“I’m more selective in my verbal attacks.”

Painless Charlie Weis manages to reflect nostalgically on his coaching career without a single mention of last year in Gainesville.  Funny how that works.


Filed under Charlie Weis Is A Big Fat...

10 responses to ““I’m more selective in my verbal attacks.”

  1. Will Trane

    Charlie Wies needs to reflect on his body weight. Doubt Charlie could take the heat of the north Florida penisula. Charlie needs to spend some time with Marie Osmond.


  2. let me show you my shocked face.


  3. X-Dawg

    Let ME reflect nostalgically on Charlie Weis’ coaching career …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. I’m drawing a blank.


  4. Scott W.

    It’s best to gloss over one’s failures while showcasing the talents if you are trying to land the next dream job.


  5. Mike

    Charlie, we Florida fans hardly knew you. And for that, we are grateful.


    • Mayor of Dawgtown

      Charlie Weiss has gotten more out of his association with a winning program (the Patriots), which he did virtually nothing to cause, than any other coach in history. He just did what Belichick told him to do. Belichick was always in charge of the offense. Weiss’s input into the success of the Patriots is the same input the rooster has with the sun rising. Just ask Tom Brady, who never even mentions the guy at all when discussing reasons for that team winning 3 Super Bowls.


  6. Puffdawg

    I thought this was an interesting throw away line:

    “…Weis left for Florida largely because of a school Weis and wife Maura had found for their daughter, Hannah, who has special needs.”

    So, I assume the daughter’s school didn’t work out, hence the move to Kansas U?


  7. Cojones

    My question is: How are they going to get the cooler impressions out of the field?
