Bang for the postseason buck

Just like everything else around college football, the cost of big time sponsorship is on the rise.

Under the old Bowl Champsionship Series format, sponsorship ranged from $15 to $20 million annually. Under the new playoff, those numbers reportedly could be closer to $25 million annually.

It’s probably not a coincidence this is now happening:

Capital One is reportedly ending its sponsorship of Orlando’s top bowl as part of a bigger bowl sponsorship shakeup first reported by the Sports Business Journal Monday.

Tostitos and Discover have told ESPN — the media rights holder for both games — that they plan on ending their sponsorships with the Fiesta and Orange bowls. Both bowl games are part of the new College Football Playoff.

Tostitos is one of the longest running title sponsors in college football. Its decision would end an 18-year relationship with the bowl game.

Cap One is reportedly looking at stepping into Discover’s former shoes at the Orange Bowl.  There’s always somebody that wants to get in front of live eyes and is willing to pay for the privilege.  At least for now.


Filed under BCS/Playoffs, It's Just Bidness

8 responses to “Bang for the postseason buck

  1. Yet another reason they shouldn’t take the “Peach”, “Citrus”, etc out of the names of the bowl games. I’m glad the Peach is being put back in. Whichever company takes Capital One’s place, I hope they use the opportunity to put “Citrus” back in the name.


    • Moe Pritchett

      but, can they put “ciTrUs” back in the name? The Vols haven’t made a bowl since 10’….


  2. Macallanlover

    Surprised most about Tostitos ending their relationship, their product line is a perfect fit for the audience watching a game on TV. Believe I would have held my position on that decision.


    • Dog in Fla

      Doritos leaving the Fiesta Bowl completes the circle of life from the time of the first Nokia Sugar Bowl when everybody said wtf is a Nokia. Sure, there were good times such as the Weedwacker in Shreveport because everybody already knew what a weedwacker was and how to handle it


      • Will (the other one)

        But before there were jokes to be made about US-effing-Gee.


        • Dog in Fla

          I forgot about that. Hopefully, someone remembered to adapt those old what an insurance company does to you jokes to E. Gordon Gee, a college president of every college, who does seem to have a sense of humor


  3. 81Dog

    What’s in YOUR wallet? Ummm, I think it’s the NCAA’s hand.


  4. I Wanna Red Cup

    What if they offered to sell a sponsorship and nobody came? At some point it might be just too expensive
