Your 3.4.20 Playpen

Today’s Playpen is a twofer.

On the Georgia front, congrats go to Georgia’s men’s tennis coach for a remarkable achievement.

He’s had a helluva career, both playing and coaching, for the red and black.

And on the political front, this one had me chuckling after last night’s results.

I guess Trump was right.  A lot of people are tired of all the winning.

Have at it in the comments.


Filed under GTP Stuff

199 responses to “Your 3.4.20 Playpen

  1. dawgxian

    Ignore? Have they not watched the news? “Listen farmer—“, “Dirty, horse faced liar”, “err something about to be self evident”, “150M American gun deaths” and that’s all from just the past 3 weeks!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Making an issue out of gaffes ought to be a real winning strategy on your side… LOL.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Derek

        It matters when THEY do it!


        They have standards. Those standards matter to them. They just don’t APPLY to them.


        • ugafidelis

          “It matters when THEY do it!


          “Making an issue out of gaffes ought to be a real winning strategy on your side… LOL.”


      • ugafidelis

        It’ll be fun watching the left making fun of the right making fun of the left.


        • Derek

          Perhaps a majority of Americans will simply vote against treason and Putin.

          Liked by 2 people

            • Derek

              Amplifying Russian propaganda is treason.

              Denying the truth that russia committed an act of war within our borders is treason.

              Accepting Russia campaign help and telling no one is treason.

              Leveraging an ally for the benefit of yourself and putin is treason.

              People that support the above are traitors.

              Liked by 1 person

              • spur21

                Who did that?


              • Posting this drivel proves you are an ignorant snowflake.


              • Faulkner

                You’ve been banging that drum for months. Still waiting for proof that the Russians were involved in hacking the DNC and helping trump. Mueller and his attack dogs couldn’t find anything but still you say they did it. What info are you privy to that nobody else is? I’m also interested on your take of a sitting president and members of the DOJ/FBI lieing to the FISA court so they could spy on the campaign. Not to mention using British and Italian intelligence services to help. Isn’t that treason?


    • BuffaloSpringfield

      When do we get over this presidential garbage and get down to where the rubber meets the road. I think perhaps we should be voting on the most influential lobbyists. Is it the insurances, pharmaceuticals or health care who will win. These are the actual players and the puppets we think we vote for are mere pawns on the game.
      Trump seems to be a more Jack outta The Box where he has to reigned in or the loose cannon that fires the most. Biden on the other hand can’t put two sentences back to back without biting off a finger.
      Essentially it seems since the 70’s there has not been much of a choice. Basically who ever has the most wins the most. Presently the question if you were the president owner of a baseball team why ya want to run the country. Your great grand children’s children got have it made before you rest. As many of the Top 1% are doing. C.E.O’s, Hedgefund marketeers, etc.
      Definitive point Mayor Mike ( running in New York as a Republican and then crossing the street to the Democrats to run for a President ) defeated the presumptive idea that who has the most end. Perhaps the demographics of the country come into play since WeThe People have yet to vote in a Lady, person of Jewish decent or of The Rainbow Coalition.
      Perhaps a time such Is needed as the in “the Gilded Age” the first Democrat elected after the Civil War but failed in his second term only to be elected in his third attempt. He chose for government to not interfere in the lowest part of the nations economy leading to his loss and hence election for a third term. Do nothing say nothing democracy. Might just be better than the war of Fox, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS and NBC.
      During “the Gilded age” there were their cotton mills that made our own socks and jeans, paper plants, factories that kept the middle class humming instead we have pharmaceuticals corporations that make our meds in China. Mean while at your local Walmart you will see shelves emptied because our supply train has basically been shredded from C-19 virus complications. We are basically a economy which is in a plane with no pilot except our Wall Street entourage.
      There is no choice. In Joe we have a candidate that you’ll not hear from in week and in Trump you will hear every day. We will get tired of winning.


  2. dawgxian

    Making him run is elder abuse


  3. Hogbody Spradlin

    “Can ignore”? I wish I could, but whoever it is, Biden, Trump, or Bernie, can do so much damage. Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.


  4. FlyingPeakDawg

    Incredibly, it appears only the Dems can get Trump re-elected and only Trump can get a Democrat elected.


    • Yesterday confirmed what an awful choice Hilary Clinton was as a Presidential candidate.

      Liked by 3 people

      • Hogbody Spradlin

        There are certain politicians who just lose votes every time they open their mouth. Hilary raised that skill to a new level.


