And in a shocking development, Connor Shaw will not start for South Carolina this week.

Surprising, I know (at least if you think Spurrier gave Garcia all those extra chances out of the kindness of his heart).  But that’s what happens when all the preseason BS about looking better in scrimmage gives way to the game day reality of a 17-0 deficit against what was one of the worst defenses in D-1 last season, highlighted by Shaw’s less than impressive 3-9, 21-yard showing.

“The offense just responded to Stephen better,” said Ace Sanders, who caught Garcia’s lone touchdown pass.

I guess that’s one less thing for Grantham to have to concern himself with this week.

There were lots of turnovers in the game, but, significantly, none were interceptions thrown by Garcia.

The box score has a couple of things of interest about Carolina’s passing game.  First, and atypical for a Spurrier-coached offense, it was small ball:  only 5.2 yards per pass.  Second, it was very concentrated.  Jeffery and Lattimore caught all but two of the Gamecocks’ passes on the day.

That’s not necessarily a matter for relief for us, at least not if you think back to how effective Boise State’s short passing game was against the Dawg defense.

One change on defense I do expect to see this week for Georgia is the insertion of Bacarri Rambo into the starting lineup, with Sanders Commings moving over to corner.  That lets Georgia go larger in the defensive backfield, which is probably a good thing, given South Carolina’s two big offensive weapons.  It also makes it easier to use Branden Smith on offense.  That worked out pretty well the last time the ‘Cocks came calling.


Filed under 'Cock Envy, Georgia Football

22 responses to “And in a shocking development, Connor Shaw will not start for South Carolina this week.

  1. Lrgk9

    Cawgs or Gie!


  2. TennesseeDawg

    He plays better when he’s drunk anyway.


  3. BeerMoney

    And don;t forget, Carlton Thomas returns this week too! Can’t wait to see him take some pressure off Samuel by diving into the teeth of the SCU DL for a .5 yard gain on 3rd and 16.


  4. Normaltown Mike

    You mean Garcia is back in SOS’s good graces?

    Hot dog, here he comes!


  5. DA man

    Richt says the number 1 priority is to win the SEC East. Gee, you think the priority would be to win every game. So, maybe he planned to not show any new wrinkles to Boise so SCar doesn’t know what we are going to do. God, I am the eternal optimist.


  6. JasonC

    I have a feeling Shaw’s start last week was a veiled effort at punishment for Garcia, more than Shaw looking better in the preseason. Of course, Spurrier being such the disciplinarian, he could only keep Garcia out until he really needed him.


    • Nate Dawg

      Totally agree…and he’s soo cruel, as the Senator mentioned, he threw down the punishment hammer against what he knew couldn’t be that much of an improved defense if any at all after being so bad last year.


    • Mayor of Dawgtown

      Garcia has SOS by the gonads–and knows it. The clean-up act is just that. An act. I wonder exactly what SOS would have done if Garcia had not moved a muscle when SOS told him to go into the game on Saturday?


  7. AthensHomerDawg

    Hope the team gets plenty of fluids this week. The Usc game will not be played indoors in a climate controlled stadium. It is plenty hot in the seat I have at that time of day. I imagine it’s a lot hotter on the field.


    • Coach Hewitt...

      Pickle juice AHD…. They gotta drink pickle juice… 😉


    • 69Dawg

      Believe it or not sometimes the cramps are caused by a lack of body fat. The new S&C may have actually done too good a job at reducing body fat and thereby increasing cramps. The guys that had them in the GA dome for sure need to get IV’s before the game.


    • No One Knows You're a Dawg

      Richt said in today’s press conference that the Ga Dome Saturday night was “hot and humid.”


      • Sanford222View

        That’s because Richt was wearing a wind shirt and the team didn’t look improved much at all. I am sure it was hot and humid to him. Especially in the seat of his britches.

        If he thought the Dome was hot and humid what does he think Sanford Stadium will be like Saturday at 4:30pm will be like?


  8. 69Dawg

    Show of hands if you believe that if Boise had had Jefferson’s sped at WR they would not have gone long. If we don’t get pressure on Garcia this week he will set a single game record for passing yardage. Another small problem was that Moore was a statute Garcia will run like a deer. I see zero way we beat these guys with what I saw last Saturday night.


  9. Hogbody Spradlin

    Lots of players, on all kinds of college football teams, get cramps the first game. I’ve been seeing it for years.


  10. Mayor of Dawgtown

    The Boise gameplan was/is a roadmap of how to beat the current UGA team. Short passes, thrown quickly and on timing. OL hold the UGA D-Line ’cause the SEC refs won’t flag you if the opponent is Georgia. Play no-huddle until the Dawgs’ tongues hang out. Punt to the sideline so there is no return. When on D, stunt the DEs and DTs, play 7 in pass D. Wait and see this weekend if we don’t see the forgoing all over again and every weekend from now until the end of the season.
