“This was all about Kirby.”

This is the Georgia Way.

Persons close to the Georgia football program who are acquaintances with Smart said the Bulldogs could not afford to sit by idly as “one of their own” took another head coaching job, possibly with a rival program.

Good grief.  I wonder how those people felt when Florida hired Will Muschamp.  Must have been a real kick in the nuts.

As most of you know, I don’t think Georgia needs to hire a coordinator over an established head coach.  But if Smart is the choice, I’d sure like to think it’s for some other reason than that.  Unfortunately…


Filed under Georgia Football

118 responses to ““This was all about Kirby.”

  1. WarD Eagle

    Welcome home Mike Bobo


  2. sectionzalum

    maybe Kirby can start a fine tradition of grayshirting here in Athens.


  3. I can believe that they let Richt get knowing Smart was their replacement, but I highly doubt the reason they let Richt go was because Kirby might take the USC job. I think the results the past three years are obvious why they elected to make the move.


  4. Kanu

    I’d becone pretty apathetic about Richt, but canning him and losing Pruitt & a top 10 D of mostly underclassmen and probably a good chunk of this recruiting class for Kirby Smart would be more than a lityle underwhelming.

    I’d much prefer someobe with proven HC experience or a coordinator like a Pruitt type who has proven that his success isnt mostly on the coattails of his HC like a Kirby type is.

    Are we also going to double our football support & consulting staff, spend untold millions more than is rational to get on Bama’s level, start oversigning, grayshirting and cutting kids under false pretenses?


    • watcher16

      I 2nd the Pruitt sentiment and not Kirby


      • Kanu

        Im not saying Pruitt fpr HC specifocally, just that if youre going to go the coordinator route then get one similar to one that has proven himself . Kirby has proven nothing and its more likely than not thst his success is due more to Saban and everything in place at Bama than his coaching abilities. For us to ditch our D & recruiting class to volunteer to be the experiment to determine if Kirby has any actual coaching merit of his low percentage foolishishness in my opinion. But you never know, these things are always a crapshoot…


  5. Scorpio Jones, III

    From Seth Emerson of the DJC…in re: Tom Herman…”It’s unclear how much Meyer and McGarity still talk, but if they do Meyer could certainly provide a recommendation. ”

    Bluto…just curious, is there anything in that sentence that makes you itch?


  6. Chuck

    In my mind, there’s a real upside to Kirby besides the ‘he’s one of us’ meme. He’s familiar with most of our current staff because most of them worked at Bama. Except for Schotty, of course. But there’d be a decent chance for continuity with what’s been working well.


    • Ellis

      I am kinda with the Senator on getting a proven head coach, but I think Chuck has a legitimate point if we go the Kirby way. Frankly, I would like to see an offer go to a Patterson at TCU or Stoops from OU, someone with plenty of coaching experience that may want to step up to the big leagues. I think Patterson would jump at the opportunity.


      • Why? He’s reportedly paid as well as Richt and he’s competing for national championships now. What does he need the Georgia Way for?


        • WH

          This. I live in Fort Worth. Patterson is already treated like royalty here and he doesn’t have the unrealistic expectations to deal with (yet).


          • Chopdawg

            Just give him a few years, let his winning percentage fall into the .740’s, then see how he’s doing. Or maybe that’s just us, who’ll fire the best coach we ever had, just because of our unrealistic expectations.


        • Oyster Roaster

          Who do you recommend?


          • I don’t know enough to say a specific name right now. I just want someone who’s had success as a head coach, as opposed to hiring a coordinator.

            I’ll also say that some of you are unrealistic about what kind of head coach would come to Georgia. And not just because of our favorite worry. A lot of guys are locked up in contracts that are almost impossible to get out of without paying large sums of money.


        • Ellis

          Because of respect. TCU’s success hinges on beating two teams every year in a conference that is derided as weak and lacking of defense of any kind. Patterson knows that to get respect he will have to do it against serious competition week in and week out. See his tantrum last year when TCU was passed up for the playoff. He knows that respect isn’t going to be achieved at TCU. He may not be the guy, but he does have the head coach experience that some of these other names don’t have. I saw someone throw out Tressel as a name. The fact is there are alot of openings right now and few qualified individuals.


          • Gary Patterson isn’t respected? Hunh?


