Your 3.11.20 Playpen

It’s spring, when an older man’s heart turns to pondering the coronavirus.  (If you were married to someone as obsessed with it as my spouse is, you’d be pondering, too.)  I thought I’d throw a couple of topics related to the illness out for discussion today.

First, the scariest thing right now is that we simply don’t know enough about it.  We also probably won’t have a vaccine available for the general population until 2021.  In the meantime, that leaves us with mitigation as the best defense.  We’re already seeing a number of sporting events around the world being affected, with, I suspect, plenty more to come.

Along those lines, I wonder if G-Day is going to be open to the public next month, or cancelled outright.  That, at least, is a decision that doesn’t cost the athletic department money.  But what happens come September if the best advice from experts is to stay away from big crowds, especially in a closed setting, like Georgia’s opener at MBS?  Where does Butts-Mehre take things?  Or the SEC, for that matter?  I really don’t know right now, but that has the potential to be an expensive proposition.

On a somewhat lighter note, I was sitting around with several friends last night, Georgia fans all, and one suggested a marketing idea that… well, I wanted to mock, but started to think in this day and age wasn’t as crazy as it first sounded.  The idea?  Medical masks with school logos on them.

Yeah, me, too.

Have at it in the comments.


UPDATE:  Saying it out loud

A top federal health official told lawmakers on Wednesday that the coronavirus would continue to spread in the United States, issuing a stark warning: “The bottom line: It is going to get worse,” said Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

He indicated that the National Basketball Association should bar audiences from its games. “We would recommend that there not be large crowds. If that means not having any people in the audience as the N.B.A. plays, so be it,” he said.

He really means more than just the NBA, right?




Filed under GTP Stuff

154 responses to “Your 3.11.20 Playpen

  1. Reverend Whitewall

    Obviously we’re all guessing at this point, but I’m really hoping it acts like most viruses and the summer heat mostly kills it off for us. If that happens tho, I do worry that we may get too complacent about it then it may come back with a vengeance next winter, if it circulates similar to the flu. If that happens and there’s still no vaccine available, it may be the back half of the schedule we have to worry about more so than the first few games. But again, we’re all guessing at this point.

    Liked by 1 person

    • 3rdandGrantham

      I thought and espoused the exact same until I listened to the Joe Rogan podcast I linked just below. Apparently summer head/humidity won’t do much to stop this thing.


      • Reverend Whitewall

        I’ve seen other experts saying the summer heat most likely will slow/stop it, and others who say at this point we just don’t know until we observe it unfold. I think the latter is the most honest answer.


  2. Normaltown Mike

    Ugh. my wife stayed up “researching” the Coronavirus and had the audacity to wake me past midnight to share all her fears.


  3. JasonC

    Welcome to the party everyone! Here in Hong Kong, the toilet paper hoarding was so last month. Please try to keep up. If you want to get ahead of the game, go ahead and download Zoom onto your computer or phone so your kids can be taught online when the schools close or just to have business meetings, etc. You’ll thank me later.

    Seriously, though, it’s been a wild and crappy (no pun) ride so far. The schools are indeed closed and will remain so until mid-April. But teachers are doing online lessons (even for kindergarten, but HK parents are a bit OCD about education). Some biz and govt offices have been closed, but most are reopening, at least on a split-schedule- some workers working M-W-F and the others on Tu-Th and then flipping the next week, to prevent total loss of staff if someone gets infected and everyone needs to quarantine.

    Public sports fields have been closed since January 28, so I haven’t been able to play my favorite sport except for a trip to Thailand, February 14-15, which was a bit risky because of flying.

    My wife and I have largely been working from home since the start of February and it gets pretty boring. If we go out to eat, we try to go to places with outdoor dining, but then as we experienced Monday, you have to put up with the smokers because most HK restaurants allow outdoor smoking and a lot of the bars allow it inside.

