“Greeney, more quarterbacks lose games for their teams than win games.”

If there’s something comforting about Georgia playing two quarterbacks in the opener (besides the opponent being a Sun Belt school) it’s that Richt has been there before.

“I know the first thing Coach Richt said to me when he pulled me up into his office and told me I was going to start he said, ‘Greeney, more quarterbacks lose games for their teams than win games. You’ve got a lot of good players around you. You don’t need to try to be superman. Go through your reads, distribute the ball where it needs to go and do that.’ ”

The more things change…

“That was sort of our philosophy to win games,” he said. “Do that, play good defense, don’t turn the ball over and take what they give you. The game has certainly changed a little bit now where you’ve got to score 30, 40 points a game to win whereas before it wasn’t quite like that. We would line up in the I-formation and try to run it off tackle. I think the same principles for what he’s looking for in a quarterback haven’t changed. Be solid, play disciplined ball because there’s nothing that’s going to scare a coach more than making a boneheaded type throw, a screen that hits the defensive tackle in the belly button. That kind of stuff keeps you on the sidelines.”

… yadda, yadda, yadda.

And it’ll work just fine if the defense holds up its share of the bargain.


Filed under Georgia Football

9 responses to ““Greeney, more quarterbacks lose games for their teams than win games.”

    • Mayor

      Let me revise and extend my remarks in my earlier post. Q: What is the first thing a football team needs to be successful? A: A quarterback who won’t beat you himself.


  1. W Cobb Dawg

    I get most of this except the “do that” part.


  2. Cojones

    How many pass completions did Greene make consecutively before he was intercepted? It was a shitload amount that was talked about quite a bit.


  3. ApalachDawg

    P44 Haynes was a pretty good completion.


  4. steve

    It appears that the coaches who will finally decide are not sold on B Ramsey’s ‘first- do no harm’ potential. Otherwise he would already be in the pilot’s seat. And using an opponent like ULM as a gauge for ‘success’ as a QB is sort of like using a hubcap’s diameter as a gauge for engine hp. If B Ramsey does well against ULM who, honestly thinks that is confirmation he will do well against the Slurppy’s Lamecocks?
    The fact that we are still talking about it is more meaningful than the words themselves.
    B Ramsey will turn the ball over. AT the worst time. In an important game. Based on his performance as a RS Freshman his decision algorithm as he approaches panic time results in the ‘morbidity of delay’. And in some cases mortality of delay.
    Reference Jeff Driskoll for the template.
    Reference Aaron Murray (years 3 and 4) for the opposite. Aaron was the model for microsecond adjusted critical thinking skills during stress. He spoiled us not so much with physical skills but by removing our fear of panic-driven QB mistakes.
    Hope I’m wrong and B Ramsey is runner up to Nick for HizeMan Trofee.


  5. 69Dawg

    It’s not like we don’t know these things. We have seen how terrible QB play can kill us before. I think the “he has a big arm” crowd fails to remember the lessons of Stafford. QB’s with great arms think they can complete ANY pass. So what if it’s double coverage I can get it in there. This is the very reason that I’ll take Bauta, as long as he is the guy who knows his limitations and plays the game to put the team in the best position to win.


  6. 69Dawg

    One more point. No matter who the coaches pick, this is going to be the most talked about year of the QB ever. We all know that the second string QB is the most loved player on the team.