            • Ellis

              His football team and their conference is not.


              • Bullshit. The Big 12 has four teams in this week’s AP top fifteen. The SEC has one.


                • Ellis

                  The AP poll? That’s meaningless. To assume TCU is as prestigious a coaching job as Georgia is ridiculous. I am just arguing that based on what I have seen of Patterson’s ego a top 15 team from a second tier conference that plays meaningless games each week isn’t going to impress anyone much less himself. Last year’s playoff committee decision to exclude TCU was a splash of reality for Patterson.

                  Frankly, I am not even arguing he is best for the job, but there are few qualified individuals that our program should consider. My opinion would be to look at Herman from Houston but from what I understand he is headed to Missouri, but I still think he could be persuaded.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  I agree with Ellis. TCU and Mizzou don’t even have hedges. Patterson and/or Herman would jump at the chance to come to Athens. We probably wouldn’t even have to pay them as much as they currently make because of prestige and The Georgia Way.


                • Bazooka Joe

                  That’s pretty funny…. if I didn’t know better id think you were serious !


              • TXBaller

                Ole Miss thinks differently.


            • Uglydawg

              I saw what you did there, Senator.


        • Patterson is always going to be screwed at TCU because he has too much competition for recruiting.

          He’d have more money and more talent at UGA and could win a title more likely here.


          • You have no idea what kind of resources TCU has at its disposal.

            As for winning a title more easily at Georgia, not while Nick Saban is at Alabama.


            • 1) We know from national publicized information that UGA makes more money than TCU, though you are right that the assholes at BM love to hoard our revenue like Smaug.

              2) You kinda have to go through Alabama eventually no matter what. An SEC champion has a better chance of getting tapped for the playoffs than a Big12 Champ, as Patterson learned last year.


      • Debby Balcer

        Stools is not leaving OU for UGA but the Sooner fan base talks the same way about him ours did about Coach Richt..


      • Debby Balcer

        My husband graduated from OU Stools is more leaving there. Plus he has the same kind of record Coach Richt had and has a reputation for blowing big games and face planting. Why change the name to have the same results?


  7. sniffer

    I hope that article was a bad attempt at trolling us. “Bring Muschamp with him“? I will not support a program that employs Will Muschamp. He is an embarrassment in addition to being an ass.


  8. sniffer

    Are the three guys from Horrible Bosses running BM or writing articles for the AJ-C?


  9. Bright Idea

    “Because he’s one of us.” Wasn’t Richt? Surely that’s not THE criteria for the new hire.


    • stevesixty8

      Not sure how you get that Richt was “one of us.” He played at Miami and coached at FSU. How did that family tree gain him admission into the UGA gene pool? He had no UGA ties before he was hired.


  10. Uglydawg

    Somewhere Pat Dye is asking…”what about me?”


  11. Mike

    Because McGarity has such good memories hiring defensive coordinators with no head coaching experience? Ron Zook and Will Muschamp weep.


  12. Derek

    I hope this is right: https://mobile.twitter.com/UGAinsider?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor

    Herman is the only guy out that moves the needle for me.


    • A guy on Twitter who calls himself “UGAinsider” probably isn’t.


      • Derek

        I don’t care if he’s a broke clock so long as he’s right. Kirby and Mullen don’t do anything for me.


        • Mike Cooley

          By all means that needs to be top priority in making this hire. Moving your needle.


          • Derek

            Generally I just post my speculations about what other people think and keep my own opinions to myself. Thought I’d change it up today. I’ll go back to posting what everybody else thinks and not me just like everyone else does. This is clearly an opinion free zone Cooley. I appreciate your calling me out in my gross deviation from the norm

            Starting now I’ll just post what everybody else is thinking:

            Cooley, you’re a dickhead.


            • Mike Cooley

              Thank you. Being disliked by a person like you lets me know I am living right. That made my day. As for what everybody else is thinking, who cares? And what’s more, you overestimate how highly you are regarded here to the point that its funny. Watching you freak out when your opinions don’t get treated with the same reverence that you have for them is funny. You’re not that smart bacon breath. Piss up a rope.


              • Dolly Llama

                This is like a bad-loss gameday thread on steroids! I’ll sit back and digest the news about Richt once I sit back for a bit and watch y’all curse one another.