    But if y’all could get it sorted out by July, I would appreciate it as I don’t really want to spend my summer trip dealing with more of the S.O.S.

    Wash your hands.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Morris Day

      Your mention of Zoom reminded me of this: “Children were presumably glad to be off school – until, that is, an app called DingTalk was introduced. Students are meant to sign in and join their class for online lessons; teachers use the app to set homework. Somehow the little brats worked out that if enough users gave the app a one-star review it would get booted off the App Store. Tens of thousands of reviews flooded in, and DingTalk’s rating plummeted overnight from 4.9 to 1.4.” —


    • Bay Area Dawg

      It’s ramping up here in the Bay Area. Schools are starting to close and counties are starting to ban large gatherings. We’ve already had the run on disinfectants and sanitizer. It’s pretty hard to find any of that type of stuff right now. I can tell from my morning commute that people are staying home.


  4. 3rdandGrantham

    I would highly recommend that everyone watch/listen to the latest Joe Rogan podcast with infection disease expert, Michael Osterholm. Even if you can’t dedicate 90 minutes to it, the first 20 minutes or so is a solid overview. I must admit that this podcast gave me pause, and I’m revisiting my previous thoughts that all of this is over-hyped nonsense. With that said, I’m still in the camp that many Americans are reacting to this irrationally, while focusing on the wrong things (e.g. stocking up on toilet paper, avoiding people, etc while continuing to eat garbage while not exercising).

    For example, according to Michael, smokers have a much higher chance of dying than non-smokers. Male smokers in China have a 10% chance of dying, while non-smokers are around 1-2%. However, Michael’s group has found that overweight and obese people have a similar mortality rate to smokers, and they are very afraid of mass deaths here given roughly half of Americans over the ave of 45 are categorized as obese. Thus, if you truly want to reduce your risk of contraction and/or death, you should be doing everything you can to get as healthy as possible asap, and stop eating shit food us Americans are so fond of.

    There’s tons of additional useful info, and I must say I learned a ton from this and am much better aware and (hopefully) prepared…


    • 3rdandGrantham

      A few main takeaways for me personally: 1. Being quite overweight/obese in and of itself IS an underlying health condition. If you are a typical fat American yet think you are otherwise healthy, you are dead wrong. 2. Washing your hands and not touching your face is only half the battle. Merely breathing the same air of someone who is infected can infect you. 3. The warmer weather will not stop the coronavirus here.

      We are only in the top of the 1st inning, with mass outbreak and up to 480K U.S. deaths to come. 5. If you are over 60 with underlying conditions (see above), take every precaution necessary. Younger/healthier Americans should fare quite well; same for children, who seem to be almost immune (zero deaths worldwide aged 10 and under). 6. Our Gov./hospitals are not prepared whatsoever, and when healthcare workers begin to get sick, the problems will compound further. Like what is happening in Italy now, understaffed hospitals short on equipment here might have to start deciding who lives and who dies.


      • PTC DAWG

        I see you went off the deep end.

        Liked by 1 person

        • 3rdandGrantham

          You might have missed me saying clearly that most Americans are acting irrationally, and again I’m in the camp that we don’t need to panic while keeping our priorities in check. With that said, IMO, those who aren’t open to new ideas and don’t purposely set out to challenge their own beliefs are a sad lot. In other words, most people want affirmation, not information.

          Liked by 1 person

          • HirsuteDawg

            I do not know how serious this epidemic is going to get. However, I know that it has the potential to be a real blow to our economy and temporarily to our social fabric. As witnessed in Washington State – if it gets loose in a nursing home it is deadly. If we just assume that the “average” or younger Americans will only have a mild case and ignore ways to minimize the spread of virus we will be condemning our older and infirm society members to a very high mortality rate indeed. Enjoyed knowing you Mom, good luck!


      • This is what I was going to say. I guess cyber security folks think a like lol.


    • 123fakest

      Joe Rogan smokes…….


