go.

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    • Cosmic Dawg

      My only coaching quibble is that we consider 4th down as exclusively a kicking down. Oklahoma can score points by the buckets. If we don’t have the confidence to go for it more often on 4th and short it’s a real disadvantage, imho. Operative word there is quibble, but we gave Auburn new life with punts last night, and if not for a couple of turnovers from Carter and Sanders could have kept them in tbe game…


  35. Smokey Joe Wood

    Tonight was the reason we moved from Rich5 to Smart. To win these games. Here’s to 2 more!!

    Liked by 1 person

  36. DawgFlan

    Umm, excuse me, but I seem to have misplaced the lid of this program. Apparently it has been knocked off. Anyone seen it? Just asking.. don’t really want it back.

    Liked by 4 people

  37. Thatguy

    Literally every UGA fan from now til New Year’s Eve –

    Myself gladly included. Go Dawgs!

    Liked by 4 people

  38. JG Shellnutt

    Well, dadgum. That was awesome. Didn’t think we’d beat the refs. Didn’t know I had no voice left until I walked out of the stadium.

    Liked by 3 people

  39. stuckinred

    How come the facemark on the Aubby punt didn’t give them a 1st down?

    Liked by 1 person

  40. Stumpy Pepys

    I don’t uh…I don’t care for Auburn!

    Liked by 1 person

  41. Got Cowdog

    And I’m having one thousand “Shut up, Gary” bumper stickers made and bringing them to Th the GTP tailgate next year. FGD and go Dawgs!

    Liked by 2 people

  42. Hams

    the coyotes are hootin’ it up in wolfskin tonight.

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  43. No One Knows You're a Dawg

    As TN Dawg wrote earlier, glad Cheney finally started reading the comments here.

    Good job, fellow GTPers. Cigars all around!

    Liked by 3 people

  44. ElectroM

    Great day to be a Dawg. Congrats to Kirby and the team, especially our magnificent Seniors.

    Liked by 1 person

  45. Jared S.

    Go Dawgs!

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  46. greg63

    OK…lose to the barn to give em’ hope, and beat the shit out of them to ruin it. Hollywood script.

    Liked by 3 people

  47. I like driving in trucks.

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  48. Revenge at the Benz. I AM SO HAPPY!!!!

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  49. Holy lord, does Wisconsin look awful.

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  50. Normaltown Mike

    What a great win over the boys in stripes…oh, Auburn too.

    Liked by 3 people

  51. Biggus Rickus

    And to think that if not for some horseshit calls, the score could have been worse. Glory, glory to ol’ Georgia.

    Liked by 4 people

  52. truck

    It hasn’t sunk in yet and may not til tomorrow. Completely numb!

    Liked by 1 person

  53. ElectroM

    Did anybody see Jacob Eason on the sideline tonight? I just saw a photo of Malik Herring wearing #10 jersey. Isn’t that the number Eason has been wearing?

    Liked by 1 person

  54. AusDawg85

    There is some big fish dude in Vegas that got it right with his line moving bet this morning. Thought it was Barkley, but now convinced it was either Greg Sankey or Steve Shaw.

    Liked by 1 person

  55. PatinDC

    My Scorecard:
    Defense A+
    Offense A+
    Special Teams A+
    Coaching A+
    Overall : SEC Champs!!!

    Liked by 2 people

  56. I want a chance to beat the brakes off Clemson.

    Liked by 3 people

  57. Parent

    And I think Paul Johnson just turned down the UT job.

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  58. Nashville West

    All of us here on the left coast are lovin this. I hate Auburn, those bastards ripped out chunks of the hedges in 1979 and I still hate em for it. It’s a great day to be a Dawg on the left coast!! God bless the seniors who came back for this.

    Liked by 4 people

  59. Did I mention I’m happy? Cuz I really happy. So so happy. What an amazing night. This was frickin great.

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  60. Stephen Chaudoin

    That was so much fun. It was a closer game than the final score indicates. Dawgs got the huge turnovers at crucial times. Eliminate those penalties, focus in practice while Mayfield practices his Heisman speech for the next few weeks, and take another huge step to start 2018.

    Go Dawgs, and extra bourbon for the GTP community!

    Liked by 2 people

  61. Derek

    I love everyone tonight! Even the idiots!

    Liked by 3 people

  62. Mike Cooley

    I love you all. SEC Champs! Screw Gus. Screw their asshole fans. This is sweet. Thank you seniors. Man what a season!

    Liked by 1 person

  63. TMC DAWG

    The best win for UGA since Hershel aganist Notre DAme. This is frickin great!

    Liked by 1 person

  64. This has been a season full of redemption that came full circle today. I even wore my Aaron Murray autographed Nike polo in hopes of bringing a little luck and redemption for our last SECC trip.

