Mudcat’s car rides again.


No word yet if the incident occured after a trip to Toppers, but I’m guessing the AJ-C is already on that particular mother.


Filed under Crime and Punishment, Georgia Football

17 responses to “Mudcat’s car rides again.

  1. jim1886

    Boys will be boys.
    We all were young once and dud stupid things.
    Happy no one was hurt.
    Hopefully, the young man will grow from it

    Liked by 2 people

  2. trbodawg

    Damn, I just know I’m gonna hate it when I see that headline…


  3. Dawgfan1995

    Apparently it was a DUI for drugs and he was booked at 10 AM. If he was on the way to Toppers, they must have a new lunchtime special.

    Liked by 2 people


    Smoke weed everyday.


  5. Biggen

    Man he will be puking his guts out during summer workout drills,


  6. Granthams Replacement

    Lather rinse repeat.


  7. Well that sucks. Sucks for Mr. Morrisette, sucks for the team, and sucks for the positive post I had planned.

    On a positive note, our Lax Dawgs beat Simon Fraser 11-7 last night in the MCLA tournament, with a run of 7 goals in the 4th quarter. Huge win, Simon Fraser was 11-0 prior and no slouch in this league despite their dorky name. Tonight’s game is against Liberty University, who is equally dorky but damn good in their own right. We beat these guys and in all likelihood, we’ll play Ga.Tech again (1-1 on the year) in the national championship semifinals on Thursday. Beat the bees, and national championship on Saturday. Will keep you posted. Go Dawgs.

    Liked by 8 people

  8. Catfish

    They maintain an OP there.


  9. practicaldawg

    AJC will try to tie him to the Russians and a plot to overthrow the US government


  10. Hobnail_Boot

    And that, kids, is how you count to 85.


  11. No way NIL $$$ goes too tats and wee…errr…never mind.