  5. They are probably going to cancel the St Pats parade here in Savannah , it will be brutal the local economy. I hope they allow it to proceed , but I think cancellation is coming tomorrow.


  6. Granthams replacement

    Media driven paranoia. The same personal precautions were given ever year when flu season peaks. The difference now is the public bit on the hype. All news agencies are cashing in on paranoia or being pissed off at the trillions of dollars wasted.


    • ASEF

      There is much wrong with this comment.

      Flu has been around a long time. It’s priced into the system.

      The corona virus is new. The health system doesn’t have the capacity to handle it on top of the flu and all the other things that hospitalize people.

      China shut down a major economic province – 60 million people – because this thing broke their hospital system. Last I checked, China is not beholden to media panics. Italy just shut down their entire country because their system got swamped too. We’re talking hallways being turned into ICU wards.

      Satellite photos from Iran show mass grave trenches being dug. Because their health care system was trash to begin with, and the mullahs were in complete denial on this thing through their late February elections.

      This is not just another flu panic. But sounds like you’re going to learn that the hard way.

      Liked by 5 people

  7. Granthams replacement

    Media driven paranoia. The same personal precautions were given ever year when flu season peaks. The difference now is the public bit on the hype. All news agencies are cashing in on paranoia or being pissed off at the trillions of dollars wasted.


    • Derek

      Couldn’t they focus their attention on obama’s birth certificate, cosmic pizza, false flags and jade helm? You know, REALITY!

      Italy shut down because of the librul media!


  8. ASEF

    People are still focusing on who dies. Which is not really what makes this thing such a big problem.

    It’s how many people it hospitalizes. Not “a week in a private room with the nice nurse bringing you orange juice for a week” hospitalization. 2 to 3 weeks of serious care, which puts an enormous strain on the system.

    That’s what the “just another flu” angle – which cost us weeks of preparation – missed entirely. The flu has been around a loooong time. It’s priced into everything already. Vaccines. Hospital beds. Staffing decisions. Even our bodies have priced it, with some natural collective immunity.

    The corona virus is new. it’s not priced into anything. So, it’s potentially a hurricane hitting the hospital system. We can be like South Korea, aggressively testing and mitigating the disease so our system doesn’t get swamped. Or we can be like Italy, allowing events on the ground to dictate reactive policies.

    The interview anecdote from a doctor in northern Italy that really hit home with me is the average ambulance response time: 8 minutes to over an hour. Strokes, heart attacks, or major accidents won’t make the virus stats page, but the virus seriously impedes the system’s ability to handle the things it had already priced into its SOPs.

    There were people here last week mocking the response and sniffing that this would never have any real impact on a country with a real health system like Italy. 48 hours later, Italy shut down its northern provinces. 72 hours later, it extended to the entire country.

    Italy has more doctors and ICU beds per capital than the US.

    That said, just do your part. Try hard not to be a link in the chain. Public health is everyone’s business.

    Liked by 7 people

    • JasonC

      Another place that did a remarkable job at great cost was Macau. They had 10 cases, which have all recovered now. It cost them shutting down the casinos which was the primary source of the economy, but it shut down the virus too.


    • do not resuscitate

      “We can be like South Korea, aggressively testing and mitigating the disease so our system doesn’t get swamped. Or we can be like Italy, allowing events on the ground to dictate reactive policies.”

      I think we all know the answer to that one already…


  9. Muttley

    I’m most worried about the pharmaceutical giants who were unprepared for this. What if they fail to maximize their profits? Keep them in your prayers.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Jim

    JHC people. This is so overblown.

    I counted up when I got home last night – I’ve been on 15 flights in the last 18 days. All over the continental US, some of the busiest airports. I’m not in particularly good shape. I’m doing fine.

