And now… here’s Mikey!

If there’s anyone you’d pick to claim that he was for an SEC-owned network all along, it would be Georgia’s illustrious president – and you would be right.

“We’re strong enough in the marketplace that I have long advocated for an arrangement [in which] we look for a media partner where we would own at least 51 percent of the deal and create a network,” Adams said. “I raised that issue when we did the last TV deal [in 2008], but I was a minority view at the time.”

Now, though, it’s probably full speed ahead with an SEC Network launch.  The money and the ego-stroking to come will be nice benefits, to be sure, but there’s always something extra when you’re Michael Adams.

Adams said he would favor an arrangement where a sports media partner “can do the technical work and let us provide the product. There’s both, I think, more money and more editorial control if you do those things.”  [Emphasis added.]

Of course.


Filed under Michael Adams Wants To Rule The World

3 responses to “And now… here’s Mikey!

  1. Bulldog Joe

    Does “more editorial control” mean they must put a seven second delay on the crowd audio when Adams is introduced at halftime?


  2. cube

    I blame Dan Wetzel.
