Everyone’s a winner.

Its school demonstrates that it had no business playing in a BCS game and that it was a paper tiger that played an extremely weak schedule, but for the editorial staff of the Honolulu Star Bulletin, the solution isn’t to keep Hawaii out of the BCS, it’s to let the Warriors face weaker bowl competition.

The nightmarish conclusion of the University of Hawaii Warriors’ dream season should not discourage outsiders to the six football conferences that control the major bowls about the prospect of future invitations. It instead should result in a review of the way teams are paired off for bowls to avoid the sort of mismatches that occurred at Tuesday’s Sugar and Rose bowls…

…The major football conferences are not likely to forsake their monopoly, but — at the very least — pairings in the present system should be made on the basis of competitive matches…

That way, everyone can be special. And there’s even a certain perverse logic to it – if you played a weaker regular season slate, you ought to be entitled to a less formidable postseason opponent.

The problem, of course, is that over time, games like Hawaii vs. Arizona State played in the Sugar Bowl are likely to result in dwindling attendance and TV ratings… which leads to smaller payouts.

I can’t help but wonder, though, why we didn’t see this editorial before the 41-10 pasting, instead of in the aftermath.


Filed under BCS/Playoffs

7 responses to “Everyone’s a winner.

  1. “at the very least — pairings in the present system should be made on the basis of competitive matches…”

    They’re absolutely right. A competitive match would have been, say, Hawai’i versus East Carolina in the Hawai’i Bowl.

    Oh, what’s that? You want to be able to be not all that good, play a crummy schedule, make the BCS, then play against another team that isn’t all that good but also played a crummy schedule?

    Well that’s cute. Where, pray tell, will the ***ACTUAL GOOD TEAMS*** play? In lesser bowls with lesser payouts?

    Yes? You people mean this?



  2. Wow, so they want to put Hawaii back in a BCS bowl and match them up with somebody the Warriors can beat.

    In that case, I want a Bentley Continental GT, only I want the kind that gets 50 miles to the gallon. And it has Alessandra Ambrosio in the passenger’s seat. And she has to want to do me.

    C’mon, it’s not that hard. Let’s get this done, people.


  3. By the way, this is apropos of something you haven’t actually posted on in a couple weeks, but I thought you might be interested in this, which is kind of a funny counter-point to your “would college teams rest their starters for the playoffs” question.


  4. Oh, what’s that? You want to be able to be not all that good, play a crummy schedule, make the BCS, then play against another team that isn’t all that good but also played a crummy schedule?

    And a pony… 😉


  5. Honestly, I think the easiest answer would be to just slap a “Bowl Championship Series” logo on the field at the New Mexico Bowl. It really seems to me that baseless love is all the mid-majors truly want.


  6. mant

    I have the perfect title for this.

    “No Mid-Major Left Behind”

    Hey, it’s working wonders for our educational system.

    Just because you aren’t the best or can’t compete with the best is meaningless. We don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.
