Slow news day

It’s just a feeling I have, but it’s articles like this that cause people to become bloggers.  Not in the sense that they become inspired to write great things, though.  More like in the sense that a fifteen year old with a computer in his mom’s basement is motivated to believe that he could deliver better insight and analysis.

After all, Troy Aikman thinks Matthew Stafford’s going to be great.  And he’s reached that conclusion after watch Staff play a lot, right?  Not exactly.

“I like him,” said Aikman. “I think he’s extremely motivated, a great young talent with a good head on his shoulders. He’s gonna be a real asset to somebody. … I didn’t get a chance to watch him a lot…

Oh.  Well, then he must have watched Stafford work out in person to have a strong idea about his skill set.

… and I haven’t worked him out, obviously.

Forget that, too, then.

So what’s Aikman hanging his hat on that makes him interview-worthy about Stafford’s pro prospects.  Well, Matt started in the SEC.

… But he also comes in to the league with 34 collegiate starts under his belt. Conversely, Matt Ryan — who came with the reputation of being a polished prospect, and proved to be one — started 32 games as a Boston College Eagle.

“That’s more football than I played when I came out and I was in college for five years,” Aikman said. “That’s more football than a lot of guys have played before they came out. Just based on experience, I think he’s played in plenty of football games, and played in enough big games, playing in the SEC.

“So I don’t know that coming back for his senior year would’ve helped him. … I think he’d played enough football so he was probably ready.”

Hey, that settles it for me.  Just think of all the quarterbacks that have started in the SEC in the past few years that are succeeding in the NFL today.  Right.

I’m not really wagging a finger at Aikman here.  He’s just promoting someone he knows and likes.  But for TSN to be passing this along as if it’s particularly newsworthy is embarrassing.

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Filed under Media Punditry/Foibles

One response to “Slow news day

  1. HamDawg11

    Based on the logic that starting a lot of SEC games at QB will make you ready for the NFL, we should see David G. starting for a team any day now…..great insight, Troy!
