Well, duh.

Pretty much your no-brainer there.


Filed under Georgia Football

32 responses to “Well, duh.

  1. Nate Dawg

    Man dat boy can scoot!


  2. Senator – you know that “no-brainer” comment is chum for the sharks. I bet you said that with tongue planted firmly in cheek.


  3. Coweta Dawg

    I hope he does well in practice so we see him again this Sat.!


    • W Cobb Dawg

      He should skip practice to accept the player of the week award. Then nobody could criticize his practice performance. Problem solved.


      • Mayor

        ^^This. Plus as I said in a post earlier in the season, some on this blog have been talking about improvement on STs and pointing to the returns as evidence. As demonstrated by what happens in Isiah’s absence, the only improvement on STs is one person–and when he’s out because of injury or a bad coaching decision we are right where we were before.


  4. John Denver is full of shit...

    yeah but clearly he needs to clear up the way he practices. You ever seen the Randy Moss doc, similar perhaps, but he basically practiced like a Baylor receiver.


  5. charlottedawg

    Very disappointed nobody has shared this concerning young Isaiah


  6. Juan

    This post has been forwarded to Mark Richt.

    His feelings are hurt. He is praying for the Senator (troll).


  7. Spike

    Well deserved Human Joy Stick!


  8. The fact that they were keeping him off the punt return team shows that they were prioritizing sound special teams fundamentals over big play potential. (fumbling a ball inside the 5 will do that to a coaching staff). Lets hope they clean up whatever is ailing Isaiah so that we can see more joystick and less Logan Gray.


  9. Macallanlover

    I was a very early adopter on IMac, from the weekend he committed and I saw his film. Said then, he is unlike any returner UGA has ever had on the field, and he has delivered. But that said, he has had a few issues in his return game with ball security and decision making, a hamstring problem that had to be babied because he was needed on offense, and an attitude problem, all of which contributed to his reduced opportunities. Without doubt, he is the most talented return man on this team, and probably in UGA history. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t have to pay attention to the coaches. If you want a disciplined, prepared team, you have to play the guys who follow direction. I hate to see him on the sideline as much as anyone, but this is on him, not the coaches.


    • Dog in Fla

      “If you want a disciplined, prepared team, you have to play the guys who follow direction.”

      No matter what the direction is because Delta Is Ready When You Are


    • ClydeBoogie

      3…2..1 Mac shoots from half court..nothing but net. The entire program coaches, players, water boys, water girls, Hairy Dawg, and UGA as well THEY all need to get their asses in gear. Hell, Uga needs to bark harder and longer and bite the shit outta somebody.Get his ass outta that air conditioned dawghouse and lead his team.


    • CannonDawg

      “Without doubt, he is the most talented return man on this team, and probably in UGA history.”

      Jake Scott didn’t have the footspeed of McKenzie, but he was fast enough. Close call, but I’d choose Jake.


      • Mayor

        Don’t forget Buzzy Rosenberg. Just sayin.’


      • Macallanlover

        And that is why I said “probably”, we have had others with talent. I remember watching Jake make some huge plays for UGA but I will say IMAC is better, and has to do it against better competition. Jury is still out, he is just a sophomore at this point. Saying you think one is best doesn’t diminish the other, they are all Dawgs.


        • Scorpio Jones, III

          Suffice to say, Mac, Da Stick is the best punt returner we have now. Which is, after all, what matters…now. What’s interesting to me is how many touches the staff is able to get for him. Its almost like the staff might know how effective he can be…naw, that’s impossible, must be just luck.


  10. JN

    And just think, IM is our third stringer. What’s is going to be like when those guys ahead of him return punts?!?!?!


  11. Bobby Bowden Syndrome

    that kid can motor. love it


  12. Jared S.

    He’s my size. Wish I could move like that. Ha.