      • Reverend Whitewall

        I was talking with my friends yesterday (we all lean right, but for the most part are more moderate), and I think Biden would have beaten Trump fairly easily 4 years ago. However, this go ‘round, unless the economy tanks in the next 6 months, I don’t see it happening.

        And yes, I think we can call it as Biden vs Trump. Even if Bernie surges late, the DNC and the superdelegates are not going to allow him to win.


        • Honestly, after the last four years, I don’t know how anyone can be sure of anything in American politics these days.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Classic City Canine

          Joe definitely should have run in 2016. I wonder if he got talked out of it to clear the way for the supposedly inevitable coronation of Hillary.


        • chopdawg

          Trump doesn’t want my vote. He told me so, in this tweet from last October:

          “The Never Trumper Republicans, though on respirators with not many left, are in certain ways worse and more dangerous for our Country than the Do Nothing Democrats,” Trump tweeted Thursday. “Watch out for them, they are human scum!”

          Hard to vote for anybody who thinks you’re human scum, IMO.

          Liked by 1 person

  5. FisheriesDawg

    I am far less despondent about this election than I was a week ago. The idea of a Trump/Sanders election was terrifying. I’ve said since he announced that I can’t vote for Trump, but that one might have forced my hand. Sanders’ ideology, which killed hundreds of millions in the 20th century, is truly dangerous.

    I now plan to pull a D ballot for the first time in my life in two weeks and the choice is finally clear. Glad Biden rebounded. I was open to Klobuchar, but the rest of that field gave me the willies for one reason or another (I am a conservative, after all).

    Liked by 2 people

    • SpellDawg

      Yes, the scourge of Healthcare for All shall forever be a stain on the 20th century.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Derek

        I’d feel better if Sanders had honeymooned in Copenhagen.

        I am supportive of the Western European democratic socialist perspective.

        The Stalinists approach to socialism? Not so much. There is a big gap between those views and any of yesterday’s soviet sympathizers are as suspect to me as current day putin apologists are.

        At least it appears that Putin will only have one candidate running in the fall now.

        Liked by 1 person

        • sniffer

          I am supportive of the Western European democratic socialist perspective.

          Until immigration changed the mix, social programming worked well. Homogeneous societies who follow the rules benefit greatly from cradle to grave benefits. America is not homogeneous and we don’t play by the rules. I can’t think of a successful startup from Scandinavia in the last thirty years. No incentive. The same follows for Europe in general.


      • FisheriesDawg

        That’s all well and good until you end up in a gulag.

        Don’t believe Bernie when he says he wants Scandinavia. He’s lying out of political expediency. Scandinavian countries have robust capitalist economies with plenty of millionaires and billionaires. If you truly listen to Bernie speak, you’ll hear the true believing Marxist in his words; those folks don’t run Denmark. Moreover, if you go back and listen to the things he has said about some of the most brutal regimes in the world back when he didn’t have to play politics, it’s clear he doesn’t have much problem with the darker elements of Marxist ideology when it is put into practice. Now, do I believe that America would have gulags under a President Sanders? Nope, we’ve got too many institutional roadblocks for him to do that (same things that have kept Trump from going full tinpot dictator). But I doubt Sanders would have any issue building them if he could, and that alone tells me it’s important to keep him as far away from the levers of executive power as possible.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Moreover, if you go back and listen to the things he has said about some of the most brutal regimes in the world…

          Cool. Now do Trump.

          Liked by 4 people

          • Mike Cooley

            What is it you cool kids call what you just did, whataboutism?


            • Nope. Just sayin’ if that bugs you, be consistent about it.


              • Mike Cooley

                None of it really bugs me. Just pointing out the stupidity of that made up word and concept. I absolutely think hypocrisy deserves to be called out but it ain’t a one way street. I’m not gonna vote for Biden but I in no way think he hates this country like Bernie does. I don’t watch the news (I get my news from Reuters) and I’m not on social media at all unless this counts. So other than hoping Bernie doesn’t get in I’m not worried about it one way or the other. It’s a slow day at work and I’m bored.


          • FisheriesDawg

            “Cool. Now do Trump.”

            Happily. Trump’s inability to say anything critical about Vladimir Putin is very concerning. His bromance with Kim Jong Un is gross and shows he has no clue what that regime is all about or just doesn’t care. His jealousy of Xi’s unilateral power and lack of Constitutional constraints shows up in flashing red lights every time he talks about him. He’s unwilling to say one bad thing about Erdogan while he destroys what was one of the true democratic bright spots in the Muslim world since WWII. And he’s blatantly dismissive of the consensus Western order that has led to an era of massive prosperity and freedom in the last half-century or so.