    Had a couple of Doctors at my house the other night for a social function. Their belief was that because of the lack of ability to test for it, the number of cases is way way way under reported. Their belief is that many people have had very mild symptoms for a couple of days and then felt better and chalked it up to a cold or something similar. This would suggest the mortality rate from the virus is infinitely lower than even the lowest estimated we have seen

    It should come as no surprise that ground zero in the US is a nursing home.

    The media is doing what the media does – sensationalize things and work people into a frenzy. It’s not nothing. It’s not fake news. It’s also not the end of the world and the media (and therefore the markets and the general population) have way over reacted here


    • Thanks. Obviously your personal experience trumps Italy’s.

      JHC, indeed.

      Liked by 5 people

      • Jim

        I’m heading to Italy in the not too distant future so I’ll give you a first hand account. I spoke to the woman organizing the trip yesterday who lives half the year in Italy so yeah I’ve got more insight than what I’ve read in the news

        I can’t even read all the posts above. Satellite images of mass graves in Iran? Seriously? It’s amazing how people pick and choose which conspiracy theories they want to believe. It’s almost like people can’t live without fear and drama in their lives.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Will (the other one)

          Better add the Irish to your list of conspiracy theorists as Dublin has cancelled the St. Patrick’s Day parade.


        • “Satellite images of mass graves in Iran?”
          If somebody doesn’t tell the fucking idiots to throw out the heads and the tails, half the country will be blind or staggering around with the Jake.


        • You might want to get your deposit back on that trip to Italy. Just sayin…

          Liked by 1 person

          • Jim

            Yeah let’s just cancel everything for the rest of 2020. That’ll help

            If they’ll let us in, we’ll go and enjoy ourselves

            To the poster who cited Josh Harvey Clemons as the reason for this shit show for not batting down the pass I say you’re a genius


            • I have been to Europe many times, including Italy, and all the things that make it fun are banned or closed there right now with no end in site. Personally I would postpone it, but I hope you have a nice trip.


        • Tony Barnfart

          The whole point is for everyone to make and accept small sacrifices and life changes so that you are not a link in the chain that overwhelms the system and spreads the virus to the more vulnerable. You being fine is great but misses the bigger point. Folks who dismiss it as paranoia out of hand and make no changes to their routines / lifestyles and don’t do their part in social distancing are how this thing will get out of control.


          • Jim

            That’s a fair point. As I said in my original post, it’s not nothing and it’s not fake news. I agree that there are some logical things socially that make sense to do. But I still believe the media and therefore the markets and the general population have overblown this


            • Tony Barnfart

              I think it’s unreasonable to raid grocery stores and stupid to close schools (doc on rogan podcast said 38% of nurses have school-aged kids. Who stays home ?).

              I think it’s also equally unreasonable for those who personally do not have risk to dismiss their role in prevention. The “go to the game if you want” crowd is how the thing is going to go from fan A with few symptoms to fan B with few symptoms to fan B’s friend/relative/coworker who is in and out of cancer treatment with a compromised immune systems. It’s fucking selfish.

              Liked by 1 person

      • Muttley

        What’s Josh Harvey Clemons got to do with this?

        Liked by 1 person

    • 3rdandGrantham

      Just curious, how much time have you spent actively researching the coronavirus, particularly sources that might be counter to your own beliefs? I suspect that answer is none. Literally two days ago I had similar beliefs as yours, and though I have a very busy schedule, I carved out some time last night to look into this further. As a result, I now have a different viewpoint and better understanding overall. Mind you, I still believe many are being irrational with misguided priorities, but I’m certainly not flippantly dismissing this like you clearly are.

      Enjoy the peanuts.


      • Jim

        Plenty actually. Lots of time in airports and on planes with an iPad and a WiFi connection


      • DawgPhan

        Guys he watched a podcast so he is clearly an expert and has done his research, which was listening to a podcast. A podcast that has in the past promoted bigotry, sandy hook was a hoax, pizza gate conspiracy theories, and that Hillay was running a child sex ring from the white house while Obama watched.

        You know a totally reputable source.

