Rank the home schedule

Over at Eleven Warriors, Jason has a post up that’s too good not to steal from.  So I thought I’d take a similar look at Georgia’s 2009 home schedule through the lens of the marketplace to get an idea of how Dawgnation currently ranks the quality of the games.

Via StubHub, here’s how we value things right now, from most desirable to least (I took an average of the price ranges, with one exception, as you’ll see):

  1. LSU
  2. South Carolina
  3. Auburn
  4. Arizona State
  5. Kentucky
  6. Tennessee Tech

(I tossed out the high end of the Kentucky range, as somebody is clearly tripping by offering two tickets in Section 129 for $1177 each.  The prices drop into the $500 range if you remove that outlier, which I’ve done.)

That actually looks about right to me.  Your thoughts?


Filed under Georgia Football

7 responses to “Rank the home schedule

  1. dean

    I would say that’s accurate. Personally I’d have SC tied for 1st just because I live and work with gamecock fans. It’s awfully nice beating them and not hearing their mouths for a few days. But it’s miserable when they beat us.
    Nevertheless the LSU game does have alot more “sex appeal” nationally and it looks like it should be a great game.


  2. JasonC

    I would move Auburn and ASU up above SC.

    ASU is still a novelty that doesn’t happen often and probably a win.
    It’s always good to see the Dogs beat Auburn.


  3. Mike In Valdosta

    Who would have ever thought columbia would be considered a bigger game than west opelika?

    Is this the SOS effect or just evidence of how bad Bobby Louder screwed things up on the plains?

    Personally, I would put lexington ahead of that Pac-10 trash.


    • The difference in the average costs of the tickets for the S. Carolina and Auburn games was minimal ($1.50), so for all intents and purposes, you could consider them equals.


  4. G.O.B.

    That looks about right to me (although SC would definitely be lower, I think, if it wasn’t the first home game). If we looked at the numbers again during the season, I think LSU might fall or Auburn might rise depending on how they preform.

    I’m more interested in how we rank on our opponents’ schedules. I would assume we’re Tech’s number one game (are we ever not?). I’m also pretty sure we’re UT’s biggest home game, although I haven’t gone through and looked at all of theirs.

    From what I can see on Stubhub, OSU interest definitely falls below Tech or UT. Of course, they get Texas at home, which obviously gets the number one spot. Texas Tech might also rank above us.

    Anyway, I think it would be really interesting if someone would calculate where we rank for our opponents. But, uh, not interesting enough for me to do all the work myself.


    • NM

      “I’m also pretty sure we’re UT’s biggest home game”

      Lane Kiffin’s Twitter (yeah, they still let him/his “assistant” use that!) said that single-game tix are on sale now for “W. KY, UCLA, Ohio, Memphis and Vandy”. That’s five home games that presumably have less demand than ours.

      Of course, next year UT has EIGHT home games, so that only means we’re in the top three. The others are Auburn and South Carolina. Spurrier’s a factor, but I can’t imagine UGA wouldn’t be the biggest of that bunch.

      (BTW, 8 home games sounds like a recipe for demanding some success, though the road dates are all pretty legit — UF, Bama, Ole Miss, and UK.)


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