            In short, not only is he ideologically unfit for the job, at least as much as he has any ideology beyond that which makes himself or his family richer, he’s ignorant of the history behind a huge chunk of global politics and is completely disinterested in learning why the status quo became the status quo.

            That about cover it?

            Liked by 2 people

          • Just here for the laughs

            Short memory you have there….

            Senator Blutarsky
            March 4, 2020 at 6:58 AM
            Like Trump’s a real spring chicken.

            If all you’ve got is “your guy is too”, you don’t have much.

            Liked by 1 person

          • Napoleon BonerFart

            I think it’s possible to differentiate between leaving dictators to dictate, and agitating to adopt dictatorial policies in the USA. Just sayin.


        • Derek

          There is a huge gap between using the proceeds of capitalism to further the interests of the population and create opportunities for the next generation and an ideology that believes that capitalism is inherently evil.

          In short, Havana is not Stockholm.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Napoleon BonerFart

            Not such a gap. Once people subscribe to the notion that what’s mine is mine and what’s yours is mine, we’re just haggling over amounts.

            What’s even worse is when children are brainwashed to believe that extorting money from one’s neighbor isn’t just expedient, it’s a moral imperative. Then all bets are off.

            Liked by 2 people

        • SpellDawg

          Honest question, at what point in the progress of our civilization do we start providing basic healthcare? Will we be zipping back and forth from Mars and still have people who can’t afford to go to the doctor? It’s a dystopian dream, this cringing from anything that expands basic services to all citizens. McCarthyism didn’t die, the people who lived through it did.

          Liked by 1 person

          • dawgxian

            Sweden has been moving away from socialism in recent decades


          • ugafidelis

            Here ya go boss.


          • Napoleon BonerFart

            Honest question. Why do you feel entitled to the labor of healthcare workers? Personally, I don’t feel entitled to the labor of anyone, unless he freely contracts with me. It doesn’t matter if the man is a builder, a tailor, a programmer, or a doctor.

            Why should some professions be entitled to contract freely, but not others? Or do you believe that people should be entitled to the labor of those in ALL professions?

            Liked by 2 people

            • SpellDawg

              That’s quite the leap, how do you get to forced-labor from my question? Do you think the healthcare workers/hospitals of today are free from negotiating rates with for-profit insurers? Is Medicare forcing doctors to work for free and I missed it?


              • Napoleon BonerFart

                It’s no leap at all. If you change the healthcare market to one of a single payer (the government), then there is no longer a marketplace. The government dictates the services that will be provided, and dictates the compensation to those providing the services. Doctors can’t take their services to other buyers because other buyers have been outlawed.

                Yes, currently healthcare professionals are free to negotiate with insurers. And sometimes they change associations. They go in network, or out of network. They have options. And that’s good. Taking away their options is bad. Have you ever tried negotiating with the government? Is freedom so scary that we need the government to save us from it?

                Yes, currently Medicare is a disaster. In my area, most doctors won’t accept new patients on Medicare. If you’re currently a patient and you transition to Medicare, they will continue treating you. But they lose money. So putting everyone on Medicare and forcing doctors to lose money on everyone isn’t a very good economic plan. And that’s disregarding the morality of restricting the freedom of healthcare professionals.

                But you’ve avoided my question. Food is an important need. Just as important as healthcare. Do you think we should use the government to take over the food industry? No more competition in grocery stores, just build a government food pantry next to the post office in every town? Stop farmers from being able to contract with grocery stores and force them to grow what politicians demand at the prices politicians dictate? Bernie is on record praising the breadlines of socialist countries. Do you agree with him?


      • Napoleon BonerFart

        Here’s a photo of Cubans fleeing the universal healthcare and outstanding literacy program of their country for the evils of capitalism.

        Liked by 2 people

        • Cool. Now do any Scandinavian country.

          This whole “Cuba and Venezuela are proof!” argument is really stupid.


          • Napoleon BonerFart

            I’ve already addressed Scandinavian policies. Use economic freedom to build great wealth, then adopt socialist policies to drain that wealth, and you still end up with some wealth. For a while.

            This whole “Sweden is proof!” argument is really stupid.

            Liked by 1 person

        • ETDF

          That’s pretty damn impressive. It looks like they learned something. Question is, will it make it back to Cuba bc the border is closed baby! Why would you not want folks with that kind of ingenuity in this country?


    • Mike Cooley

      I will never vote Democrat but I don’t think Biden as president would be anything we couldn’t survive. Bernie on the other hand… But I never for one second believed the Democrats were going to let Bernie be the nominee.


