The many sides of James Franklin

Vanderbilt’s coach may go ballistic with his peers from time to time, but when it comes to recruits, he prefers just to chillax.

“Vanderbilt. Me and Coach (James) Franklin were in the office, and he was blasting some team music. I believe it was like Tupac. He was doing a little singing along to it, and getting kind of crunk. He was basically acting like one of us.”

Here’s guessing Shaq Wiggins learns that Franklin’s personality is a little more, um, complicated before Georgia’s trip to Nashville this year.


Filed under James Franklin Is Ready To Rumble, Recruiting

2 responses to “The many sides of James Franklin

  1. AthensHomerDawg

    Cue the man crush declarations for Franky in 5-4-3-2…………..


  2. Dog in Fla

    In addition to Tupac, Michael and Tito, James knows everybody loves Peaches and Tone-Loc
