Where have all the OCs gone?

Mike Griffith notes that ten SEC schools will have new offensive coordinators this season.  It’s worth noting that, even as it makes his attempt at fashioning a ranking of the fourteen pretty much a waste of time.

The teams that return their OCs are Vanderbilt, Ole Miss, LSU and Florida.

Needless to say, there’s gonna be a lot of hit and miss in those hiring decisions.  Who clicks and who doesn’t?  And in light of that, does Griffith have a valid point that Smart hiring Bobo as something of a known quantity makes sense?


Filed under Georgia Football, SEC Football

15 responses to “Where have all the OCs gone?

  1. Dylan Dreyer's Booty

    Mike Griffith has a valid point that the Bobo promotion makes sense which proves the old saying that even a blind hog finds an acorn now and then.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. akascuba

    Whomever is filling in for Mike filing articles under his name did a good job with this one.

    Liked by 5 people

  3. Russ

    Griffith, stopped clock, something something

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Catfish

    I would like to run over Mike while driving my truck.
    I don’t care for Mike Griffith.


  5. Bulldawg Bill

    “…long time passing??…”


  6. Hobnail_Boot

    When he’s not promoting the idea that Athens has turned into Tokyo Drift, you can find Mike Griffith stealing ideas from Saturday Down South.

    Connor O’Gara literally had a podcast about this topic less than a week ago.

    I implore everyone, including the good senator, to ignore this buffoon.

    Liked by 3 people

  7. practicaldawg

    Sounds like a good year to have the best defense in the SEC

    Liked by 5 people

  8. MGW

    Very odd coordinator hiring season.


  9. RangerRuss

    It shouldn’t be a surprise when Bobo is successful as OC at UGA. Firstly, he’s more than competent. Secondly and more importantly, it’s as SBIV said, “ It’s not the X’s and O’s it’s the Jimmys and Joes.”


  10. stoopnagle

    “Mike Griffith… waste of time.”

    Yes, agreed.