  6. Kevin

    Other than higher taxes for everyone, and free health care for illegals, what does Joe Biden stand for? I honestly cannot tell when he talks.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Derek

      Fortunately for you someone wrote it down. From last night:

      “Let’s get something straight. Wall Street didn’t build this country. You built this country. The middle class built this country. And unions built the middle class. In the neighborhood we come from — [ booing ] [ chanting let’s go, joe ] look, the middle class is getting clobbered. The middle class is getting clobbered.”

      Scary huh?


      • FlyingPeakDawg

        You’re the guy personally touting he shorted the market to make money. Since that’s all profit may we assume you will voluntarily pay 50% of that to the IRS and the other 50% to charities helping immigrants cross the border? You’ll still have what you started with. Clearly others made that possible for you. Lead by example please.

        I love people ranting about the wealthy while tweeting on their iPhone driving their Tesla. How DO those Silicon Valley punks get so rich?


        • Derek

          I hope to do it again real soon.


        • Jim

          Like many liberals, he’ll happily spend your money on that stuff, not his. Too busy being morally superior and embracing the party of tolerance (right up until a conservative disagrees with them)

          It will be fun to watch another melt down when trump wins again. My taxes will stay low and my guns will stay in my possession. Come to think of it, I may just go out and buy and assault rifle for the hell of it

          Liked by 2 people

          • Will (the other one)

            Nah, it’s going to be Bernie. We’re going to tear the wall down, seize all the guns, and melt them both down into a giant statue of Castro where the Washington monument used to be. ANTIFA supersoldiers are bulletproof, so you can’t stop them.


            • Derek

              And do it with mexican transsexual muslims who disregard bathroom signage.

              Be afraid. Be very afraid.

              The only thing we have to fear is not watching Fox News and shitting ourselves!!


          • Derek

            I’d say I’m a significant deficit in terms of what i pay and what i get.

            But as an american who has benefited wildly from being born here I don’t complain about paying taxes.

            Nor do i support people who are rich enough to defraud the US draft board. As a traitor, I’m sure you support fake bone spurs guy as your ideal.

            My heroes didn’t lie themselves out of service to the country.

            I get that traitors have a different viewpoint.


            • Napoleon BonerFart

              Bone spurs are where we draw the line. Bill Clinton using his uncle’s connections and then pretending to sign up for ROTC is patriotic. Joe Biden, who played football and baseball in high school and football in college, was physically unable to serve (obviously).

              The pinnacle of Democrat politician war heroes, John Kerry, has had books written about his exploits. That’s why his violations of the Logan Act should be ignored. Because muh war hero.

              Liked by 1 person

            • I served. 5 deployments. I’d dodge Vietnam draft too.


            • I see you call trump a traitor for having bone spurs during the Vietnam conflict. I notice you say nothing about the cowardly traitorous Joe Biden claiming he had asthma to escape the Vietnam conflict. What really sticks out is how much of a hypocrite you are.


              • Derek

                Actually I didn’t call him a traitor for his cowardice. I call him a traitor for denying russia’s intelligence operation vs. our elections. He values his own political ambitions over the security of our country, our elections and the credibility of our democracy. Thats why he is a traitor.

                And you are too if you ignore that reality and support treason.

                Is there evidence that Joe’s dad had a doctor write a false letter or did biden actually have asthma?


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  Anybody that doubts James Comey’s leaks about fraudulent fisa warrants is a traitor. For sure. And a Russian asset. It’s the greatest threat to freedom in history. It’s an act of war. Except when the USA does it. For sure.


        • Napoleon BonerFart

          You think charity is about voluntarily giving? What are you, a fascist? Charity is about using force to extort money from some people in order to give it to wealthy bureaucrats who pass it along to the sons of vice presidents, and other connected individuals. Eventually, if we’re very lucky, some of the extorted money trickles its way down to whatever nominal cause we support.

          It’s basic economics, dude.


      • ugafidelis

        “Middle class” brings in about 100k a year.

        Nearly everyone I see (and I live in poor ass Gadsden County, Florida) has a job, a home, a car, a phone, a dog, a nice ass TV, internet, a toy of some kind whether it be a boat or a UTV or something. Most people havre health insurance through their jobs. I read on here (which I’m assuming is mostly middle class) about season tickets, vacations to the 30A, trips abroad…

        How exactly is the middle class getting ‘”clobbered”?