        The CDC is telling you to practice social distancing and wash your hands.

        But half of america thinks that getting covid-19 would be an awesome way to own the libs.


  11. chopdawg

    How ’bout them #3-ranked Diamond Dawgs!

    Liked by 1 person

    • USA Today Coaches poll has them #2. Of course that was before the 1-0 loss to Georgia Southern.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Why is baseball consistently so much more competitive between schools like GS and UGA than football? Between D-1 and D-2 schools and even farther apart.
        Honest question, I’m curious.


        • David K

          My feeling is it’s the nature of the sport. The game of baseball is built around failing. The best hitters in the game fail 2/3 of the time to get a hit. Even making great contact and killing the ball many times still leads to getting out. The best hitter in MLB could face an average college pitcher and could easily go 0/4 on any given day. Contrast that with football and physical differences between the athletes on the field have a MUCH bigger influence on the outcome.


        • PTC DAWG

          Baseball is a fickle bitch. The best doesn’t always win, even when they are demonstrably better.


        • Much fewer scholarship than a sport like football and that the top-tier talent has the ability to go pro straight from high school are probably the largest driving factors in the relative parity.


          • Got Cowdog

            I was thinking along similar lines, also that there is a heavy club presence from t-ball all the way to 18u. Tons of talent out there that does not require the positional physical attributes of football to be successful.


  12. Will (the other one)

    To focus on the original prompt: I think SEC coaches will happily use this as an excuse to close practices and if that means not showing off the new offense to anyone because the spring game is cancelled, well, that’s a plus for everything but recruiting.
    But I can’t see it working come fall. SEC fans aren’t the most practical at the best of times — I remember the complaints when the Houston game was postponed the week of 9/11, and Florida fans still blame that on why they lost to UT. Throw in a mix of partisanship, eroding trust for government in general, and a huge streak of individualism and…well the SEC could try, but I don’t think it’d work.


  13. Paul

    It’s best to confine yourself to information sources that do not require ad sales to survive. Medically qualified opinions also help. The Centers for Disease Control and the National Institutes for Health are two such sources. These are not alarmist sites. Neither believes this is simply another flu like situation. It’s best to remain calm. It’s also best to gather information now and prepare now. If those preparations become unnecessary, great. If not at least you won’t be surprised.

    Liked by 6 people

  14. Dylan Dreyer's Booty

    My biggest fear is that all the precautions that we are taking will work well enough to minimize until summer, and that then we will say it was all for nothing, and conclude no precautions were really necessary, and then when fall comes…..yikes.


  15. W Cobb Dawg

    So the symptoms are runny nose, sneezing, coughing, etc. With pollen season upon us that means just about everyone will qualify to be tested.

    Liked by 1 person

    • ASEF

      Runny nose is not a Covid19 symptom. Two most common are fever and dry cough. It inflames your lungs, not your sinuses.


      • W Cobb Dawg

        Just repeating what I heard are symptoms while listening to the radio driving home. All I suggested was the pollen comparison.

        So my wife goes to her regular annual checkup yesterday. Guy barges into the waiting room coughing and tells the lady in the window he thinks he’s got it. Office immediately closes, guy taken away via ambulance, everyone else told to leave, and a short while later the building was undergoing the sanitizing. The ought to re-name it the clusterfuck virus.

        Liked by 1 person

        • ASEF

          This is why South Korea and Germany put up drive thru testing.


          • David Chadwick

            My ex was visiting my daughter at Yonsei U in Seoul. The hotel she was in was taking the temp of every person that walked in the lobby of that hotel. Daughter is essentially stuck in the dorm and classes are online. A person hit the lobby of the hotel with a fever and they moved everyone off that floor, the floor below and above. South Korea isn’t playing. It might not have any kind of impact on the spread, but they’re not thinking it’s the flu.


            • ASEF

              They also have rapidly diminishing case numbers and a fatality rate over 100 times less than Italy’s Lombardi region.


