So it’s our fault he threw those five picks…

Oh, puleeze…


Filed under Georgia Football, The Blogosphere

5 responses to “So it’s our fault he threw those five picks…

  1. That writer’s conclusion is laughable. It’s more realistic to think that he would’ve had less criticism to escape if he hadn’t been using in the first place.


  2. He had me at “Now, I’m not a Georgia fan”…


  3. peacedog

    Laughable article.


  4. DerekOja

    Well, I don’t actually care that QC smoked pot at Georgia. I assume most college students do. Most of them don’t throw five picks against the Cocks, though. That’s where the problem was.


  5. Herk34

    I think the writer got it backwards – it was Quincy who drove half the UGA fans to smoke pot and escape the reality that he was our QB.