        Liked by 1 person

      • Kevin

        I’m middle class, and not getting clobbered. Who’s getting clobbered? Typical democrat scare tactics from a 75 year old playbook. Please come up with something new and exciting.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Napoleon BonerFart

        Talk about your 21st century platform. Unions!


    • Will (the other one)

      I believe his actual plan is “make it 2009 again via science or magic”


  7. Mike Cooley

    If the people rallying behind Biden can’t admit they would be laughing to beat all hell at any Republican saying even half the stupid shit Biden says then they are as full of of shit as any politician.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Derek

      The other guy doesn’t say anything fucking stupid except:

      windmill cancer
      revolutionary war airports
      ram the manparts
      oranges of Mueller investigation
      Toledo mass shooting
      wettest hurricane from standpoint of water
      Tim Apple
      kidney has special place in heart
      moon is part of mars

      No one, except the president, is that fucktarded. You’re welcome to provide your own list of biden gaffes to compare or are you politician-level full of shit?

      Liked by 1 person

      • The Senator would have to get another server to handle the list of all the gaffes Biden has made. Im not a fan of Trump either , but Biden is a buffoon.

        Liked by 3 people

      • Mike Cooley

        You added two and two and came up with twenty two. Good job, Derek. I didn’t say Trump doesn’t say stupid shit. Of course he does. What I said was it’s funny to watch Democrat’s try and act like Biden’s stupid shit either isn’t stupid or is cute. Don’t be such a cheerleader man.

        Liked by 3 people

        • Derek

          Biden says stupid shit. It scares me in terms of it resulting in losing to a traitor in November. Happy?

          Imho, biden isn’t stupid. Trump is stupid. Trump is smart at manipulating his base. That’s about all he has. An effective con man does not an intellectual make.


          • Mike Cooley

            Never said either of them was smart or stupid. Most likely the reality is that neither is as stupid as the stupid shit they caught saying but neither is as smart as their supporters want to believe they are. When you have no allegiance to either it’s easy to see that. There are hard core lefties who will admit the Russia stuff was horse shit. And I don’t believe Biden hates this country but I do believe he’s full of shit about caring about the middle class. None of them care about the middle class and their actions prove it. But I don’t want politicians to solve my problems for me and I really don’t want them to even be able to do very much. As Col. Bruce Hampton said, “I’m basically frightened of politicians without hobbies.” He also said, “There’s no reality anymore. The world has become professional wrestling.” I won’t go quite that far but American politics is definitely professional wrestling. Only suckers think otherwise.


            • Andrew

              Amazing that you’ve not actually learned anything from either Col Bruce or DBT.


              • Mike Cooley

                Oh I have. I’ve learned good people can believe wrong headed ideas. Besides, unlike many here I’m able to disagree with someone and still see their good qualities. I’m not an all or nothing kind of guy?


              • 123fakest

                DBT suckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.


          • Welp thank goodness we’ve got your honest opinion.


          • Napoleon BonerFart

            Biden is objectively stupid. He graduated near the bottom of his class from Deleware, and again at Syracuse Law. He has habitually plagiarized content because that’s what dumb people do. Now, he’s dumb and old, so he slips and forgets things and gets tripped up.

            But if you honestly believe that Trump is a Russian spy, and so is Tulsi, and so are millions of other people, then Biden is much smarter than you are.

            Liked by 2 people

      • Jason

        Wait.. you forgot to put it into context..
        Self Proclaimed Genius Donald Trump..


      • Jim

        Have you not figured out yet that trump is held to a different standard than anyone else? This is a guy who slept with and paid off porn stars during the peak of “me too”, blatantly lies at every turn, was clearly complicit in Russia interference in the last election. And yet he is still president. What’s that tell you about how the country feels about the alternative?

        The irony will be thick when trump chastises creepy joe for all the creepy things he has done and it works, while Donald continues to proclaim “grab them by the pu**y!”


  8. Bulldog Joe

    Best way to honor Coach Diaz is to provide the indoor facility he and Coach Wallace deserve!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Russ

      I agree wholeheartedly. I read they upgraded the main stadium. Have you seen it and can you tell me how it is?

      Still can’t believe Diaz has passed Magill. I remember watching Manny play.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Bulldog Joe

        Yes. Main grandstand was replaced with a concrete superstructure featuring chairbacks in the lower section. Definitely an upgrade but still no grandstand replacement for the lower courts.

        Twitter gives some good views.


  9. HR

    Joe Biden: on this super bowl Sunday election just remember the words of our first president George Jefferson who said ask not what you can not ask but ask about our low financing offers.

