TFW self-preservation is “what’s best for the SEC”

Folks are giving Bryan Harsin shit for this:

“He doesn’t appreciate history.”  “What do you expect from somebody from Idaho?”  Yada, yada, yada.

People, you’re missing the point.  He’s just following in the rich tradition of Auburn trying to make the schedule less of a struggle.  If you were him, why wouldn’t you want the SEC to move Alabama or Georgia (or both!) out of annual matchups?  Every year with one less game against either of those two is a year when he might actually win enough games to keep the Auburn faithful from running his ass out of town.


Filed under Auburn's Cast of Thousands

13 responses to “TFW self-preservation is “what’s best for the SEC”

  1. cowetadawg

    They catch him at the front door for the comment? I guess Jimbo got dibs on the back door this time around.


  2. Clayton Joiner

    Yes, self preservation in its finest form


  3. theoriginalspike

    Meh, those pot lickers are going to run his ass off anyway soon.


  4. Auburn sucks!

    Harsin can’t catch a break, and I’m totally fine with that…people are driven by their own self interests, no there there

    Liked by 1 person

  5. ugafidelis

    Is Auburn the only college in the country names after a color?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Like Harsin isn’t going to get yeeted into the Kuiper Belt the minute the season ends regardless.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Down Island Way

    Barners have all ready run his ass outa’ town, he’s going to catch up to it in november or sooner…#AUBURN SUCKS!


  8. atticus34

    I don’t care for Auburn

    Liked by 2 people

  9. practicaldawg

    Harsin doesn’t have a preference because he won’t be around when the model is implemented


  10. stoopnagle

    Oh come on. Of course, given his other public choices, this isn’t surprising. I’m actually surprised he didn’t claim it was a “personal decision” that he wouldn’t speak about publicly.