  16. Derek

    Trump would NEVER blame a president for an infectious disease nor would a “fair and balanced” media:

    Liked by 1 person

    • Napoleon BonerFart

      Obviously the Russians engineered the pandemic to give Trump an excuse to cancel the election.


  17. Sports Fan

    If we can find a way to navigate the draconian NCAA’s rulebook, we can find a way to navigate around public health warnings.


  18. Derek

    Fauci is obviously a never trumper.

    Might even be mexican.


  19. This hysteria is just all made up and flagellant.


    • Derek

      They’re even inventing new, fake, hostile, global entities to tell us lies!

      “World Health Organization declares the coronavirus outbreak a global pandemic”

      Sure it is. The next thing you’ll know some “doctor” will say that trump was full of shit when he said windmills cause cancer. Everyone knows that the Dutch have more cancer than anyone! Lots of people are saying so!

      Trump is our own Don Quixote giving those windmills the what for!


      • Napoleon BonerFart

        At least the pandemic gives us another opportunity to see the racism in everything.


  20. I don’t know why I bother since the geniuses here have it all figgered out.

    The three phases of Covid-19 – and how we can make it manageable


  21. ASEF is on point. Read his replies above.


  22. Derek

    Lib rag National Review says:

    “In a serious public-health crisis, the public has the right to expect the government’s chief executive to lead in a number of crucial ways: by prioritizing the problem properly, by deferring to subject-matter experts when appropriate while making key decisions in informed and sensible ways, by providing honest and careful information to the country, by calming fears and setting expectations, and by addressing mistakes and setbacks.
    “Trump so far hasn’t passed muster on any of these metrics.”

    Liked by 2 people

    • Napoleon BonerFart


    • spur21

      What do you clowns want him to do. He stopped travel from China to America and you fucktards called him racist. Then the next day said he didn’t do enough. Liberalism leads to the worst virus TDS.

      Liked by 1 person

      • chopdawg

        I want him–just every once in a while–to halfway know what he’s talking about.


      • dawgtor

        In hindsight, it was stupid for him to dismantle our Pandemic Response Team in 2018 to give the money to corporations and the rich. It also sucked that he cut CDC money for combating global pandemics by 80% at the same time. If he would declare a state of emergency, it would free up funding for testing and treating those without money to see a doctor. Instead, he is just trying to prop up the stock market, actively hiding information, punishing those who don’t lie to these ends, and still failing to make testing widely accessible because he doesn’t want the real numbers out there. Trump’s handling of this is disastrous. He, specifically, is making it worse by his poor decisions and failure to lead.


        • Napoleon BonerFart

          It’s curious how some people can view letting people keep some of their own money as a “giveaway.” Rich people don’t own their own property. They only own what the government declines to steal from them. And they probably aren’t even grateful to the politicians that allowed them to keep what they earned!


          • dawgtor

            The government serves a purpose that is proportional to the extent to which it benefits taxpayers. Those who have more owe more because they take more. Your crocodile tears for the rich are precious. Trump is incompetent. Your ideas about distribution of money are morally bankrupt.

            Liked by 1 person

            • Napoleon BonerFart

              Private property is morally bankrupt? That’s cute. And, unsurprisingly, you’re exactly assbackward on who takes more from the government. Jeff Bezos isn’t cashing government checks. His tax bills are paying for lots of bureaucratic preening that you mistake for morality.


              • dawgtor

                The tax rates paid by the wealthiest in our nation are criminal. They reap much much more benefit from our country than those “cashing government checks.” Amazon paid ~1.2% taxes on their profits in 2019…that is criminal. Giving them more is criminal. Blaming the poor for being poor and underpaid is immoral and unsustainable. We are currently reaping the results of “trickle down” snake oil. Deregulation is simply socializing corporate costs for the environmental and social impacts of businesses. They need to pay their fair share. People who work full time deserve to have some semblance of security for their hard work. The irony of your NPC memes is incredibly viscous. That you believe your party over your eyes, ears, all intelligence agencies in this country and abroad, all scientific organizations in this country and abroad, and continue to vociferously do so is telling and shameful.