    ABC News: Bloomberg has done it! He’s taken AMERICAN SAMOA!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Russ

    Thanks Senator. Congrats to Diaz. Never would have believed anyone could beat Dan Magill’s record. Six national championships and 15 SEC championship. A real damned good Dawg!

    And women’s coach Jeff Wallace has even more victories.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I think the Dems have handed four more years to Trump, who will likely run roughshod over them as a lame duck. For me? My wife and I are high earners. We are also taxed to the hilt. I don’t see the R’s raising my tax level any further, and that’s good. If the R’s carry the election and the investment market stays strong for the next 4-5 years I’m golden. If there is a further tax increase after that we will happily reduce our taxable income by retiring. We both enjoy what we do but there is a point once a certain level of guaranteed income is achieved why continue to donate?
    I’ll be perfectly happy truck plotting the farm and selling tomatoes at a roadside stand six months out of the year.
    Speaking of the quail farm, I put out just shy of 100 birds that promptly disappeared. There has been no sign of them anywhere, but Sunday I was putting out feed and heard a couple calling to covey, so they’re still around.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Derek

      You lost me after word 2.


    • Farming quail sounds fun


    • ugafidelis

      There’s a guy down here that used to raise quail, and they all said that his birds that lived through a hunt wouldn’t/couldn’t reproduce, so it wouldn’t benefit the local quail population anyway. Any truth to that?


      • Got Cowdog

        I don’t think so. I think numbers and the environment they are released in has more to do with it than anything. They nest on the ground so feral hogs, possums, raccoon, skunks, and what all can ruin a hatch eating the eggs. Cats, hawks and coyotes prey on hatchlings as well as mature birds. I’ve made sure of cover, water and reliable food sources. Predator control is what it is. These heavy rains I’m afraid will drown out some nests.
        When pen raised birds are released to hunt, they typically don’t travel that far when flushed and the dog can run down singles pretty easily, so not many make it through the hunt in the first place.
        We’ll see in the fall how mine do. Turns out I’ve got a good dog that gets what she’s about. If they’re there we’ll know pretty quick


        • ugafidelis

          That makes sense. So few actually make it, and there’s no wild population to speak of for them to team up with, and pen raised birds probably lack the survival skills that wild birds have. There’sa few around though. I’ve got a thick cutover behind my house and you could hear some juveniles practicing their “Bob-White” calls. I think that’s what it was away, but it was pretty cool to hear.


          • Got Cowdog

            It’s something to do. Maybe a little nostalgic thanks to my elders. I’ve wasted money on stuff I’ve enjoyed a lot less….


  12. doofusdawg

    On tennis… congratulations Coach Diaz! Looking like UGA tennis is coming back. Now if he and ADGM can get those new indoor courts done then we will be set.

    On the Biden thing I think it’s so typical that not one pundit has mentioned how many rounds of golf he plays per year. The man will try to sneak nine holes in where ever he goes. Waiting for someone in the national media to ask him.

    No doubt golf will be good and probably downright therapeutic and necessary should he get elected. Which his handlers will push so that they can run things without him butting in… work work work work.

    Can’t wait to see who will be Hedley.


  13. bcdawg97

    Man, Biden can’t get out of his own way – if only he didn’t have to talk 😉 And
    comparing Biden/Trump gaffes is like comparing Trump’s and Hillary’s faults. Like Flying Peak said above, we are choosing between the only candidates that can actually elect the other person. But in the end, anyone but Trump. And even if Bernie wins it all, I think there’d be enough resistance to some of his major changes, that I think he’d stay reined in. No matter what side you are on, we should want a moderate, compromising president. Since ’92, politics has become so corrosive, that each cycle is just a wild swing back and forth between the extremes of the party that proceeded it so that nothing ever gets done. I’m a bleeding heart liberal, but honestly, I just want a president (even if Republican) who could actually just get Congress to work together and get shit done in a bipartisan, non-political bomb throwing manner. That or term limits in Congress so that people could start voting their conscious, rather than playing politics with our lives.


  14. Mike Cooley

    I agree with some of that in spirit I just disagree that polarization and division are new. What’s new is “news” outlets consciously inflaming it and reinforcing it. That and social media. If you step back from either of those things don’t seem near as gloomy because you are looking at things as they are rather than some crazy amplified distortion of reality. Oh, and I personally don’t want government to get a lot of things done. They ruin everything they touch. Gridlock is good and they don’t know how to solve very many problems anyway.


