“Georgia’s logo is so timeless…”

This is obviously written by someone who’s not from Montana.


Filed under Georgia Football

26 responses to ““Georgia’s logo is so timeless…”

  1. jack

    …and THAT is why that helmet yesterday was so horrendous!


  2. Spence

    nobody tell them we stole it from the Packers….shhhhhhh


    • 69Dawg

      Believe me when you live in Florida with tons of Yankees if you use the G on anything no matter the color it’s Greenbay. Tell you what everybody knows is the good ole Bulldawg in the Georgia cap. Everybody including the Yankees know that is UGA. Sorry Georgetown but we got that sucker. That’s why the rebranding of the Bulldawg is so stupid. There are so many Bulldog teams but we got the good one. The new one is almost generic. It’s as stupid as the Boxer dog that they tried before.


      • hassan

        We didn’t steal it, we licensed it. We also license from Georgetown and from Mack Trucks. The fact is, up until the new branding initiative, UGA held virtually no brands of its own.


        • Spence

          Actually, the Packers stole it back from us after we tweaked it.

          “Since the Georgia “G”- though different in design and color- was similar to Green Bay’s “G”, Coach Dooley thought it best to clear the use of Georgia’s new emblem with the NFL team. Athletic Director Joel Eaves called for permission which was granted. However, since its inception in 1961, the Green Bay “G” has been redesigned several times and now looks like Georgia’s original 1964 “G.”



      • Just Chuck (The Other One)

        If you lived in Florida in the days of BS (Before Spurrier), every college sports apparel shop had Georgia gear with the G on it (and very little with a gator). It’s only been since Spurrier’s run of success in the cocktail party that the Bulldogwear has gone away and people started wearing more of that tacky orange.


  3. Spence

    “In 1964, then-Georgia football coach Vince Dooley liked the way the Packers’ helmets looked and thought it would work well for his team. Prior to 1964, Georgia had worn plain silver helmets. Georgia tweaked the logo slightly, making it shorter vertically and adding a colored stroke on the outside. The Packers granted Georgia permission to use the logo since they were so similar. (Add to that the most common spot color among college sports teams, the 3rd most common mascot, and a non-original fight song and you’ve got the most unoriginal school in the country. Rant over.)”



    • Taken from the dude who obviously ripped off his logo in the header from the San Diego Padres.

      But in regards to the G, I think Picasso said it best “”Good artists copy, great artists steal”.


    • watcher16

      “Hail” is our fight song (what is played after the PAT), not “Glory”. “Hail” is very original, IMO.


      • 69Dawg

        Glory is ok but it’s not even exclusive in the SEC, Auburn plays it. I’ve always considered “Hail” to be the fight song. Glory started off as a joke by the band on the Battle Hymn of The Republic after the Late Unpleasantness. I do love the Dixieland version thought.


        • DC Weez

          I’d like to hear more “Hail” less “Glory.”


        • Just Chuck (The Other One)

          Been to Auburn a few times for basketball. Their band does play Glory (not well) up to the point that our fans take over the singing with the Georgia lyrics. Then you usually don’t hear it again.


    • JCDAWG83

      Sounds like you would love a school with a very uncommon mascot, a helmet no other team comes close to copying and a fight song that has nothing to do with the school or even has words to sing along to. In short, you should embrace the University of South Carolina.


  4. Hogbody Spradlin

    I know of at least 2 high schools with names beginning ‘G’ that use the same logo.

    How did Da U get on that list? That thing is nothing.


  5. Jeff Sanchez

    That article is two years old…


  6. Irwin R Fletcher

    That tiger paw is so edgy! (gag)


  7. watcher16

    I love that SCar made the bottom hehe



    Been referenced above, but when out of the South, I often get the “where did you get that red and black Green Bay hat” And I’ve never really been up north…happened the last time I was in Tahoe City…damn nice area though.


  9. Saxondawg

    The “originality” thing is overblown. I’m not a huge fan of “Glory, Glory” myself, but the fact is that these traditions go back to times when there was less exposure and “creativity” was not something anybody even thought about related to this game. If we redid the helmet, we wouldn’t borrow again (Green Bay had just started using that design themselves). But at the time, it just wasn’t some big holy deal. Things like fight songs arose from what the student bodies liked to sing. They didn’t go out and commission some guy from the Brill Building to do it. We chose our colors to be as different from Georgia Tech as possible. And if we rechose mascots, I’m sure it would be something “original,” and it would be original for a reason–the good ones are taken. Bulldog has always been a perfect identity for our program. The helmets could not be improved. Function over creativity.


  10. Spike

    Anything orange should be disqualified. Burnt or otherwise.


  11. Governor Milledge

    The article’s praise of Washington’s logo is a little misplaced… nothing unique or iconic about that one.
