Montana is just a state of mind.

It’s good to know we Dawg fans remain on Stewart Mandel’s mind.  Dial up the latest edition of The Audible with Stew & Bruce, starting at the 38-minute mark (listen very carefully at the 46-minute mark) for evidence of that.

It’s nice to be loved. (h/t)


Filed under Georgia Football, Media Punditry/Foibles

17 responses to “Montana is just a state of mind.

  1. HR

    Auburn is number 10 in the AP pre-season poll. Anybody think they’re gonna be that good?


    • Brandon

      History says no, Auburn is almost positively Falcons-esqe when it comes to the rarity of stringing together consecutive good seasons.


    • Bulldog Joe

      Auburn doesn’t often win on the road, except in College Station.

      They play the Aggies at home this season. So, no.


  2. 3rdandGrantham

    No. They will have a typical 8-5 type of season and end up barely ranked in the end.


  3. Edawg

    Is one of these guys on the shitter ??


  4. 3rdandGrantham

    So Stewart Mandel would take FSU, Nebraska, and Oklahoma over us. He mentioned earlier in the podcast how ratings and overall following is an important factor in the equation, so he chooses a school like Nebraska, with their 1.8 million state population and is no longer a national power – who also can’t get top recruits to even sniff their campus – over a UGA school with 10 million in population and one of the largest media markets in the country. Oh yea, UGA has access to one of the absolute best talent bases to pull from anywhere in the U.S. Not to mention that FSU is the redheaded stepchild to UF in their own state, and OU also is in flyover country who must recruit nationally in order to sustain their program.

    I mean, the bias being shown there is so blatant, even Tom Luginbill would tell Stewart to act more professionally.


    • Sanford222view

      Mandel selected three programs still living off past glory/brand and haven’t made it back yet. Texas and Penn State and close but I guess TV ratings had a large impact on the selections. Whatever the criteria being used were, choosing Nebraska over Georgia, Oklahoma, and Clemson is ridiculous. Nebraska is not a national pull and, in today’s football landscape, isn’t likely to make it back to any prominence. That is a more difficult situation than Tennessee.


  5. Russ

    Somebody please tell me the punch line. I couldn’t listen to that for more than 15 seconds.

    And no, Auburn won’t be any good this year.


  6. Uglydawg

    SM is as dumb as a worm.


  7. Castleberry

    If there was a draft of college football information sources, Get the Picture is my top pick.


  8. 202dawg

    Gawd, that is painful to listen to.


  9. ugafidelis

    A Dawg must have stole his girlfriend back in the day. That’s some first class trolling right there.


  10. DawgPhan

    National podcast that just hired a full time georgia beat writer offers glowing praises the dawgs. UGA fans super bitter about it.

    In other news. Sky is blue and water is wet.