                Liked by 1 person

                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  You think the government stealing money from private parties helps the environment? Seriously?

                  I don’t have a party, bro. But it’s cute that, despite the government being caught lying again and again, it will never be enough for you to lose your faith in it. Good for you. I’m sure a few more decades wasting a hundred trillion or two will do the trick for fixing what ails us. And if not, well I guess we’ll just have to trust in our benevolent overseers even harder, eh?


                • dawgtor

                  You clearly have a party and are lying. When corporations are not held accountable for fixing the pollution they create which impacts the health of our people, these costs are being socialized. Conservatives (you!) have no problem with socializing costs when the money is funneled to the rich and your overlords say it’s a good thing. The government is what we make it (for now). If you elect incompetent, corrupt people, you get corrupt, incompetent government. Which direction do you think ignoring oversight, accountability, norms, experts, professionals, scientists, etc. moves our government? Trump is incompetent and corrupt and there are mountains of evidence to support this. You chose and continue to choose poorly.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  You clearly don’t have any idea what you’re talking about. My defenses of Trump and Republicans are mainly from idiotic notions like accusations of colluding with Russia or the idea that the government has a moral claim to private property.

                  And yes, I understand negative externalities. What leftists (you!) fail to realize is that government is a singularly poor mechanism to abate these externalities. If Hunter Biden is on the board of a factory that pollutes other property, the government will not intervene. You really believe that paying money to the government will change the weather or clean up the environment?

                  Still, you fundamentally fail to understand the entire notion of private property. If you have $100 and I steal $50, you are left with $50. Next week, if you have another $100 and I only steal $40, I haven’t “given” you $10. I simply stole less of your own money. Morally, you should have $200 and I should have nothing. Instead, you have $110, I have $90, and morons will claim that I have the moral high ground because I deserve your money, but you don’t.

                  Apparently, you earnestly believe that better experts and bureaucrats in government will transform the entire system of theft of private property into an efficient and morally defensible system. But it won’t. And hilariously, your party has nominated Hillary and is on the verge of nominating Joe Biden in order to “reform” the government. Because Lord knows those two, who spent decades in D.C., aren’t corrupt insiders who profit from the system. Nope.



  23. Athens Dog

    I miss the playpen on favorite books…………….

    Liked by 2 people

  24. March Madness to be played without fans,


  25. Sides

    I have been following this for a while. I met and had dinner with Chinese suppliers in late January. We stay in constant contact. They were worried flying back and were quarantined at home like everyone else in their city. Their city is 3 hours from Wuhan in a different province. No one in their family was sick. Their factory is now open for business and I had a shipment reach the Shanghai port this week. They are operating with some restrictions but things are operating. You can FedEx from China everywhere except Wuhan province.

    I traveled last week to a convention, will travel next week to Vegas for the opening round of the tourney, and will go skiing in April. I am not worried. I have no medical experience but the corona virus is not new. This strand is. I am pretty sure people have a corona virus every year and it likely kills thousands of people. We don’t test for it so it is considered flu/pneumonia. Millions of test kits hit the market this week and next week. The numbers are going to skyrocket and panic will hit but death rates will go way down. It will be a bad cold for most people. Some at risk will die but they do every year from flu (probably corona virus just not diagnosed). Stay clean and you will be fine.


  26. With the news about the NCAA’s decision regarding March Madness, the Atlanta sports curse strikes again.

    Liked by 1 person

  27. Cousin Eddie

    From my understanding after reading everyone of these reply, okay skimming the ones with more than two sentences:

    Purchase as much TP as you can find because that stuff is the most valuable commodity in times of panic.
    In some countries it is a real thing that kills old folks and in others it is a made up media hoax to attack the Irish by shutting down St. Paddy’s day.
    Trump or Liberals are the root cause because the people on the other side of the isle are all to blame for my problems.
    Our wives are the real reason we are concerned over this deep down.
    Jim is young and healthy and going to Italy.