    Really amazing how this staff and team didn’t let that shit roughing the passer call affect them like it did most Georgia fans in MBS. We could have easily gone down 14-0 but we didn’t. We used that as a tool and we know what happened after. Don’t know if they showed it on tv, and some Georgia fans were leaving, but Roquan Smith had a really nice speech after getting his MVP trophy.
    Really really great job by the staff to make the necessary adjustments from the last Auburn game through tonight. Hell…the adjustments from the first half to the second were on point. We didn’t keep pounding Chubb up the gut and we didn’t keep having Fromm doing 7 step drops. Fromm had an amazing game. He spread the ball around, protected the ball, and made great choices. The moment wasn’t too much for him. What a game, what a season…and it’s not over yet!

    Liked by 3 people

  65. Cojones

    Yea! for that O-line keeping Fromme clean enough to toss over 70% completions.

    Anyone near Fromme ; please slip him $250 for ice cream.

    Liked by 2 people

  66. ugafidelis

    I’m as sober as Noah in the tent… But it’s damn great to see so many happy Dawg fans!

    No matter where we go from here; we won the SEC and that’s all that matters right now!!

    Liked by 3 people

  67. Hunkering Hank

    Man Nick Sabah is on espn just begging.

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  68. Hunkering Hank

    Man Nick Sabah is on espn just begging.

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  69. ChiliDawg

    Guys…. we popped the MB’s cherry. First championship won.

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  70. Erk's Forehead

    This one feels extra special. Go Dawgs! I don’t care what happens next. #13. And we’ll win another one before Tenn, so we”ll claim sole possession of 2nd most SEC titles.


  71. It’s great… to be… a Georgia Bulldog…

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  72. Well, time to go to bed. What a night! Right now I am thinking about how those cheating bastards tried to kill Murray in 2010. Ripping their hearts out tonight sure feels sweet. No reason why we can’t go all the way.

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  73. 3rdandGrantham

    Really disappointed in our OLB and S play last night. We were lucky and will get exposed vs OU no doubt. I’m glad AU was banged up, otherwise they would have embarrassed us again. Thought the play calling was blah.

    Just kidding of course, though it wouldn’t surprise me to see several of these kinds of posts in the days ahead from a few of our more pessimistic types. We are now playing with house money, so let’s enjoy it and not worry about who we play, who else gets in, etc.

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    • Biggus Rickus

      I’m just glad Georgia won the SEC, and I couldn’t be happier for the guys who returned for that reason.. A national title for me is always just gravy and not something to get too worried about. I do think Georgia has a legitimate chance to win it, but there’s no shame if they end up losing to Oklahoma or Clemson.

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  74. WarD Eagle

    That was a whoopin’ UGA schemed and delivered a whale of a game.

    Got the LBs free to make plays, executed well, even made up for some bad plays/decisions.

    You guys couldn’t have asked for better on a bigger stage.

    Also, Swift appears to be built to make you forget Chubb/Michel.

    Congrats on the win, revenge, and an SEC Championship!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  75. Cuzfuzz

    Lost in all this is this being Dantzlers “throwaway season”.


  76. If I remember correctly, he had Florida winning the east again.


  77. Uglydawg

    Thus will border on sacrilege, but the case can be made that Nick Chubb and Sony Michelle are THE GREATEST DAWGS of all time. Yes, HW had all the talent in the world and is wonderful..but look what NC overcame..and what he gave. He came back and bought some other huge pieces of the senior class with him. Without him, who knows? He may be a small step below HW in raw talent, but what he has given in devotion and effort are unmatched by anyone. Either way, he’s right up there with the greatest there’s ever been! AND what an example he’s left for Holyfield and the other young’uns.

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  78. W Cobb Dawg

    Awesome win! I had a case of the jitters before this game that woulda made coffee nervous. My feet are almost back to earth. This was a huge, earth-shaking win!

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  79. Serious question though: anyone seen Derek Dooley 2.0 around?


    • Ha, I could name a few others as well that are will be notably absent. Only one I wil call out is charlottedawg who on Friday may have posted the single most wussy comment I have ever read on here. Can’t belive a grown man actually thinks like this (scroll up a wee bit).

      The sad poetry of “one game away”

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      • sniffer

        I have serious doubts about charlottes ties to the university and his judgment in general.
        It has lived in a region that simply doesn’t know football and it may have been influenced by that ignorance. It has long been the wimpering voice of sadness, despair and gloom. It will find something negative to say about the CFP Championship the day it happens. Engage it if you will. You won’t be better for it.


  80. Spike

    Thanks Dawgs! What grit and heart! What a night..


  81. If you are the Heisman guys, you got to at least put up a front to pretend that you watch football. You invite Roquan.


  82. Look at the outcome of just two games on Saturday and the reason CAR got the boot and CKS was brought in becomes clear as the nose on your face. Thank goodness for CMS. GO DAWGS!


  83. hooper

    What a night!!!! My first trip to MBS couldn’t have played out better if James Cameron had been the director!!!!!!