    • bcdawg97

      I didn’t much pay attention to politics until I got to UGA in 93, so I can imagine that I am incorrect about polarization/division. Agreed 100% “news” and social media are inflaming it, but it still seems like compromise is a more dirty word now than it used to be because of them. I’m fine with some gridlock as a check and balance, and yes, govt isn’t the solution to all, but even things that most people would agree on (say 9/11 first responders healthcare) become political hot potatoes.


      • mddawg

        You know compromise is a dirty word when bills passed in the House don’t ever get voted on in the Senate, and political appointees can’t even get a confirmation hearing.

        Liked by 2 people

  15. PTC DAWG

    Just vote for who you want for whatever reason. NOBODY gives a shit why.


  16. Bulldog Joe

    Biden is a puppet. The chosen one will be revealed in the VP pick.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Mick Jagger

    I don’t think this is what the founding fathers planned.

    Still looking for common sense solutions and quality leadership. No one in either major party is showing many – if any – signs of these.

    Voted Libertarian last time (and may again), as I couldn’t vote for Hillary’s policies and I think Trump is sleazy (although I like many of his ideas and the economy is humming along).

    I don’t like the way the 2 major parties have hijacked the system.

    That said, I am better off than 4 years ago ……


    • Bulldog Joe

      A weed-out of republicans has taken place in the past three years, but you can never get rid of them all without term limits and lobbying reform. A similar weed-out of the biggest democrat crooks has yet to take place.

      If Trump doesn’t start prosecuting them, he stands a very good chance of losing.

      Liked by 1 person

  18. ASEF

    Picking Bernie would make the election a referendum on the velvet rope economy.

    Picking Biden makes the election a referendum on Trump. That’s a much better bet for Democrats. They still might lose, but it’s a fight with much stronger strategic and tactical opportunities.

    You can already see it in this thread. Whatever they accuse Joe of, Trump’s a 100x worse, unless you live in a bubble. And Joe has a deep well of authentic decency. Hillary could not build contrast with Trump. Joe isn’t going to have that problem, no matter how many laughable conspiracy theories get thrown at him.

    Biden is a real problem for Trump. There is a good reason Trump spent so much effort trying to strong arm Ukraine into legitimizing the Crowdstrike conspiracy theory.

    Trump still has a good chance to win, but his chances against Bernie are far higher.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Will (the other one)

    If it’s Biden vs Trump I’m positive I’m not watching any of those debates. Could go by the nearby retirement home and hear better speakers.
    Also can’t wait to hear how terrible it was that Hunter Biden got a job just because of his last name from a panel featuring Don Jr. (possibly on the View featuring Megan McCain!)


    • doofusdawg

      Your analogy is flawed and if you can’t make the distinction then you are either misinformed or need help with your critical thinking skills. But I guess when government is the family business things can get blurred. Too bad that there are not laws to prevent that sort of thing.

      But I suppose you could make the argument that it is not fair that a rich son or daughter can capitalize on his or her family’s private business and the son or daughter of a politician can’t capitalize on their family’s business. Good luck with that.


  20. Scuba

    What a wonderful fall this will be. Football and crazy politics. Im happy with everything Kirby has done to right the ship. Im not a NC or all is lost type.

    Another election where I really feel I`m voting against someone not for someone. Its been a while since I felt wow that person is great. I voted for Nixon not McGovern what do i know.

    I do believe had Biden been allowed by the powers in charge of the DNC/Obama to run he would be president now. Hillary was a horrible choice.

    Today I think the economy will determine which party wins. Wallets will vote for what helps them the most even if you have to hold your nose to do so. Wallets= Undecided voters for me. I think most voters have already made up their mind and i respect their choice even when we disagree. As long as it was not Bernie sorry I could never get there worst candidate ever.


  21. Kevin

    Here’s a scary thought. If Sleepy Joe gets elected, who’s going to run the country.

    Liked by 1 person

  22. mddawg

    I’ve seen several comments about the economy and I’m just curious how many are better or worse off in the current economy than you were 4 years ago? And how are you judging that? How much of that actually has anything to do with who’s in the White House or which party has control of Congress?

    In the past 4 years I’ve bought a house, changed jobs once, and had a kid. With all of those changes, it’s hard to tell how I’m doing compared to 4 years earlier, but I’m not sure any of it is really impacted by the politics of the day.


    • Will (the other one)

      There is a pandemic impacting global supply chains that no amount of Fed rate cuts can totally mitigate, and we’re a country where millions have no paid sick leave. It’s still early, but I wouldn’t rule that out as something able to impact the economy further.


