This is why you can’t have nice things, student-athletes.

Putting lipstick on a pig ain’t cheap.  What, you’d rather see that money spent on cost of attendance support?


Filed under Blowing Smoke, It's Not Easy Being A Mid-Major

3 responses to “This is why you can’t have nice things, student-athletes.

  1. Interviewing potential agents and they are giving him advice to step up.


  2. Mayor

    Why does that asshole still have a job? And someone please explain to me why it is OK to spend taxpayer funds on PR for an unpopular university president. If that is being done, why isn’t it the UAB president’s responsibility himself to pay for PR to repair his image?


    • Dog in Fla

      “It promised an ‘excellent video clip’ of Watts to accompany that statement.”

      I still say this would have been an even better video clip
