Hugh Freeze intends to get medieval with the SEC.

From Coach Giggity to Holy Roller – Ole Miss shouldn’t miss a beat.

Carly Powers, the athletic director at Briarcrest Christian School in Memphis, was an assistant coach for Freeze for seven years, and said the pregame talks were not just about “Watch the man coming off the edge” and “Here’s the first 10 plays.”

“He’ll tell a lot of Old Testament stories out of the Bible,” Powers said, “and he’ll use it as a motivator to the players.”

This should work:


Filed under SEC Football

4 responses to “Hugh Freeze intends to get medieval with the SEC.

  1. Will Trane

    The Later Prophets, Ezekiel. “I will execute great vengeance against them with rebukes of wrath…”
    Is the writer trying to fill space on a paper like most today. Is he writing about the man’s religion and belief. He never says. Most Christians today rarely quote from the Old Testament and any prophets. Guess they think the tone is a little too strong. I came to the thought from the article the coach could be a Christian Reconstructionist. I would think he has taken a stand. He is with us.
    I found this article more interesting than Emerson’s interview with the AD about Richt and conference schedule. Emerson should find another line of work. The man is always,like the AJC boys, trying to play the “catch you game” or create a story when none is there. Or, look boy, just wait and let’s see what happens.
    Now I understand why I had troulbe on some days in the CJ bullding. Those journalism majors…well they fouled up the business school for the business majors.


  2. Wow, Richt may be about to lose his lead.


  3. Cojones

    Who care? I like quotes from Mark Twain, some that would make you gird up your loins, but what the hell, we use condoms now. They keep the kids free of pestilence.


  4. Whiskeydawg

    What would really be colorful is if he would quote from the books left out of the Bible like the Book of Enoch or the Gospel of Mary. That would be fun!
