Fashion plate

I have no idea how talented a football player Preston Williams may turn out to be at the college level, but I’ve got to tell you from a blogging perspective, he’s a must-have in Athens.

… Williams wore blindingly bright yellow shoes, mismatched socks (one was a multi-colored, neon leopard print, while the other was decorated with cupcakes), cut-off camouflage sweat pants over black leggings and a Lovejoy t-shirt. The ensemble was topped off with a gray scarf that would look great on a 78-year-old retiree from Boca Raton but seemed out of place wrapped around Williams’ noggin as a headband.

“This is my look,” Williams said. “My jumping look — I am exotic.”

Ooh, baby.  Sign this kid!


Filed under Recruiting

10 responses to “Fashion plate

  1. Dog in Fla

    “Model, poet, actor, football star. For 2015 WR prospect Preston Williams, there really is more to life than being really, ridiculously good-looking.” Radi Nabulsi

    And his hair was perfect


  2. Go Dawgs!

    I liked him better when his name was Robert Griffin III.


  3. Cojones

    Can we dub him “Auntie Freeze” to begin with and work our way toward “Mello-Yellow”? And he’s in the tenth grade? 6′-3″ ? WR? Maybe Sgt Preston of the Royal Mounties dress code?


  4. Scott W.

    I’ve longed for the days that townies and football players would blend seamlessly.


    • Dog in Fla

      + 1

      Those days are here, or maybe somewhere else, my friend. “The clash between town and gown, between the hard drinking, drugging, and fighting of ‘townies’ and the ambitions of students debating books and ideas, couldn’t have been more stark.” It was almost as if floating like a butterfly met/meant stinging like a love bug


  5. Russ

    Again, subscribers only. What am I doing wrong besides not giving ESPN all my money?


  6. AlphaDawg

    Anyone find any pictures of this outfit?


    • The other Doug

      I clicked through because I’m an “insider” (don’t judge me!) and the pic was from too far out and therefore worthless.


      • 202dawg

        I found a better one, showing the leopard shocks. Emailed it to the Sen, but not sure he’s comfortable posting (it’s on the 24/7 free site)