    • RangerRuss

      The tax break last couple years was enough for me to buy a niiiice truck just to drive to the Keys. However business is booming so well I don’t have time to go fishing. I credit/blame that sleazy, yankee, city boy Trump. Four more years of this shit and I’ll hang it up and drive to the other side of Athens just to buy tomatoes from Cowdog.


      • mddawg

        Thanks for the response. For clarification, did your business go from bad to good or from good to better with the tax breaks? And are you a small business owner?

        Since I’m asking questions, I’ll go ahead and share. I work for a large corporation in the utilities sector. Changes in energy regulations and environmental regulations can impact the bottom line at a high level, and in the end that might affect the size of my annual bonus or pay increase (if any). But I never count on that bonus income anyway and I wasn’t with the company pre-Trump so I have no idea if the economy has really impacted that aspect of the business.


        • RangerRuss

          I own a small business that provides a specialty service for my clients. These companies suffered enough as a result of the downturn that approximately thirty percent went under since 2007. Their share of the market was absorbed by the more efficient companies so my business remained steady. The tax breaks are nice. I like keeping the money I earned.

          Liked by 1 person

      • Got Cowdog

        Bring your toys. There is always rangework to be done.


    • Not just in the past 4 MD, but RR is right. The tax credit was a big help to us in the form of not having to pay additional taxes at the end of the year. My wife and I are both W-2 employees. We took a serious lick long about ’06 with everyone else. We were frugal and lucky not to have had to use the funds we had invested at the time to live on and we never stopped contributing to any tax deferred account that was available to us. That turned out to be a very good long term decision. Now we max out every available deferred account so we don’t take a 35% hit on every dollar we make right off the top. With the current rate of return it’s worth it to continue earning and we can’t draw on the retirement accounts until 55 anyway. In 4 years we’ll be eligible and if you factor in current tax, what I consider forced investment in deferred accounts, and a reduced tax rate at retirement it’ll be a wash as far as income at that point. To qualify my earlier post: When I hit 55, if my earnings are taxed any further I’m taking my ball and going to the house. Fuck ’em.
      I grow kick ass tomatoes. Hell, I can probably get a farm exemption and write off my kick-ass tractor.


      • mddawg

        That sounds pretty kickass!

        I’m guessing I would notice the change in economic policies a lot more if I was a small business owner, but my career trajectory has been different so I can’t fully relate. I appreciate the different perspective that both of you have offered.


  23. Morris Day

    One thing that should have gotten mentioned here this week is that the Diamond Dawgs swept the nerds over the weekend! #THWGT

    Liked by 1 person

    • RangerRuss

      That’s 3 of the last 4 seasons the Diamond Dawgs have swept those maggots. The Dawgs face #1 Florida the weekend of Friday the 13th. Wishing them continued success against those motherfuckers.


  24. RangerRuss

    I voted against the dimocrats more than I voted for Trump. I will in November also because of the dims illogical over regulation of the recreational fishing industry, ignorant and destructive plans to battle climate change and especially their unconstitutional stance against the Second Amendment. I’m fairly certain nothing will be accomplished to address out of control healthcare costs as both corrupt parties are profiting too mightily from their association with insurance companies.
    What concerns me most is how so many voters support a gotdam communist. Public education is a failure. What the fuck,over?

    Liked by 3 people

  25. duronimo

    So, we’re choosing amongst uniparty candidates? The European Jews (no genetic or historic link to Israel .. Father Abraham was a dark middle-easterner) don’t like Bernie because he is honest (like Carter) on the Palestinian issue. That’s why both left and right fake news operations come together to bash him. He is also a democratic socialist (Norway).
    Norway taxes their people about 65% but they get a lot of that back in services. In the USA when all levels of taxes are considered … it’s at Norway’s level … 65%, BUT, we get very little in return. Read “The Government Racket 1 & 2) by Martin Gross to verify this. Don’t be tricked by words. American has long been a socialistic country in the worst sense of the word. Bernie would to stop our money going into pointless wars and boondoggles (or theft) and make it a more equitable socialist system. Norway has the most “satisfied with their government” people in the world for good reason. Personally, I prefer limited government & low taxation, but that’s not our reality.

    Liked by 1 person

  26. The Dawg abides

    Changing subjects, a few on here scoffed a couple of days ago when I opined that some spring football games may be canceled this year.

    Forgive me for linking to a Bradley piece.


  27. ASEF

    So, No Time To Die release gets pushed back until November – 6 months.

    Looking like spring will be a good time to get some hiking and camping in.


  28. Mick Jagger

    “Ode To Billy Joe” is still a cool ass song, although I have no idea what it means. Ditto “Radar Love”. Ditto most of the REM catalog.
