Built to last?

Marc Weiszer is just askin’.

After ending a 41-year national title drought behind a generational defense and an underrated offense with former walk-on Stetson Bennett at quarterback, will the incoming recruiting classes add more hardware during their time in Athens? Or will Georgia slide back like an LSU team that won the national title just two seasons earlier?

He got an answer from someone who’s been in a position to judge.

“It’s probably apples and oranges,” LSU athletic director Scott Woodward said last week at the SEC spring meetings. “Two different people. I know Kirby well and obviously I know Coach O well. Two different situations, two different things.”

Woodward, who returned to his alma mater before the 2019 season and was the school’s director of external affairs when Smart was a Tigers assistant in 2004,  said he would be surprised if Georgia takes a downturn under Smart.

I’d say there’s a huge difference between the two, if only because of the way both managed their coordinator positions.

Besides that, there’s the consistency thing.

Georgia has finished in the top seven each of the last five seasons in the AP poll, something only Ohio State has done. Georgia is tied with Clemson for second most national championship game appearances since the 2017 season with two behind Alabama’s four.

Pretty, pretty good.


Filed under Georgia Football

39 responses to “Built to last?

  1. Ran A

    Yep, all these polls out there. Kirby has jumped from a top 10 coach to a top 3. Win another Natty and that moves to 2. Win Saban retires… Or maybe even before – who knows.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Amazing what happens when everyone is pulling in the same direction and the leader is ultra-focused on building the program the right way. Kirby has built a culture around team first complementary football that seems be attractive to players and their families.

    Liked by 12 people

  3. Yeah, Kirby has built a juggernaut…his recruiting of both players and staff, roster management, administration management, facilities management, all seem to point in the direction that CKS is literally on all the muthas. He was close to getting to the mountain top a couple times before, now he’s in the Bama stratosphere, and clearly it scares the hell out of the Gumps.

    Kirby is laser focused…and we’re all glad for it.

    Liked by 7 people

    • RangerRuss

      I am sick of those entitled scumbags. As much as I loved the Dawgs winning the National Championship 33-18 (in case y’all forgot) I enjoyed seeing the rug pulled out from under the Bama fans almost equally. They’ve been existing as faux champions since the 2017 NC. The rapid advance of UGA as the premier program in college football was hamstrung by piss poor officiating twice in 2018. It wasn’t luck nor an illusion. 2021 wasn’t an outlier. That level of coaching and team play is the standard now. No more comparisons to a propped up dynasty.

      Liked by 12 people

  4. Hogbody Spradlin

    Yeah, Cajun Ed got lucky like Gene Chizik; caught lightning in a bottle for one year.

    Liked by 5 people

    • theotherdoug

      The key for Gene and Coach O was the QB position. They couldn’t replace Cam or Burrow, but can Kirby replace Stetson?

      Liked by 9 people

    • Russ

      Ed Orgeron, Gene Cheatzik, Larry Coker, Butch Davis. I’m tempted to put Jimbo in that lucky group. After he goes 8-4 with the “OMG GREATESTEST CLASS EVAH!!1!!!1”, I’ll add him to the lucky group.

      Liked by 2 people

    • RangerRuss

      Coach O met his goal. HC at his home state school where he simply wasn’t able to cut it as a player. Luck being a combination of skill and opportunity allowed him to retain the services of a generational QB and innovative OC along with his not too shabby motivational skills won him his NC. That’s all he wanted. Laser focused on that goal and back to being what he really is. A party animal. Fuckn madman. Hero to his family and friends. Free drinks in Louisiana from now on.
      It takes all kinds.

      Liked by 11 people

      • Nil Butron is a Pud

        Now who can argue with that?…I’m particularly glad that during Coach O’s tenure the lovely young children here today got to hear authentic frontier Cajun gibberish. Coach O expressed courage little seen in this day and age. “GEAUX TIGAHS!”

        Liked by 1 person

  5. MGW

    We were a complete team; talent was balanced across the roster. LSU was a very good “team” with the best, most game changing QB since Manziel/Tebow/Newton. It’s harder to recover from that loss.

    Liked by 1 person

    • classiccitycanine

      LSU held the previous record for most drafted players (14 in the 2020 draft) before we broke it. That 2019 team was by no means carried by Burrow like Cam did for AU.

      Liked by 3 people

  6. ASEF

    Kirby is a process control freak who hasn’t let the trophy go to his head. Eddie Eaux acted like he won the lottery (which he kinda did).

    I’m less bullish on Georgia’s prospects this year than some, but Kirby was and is a vastly superior program manager to Orgeron. Kirby’s program will be a fixture in November title conversations for another couple of decades, minimum

    Liked by 5 people

  7. W Cobb Dawg

    Are we going back to the cfp in ‘22? Yes.

    Liked by 4 people

  8. Gaskilldawg

    The answer to the question depends upon whether Kirby’s management of the program is more like Saban’s or Ogeron’s.


  9. 69Dawg

    My worry is that Kirby is going to just burn out. His intensity is crazy but the new world of the Portal and NIL is just another load added to the job. Here’s hoping he has a great heart.

    Liked by 7 people

    • ..and not Urban Myer’s

      Liked by 5 people

    • ASEF

      I’d worry more about ego than burn-out. Not particular to Kirby, just you tend to see a lot of coaches who reach the mountaintop start to believe the hagiography (see: Dabo). Which can result in pretty stubborn adherence to “standards” which is really just a cop-out to avoid necessary adaptation.

      I look at coaches who were at programs forever – Paterno, Bowden, Beamer – and all settled into routines and lost their edge. Which has still a level of success most programs would kill for

      Liked by 1 person

    • Russ

      I unfortunately agree with you. No human can keep up the pace he’s set up for the long haul. We saw it with Luke leaving the game and more will follow.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. uga97

    Correct Woodward, crisp, sweet georgia red apples still in the barrel vs one hit wonder, soured orange-erons, which have all been thrown out.


  11. Jack Klompus

    Oh and he’s not a fu^^ lunatic Cajun horndog, I don’t think.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. stoopnagle

    Well, Kirby hasn’t divorced Mary Beth, started running around with younger women, and hiring coordinators sight unseen while spending all his time shirtless at the beach and letting his girlfriend’s kids participate in drills, has he?
