Dawgy doings

Random Georgia this and that:

  • Chip Towers has a nice cheap shot in this article about MoMass’ mentoring of the young guys – Green and Massaquoi fighting for the starting flanker job compared to Percy Harvin and Chris Rainey just fighting – but take a look at the picture of Green and Massaquoi with the article.  Green’s got some bulking up to do, it looks like.
  • Does this article strike anyone as being just a little weird?  I mean, it’s good that Sturdivant had the character to apologize without making excuses, but “We actually hugged”?
  • Aron White’s getting in the mix at tight end, and tight end only.
  • Warning!  Spread offense quote ahead!  Actually, it’s from Martinez in this Sporting News piece about Georgia’s overall defensive depth, but it’s a good point about why he sees the necessity for being able to rotate his d-line players:

Martinez said depth on defense is more important as he tries to keep up with modern offenses.

“You face all these spread offenses and they’re stretching the field and putting pressure on defenses to run to the football,” Martinez said. “I don’t know if anybody can play 60 snaps right now at full speed, and I don’t know if that’s what you want. You’d rather have a guy who’s fresh.”


Filed under Georgia Football

4 responses to “Dawgy doings

  1. Darryl Strawberry

    I think his limbs are bigger than Randy Moss’.

    No bulking up required 😉


  2. NM

    “We actually hugged. Then I called the cops, because that’s simple battery.”


  3. Ally

    Was that rally a cheap shot or a statement of fact concerning Percy. I think its more of the latter. Given his history of violence outside of this incident, I’d say he’s made himself fair game. And, if anyone is throwing cheap shots its Percy – have y’all seen the size difference between him & Rainey? Geez. You stay classy Percy.


  4. Ally

    Oh, and just a side note: kudos to Chip Towers for that piece on AJ & Mo Mass. We’ve taken a beating this off-season with very slanted reports about our players. Its so great to read articles about our players that work their asses off in the classroom, outside of the classroom, and on the field.

    Mo Mass has been one of my favorite players since he was recruited with Joe Cox. I was in the stands when some of our very own asshat fans had the audacity to boo him when he dropped a pass or simply didn’t play up to their standards. Yet, all the while Mo Mass has taken it in stride, held his head up high, and continued to work hard for his team. That’s called integrity, good sportsmanship, discipline, decorum, and leadership. Those are also qualities that we see in MOST of our players, if not all of them, including those that have made mistakes.

    So thank you to Chip, David Hale, the Red & Black (great piece on Akeem Dent btw), and the abh for some great stories on our players recently.