    What have I missed?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Got Cowdog

      Jim Bakker is sleazy enough to try to convince old people that his magic antidote to a potentially deadly respiratory viral infection will protect them, ’cause, you know, God told him it would? Not for free, mind you…


      • Cousin Eddie

        Yep forgot about Ol’ Jim. His silver works best when you wear Brett Farve’s copper fit underware and throw an extra $20 in the plate.

        Liked by 1 person

  28. CZ Marks

    “I mean, people always say, well, the flu does this, the flu does that. The flu has a mortality of 0.1 percent. This has a mortality rate of 10 times that. That’s the reason I want to emphasize we have to stay ahead of the game in preventing this.”– Anthony Fauci, Director National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases


  29. BuffaloSpringfield

    Ehhh the city of Savannah has cancelled St. Patrick’s Day Parade, starting Thursday the ACC tournament will not allow fans in Greensboro, Jason Isbell and the 500 Unit and Carlos Santana have cancelled tours.
    Meanwhile in Nashville where a tornado just took 25 lives the SEC Basketball Tournament “Just Means More”.
    Take ya’ll’s left and right politics and shove it up your arse. It’s time WE come together and agree to disagree in a civil manner. This is one of few places that should be able to have civil discourse. Covid-19 is about to bust us, the economy and your local Walmart wide open.
    Perhaps we do have the strongest economy in the free world. Then perhaps the left and right will quit stuffing their pockets with lobbyists of corporations, insurances, banks and big pharma to bring jobs back to the USA. Our meds are made in China and India. Hell to even talk to a DirecTV person you have to deal with phone operators in India. “FFS” lets get our shit together.
    NAFTA was a bust the unions deal. Now mill towns sit empty. There is a reason they call the northern states the “Rust Belt”. Cause your fricken GMC Denali is made in Mexico. If you need a fan belt or a radiator hose you might have to wait cause we shut those doors in 75’ and they come from France+ shipping. We complain about homeless and DSS. What if we made are own socks and jeans. What about if you could actually call a doctors office and speak to a person, a nurse or even a doctor. Hell call anywhere and talk to a person and get something done.
    I don’t have no 401k’s, I don’t fly 18 times across the country to do business every two weeks. I don’t have any stocks or bonds. I went to the Sugar Bowl once. In Atlanta ! West Virginia beat the Dawgs ass. Never been to Jacksonville. I don’t begrudge ya’ll that do that regularly and are McGill donors. It’s just time to come together….. Damn just Damn read what ya’ll spew to each other. The only common thread I have with ya’ll is loving the Red and Black. Why can you not act in such a manner.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Tribalism has gone insane.


    • Derek

      You can’t have a civil discussion with people who won’t admit that there are such things as facts and reality. If you insist on inventing your own or you change the subject when confronted with both, then the only thing left is mockery.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Napoleon BonerFart

        Amen. Russia! Treason!


      • Derek

        Some people are too far too dumb to mock, so you ignore them completely.


        • Napoleon BonerFart

          Don’t forget cursing. The smartest middle schoolers curse profligately to demonstrate their intellect. Adults just don’t get it, those fucking fuckers!


          • dawgtor

            Yeah Derek, you should recycle some years old memes that everyone has already seen a million times with some words changed to show how smart and hip you are! That’s how the smartest demonstrate their intellect…ripping off other peoples’ ideas. Adults just don’t get it, those fucking fuckers!
            Hey Nap…do one of those with the kid straining about me being triggered!!!! That’d be totally hilarious REEEEEEEEEE


  30. Pingback: College football in the time of pandemic, part one | Get The Picture