              • Derek

                My estimation of how I am regarded around here equals my interest in that subject: not at all

                However, I would suggest that every fucking post on this fucking blog, including the fucking posts by the host, contain an opinion. Too bad you never noticed.


                • Mike Cooley

                  Oh I’ve noticed. Its just that there is only one person here that states their opinion like facts and acts as if they are doing us all a favor by posting them. That person is you and I enjoy a lot of laughs watching you lose your shit whenever you see anyone not act like you are some kind of genius when you post your twaddle. As far as what you suggest, kiss my ass.


                • Derek

                  I’m glad that I’ve caught so much of your attention. You know what I remember about your posts? Nothing.


                • McNease

                  Seriously. I think you have a new admirer. Don’t call too soon. Keep him anxious.


              • JarvisCrowell

                Chili gets all the hate around here, but Derek and Lake dawn are the biggest trolls on this blog by far.


                • Derek

                  Chili deserves far more hate than he’s ever gotten.

                  As far as myself, it does appear that at least you and Cooley read my posts. What can I say, it’s a start.


                • Glad somebody else noticed.


                • Derek

                  Chili, it appears that you could have safely pulled for us to win AND gotten what you wanted. Not only is wanting us to lose make you anything but a fan and probably not even a human being, it was all for naught. You could have said “lets beat auburn” AND “FIRE RICHT!!! and saved your fandom and humanity, but the truth is that they were never there anyway.

                  Jarvis- this still does not suffice as enough hate ’round here for chili.


                • lakedawg

                  Thanks Jarvis do you have clue what a troll is, and by the way your buddy Chile deserves every thing he gets.


  13. Bogart Double Dawg

    Masterful move by Kirby Smart’s agent.

    If this is really how they are thinking over there at BM then the evidence for a house cleaning is getting real strong.


  14. sectionzalum

    wherein McGarity shows REAL class…


    what an embarrassing asshole.


  15. SAtownDawg

    Choosing Smart over Herman would validate everything the Senator has stated about the “Georgia Way”


  16. The Old Jeffster

    Sounds like CKS coming home to UGA isn’t a popular move in this crowd. But in the context of the timing of Richt’s dismissal, at least some of the decisions make sense. If this is true then clearly the brass at BM think Smart will do better in the top job than Boom. Smart evidently is one helluva recruiter; perhaps that weighed into the thought process as well. I have a hard time believing they made this move without some strong ideas in mind about who’s coming in.


    • Muschamp’s a great recruiter, too. The bigger issue is what kind of staff you put together, and on that one, Kirby is a complete mystery.


      • The Old Jeffster

        Senator, that’s a huge point about staff. SEC east looks so ripe for the taking, you’d think some big names would give it a think. Ya think Dabo or Jimbo might give the Dawgs a look? Cause honestly it sounds like Smart to Georgia may already be a done deal.


      • Mike

        Senator, Muschamp is a great recruiter of defensive talent. The offense? not so much. If you guys think your offense was tepid this year? Under Muschamp it would be one of his best.


    • McNease

      I’d be cool with him. His mom taught me English and his dad coached me in football. Besides that I think hiring a defensive guy makes sense. There are a lot more creative offensive types available than guys who know how to stop them these days.


  17. It would only surprise me if that WASN’T the reason we pursued him. We just fired a good head coach and better person/representative while the AD is apparently still employed. An AD whose biggest contribution is a penchant for not taking a stand for coaches or players. Then again, it seems that these decisions are being made, in large part, by people outside BM. 😡

    I was so ready to ridicule LSU people. Then they carried Miles off the field and renewed their commitment to him. I’m kinda over the fact that Richt got fired and have moved on to how it seems to have been handled. You’re committed to better than 9-10 wins so you fire the dude who raised those expectations while keeping those who have done very little, if not nothing. You also allow boosters who have been around since Dooley to be a large influence. This doesn’t even make sense. Maybe we deserve to go back to hard times for a bit.


  18. Maconga

    from a long term viewer of this blog, it pains me that my first serious post is just damn, Damn it all.


  19. Ben

    If any of that is true, McGarity is running the show like Schottenheimer and Lambert ran the offense. No damn wonder it’s seemed like a rudderless ship. We might be amazed at what Richt could do in spite of McGarity’s presence.


    • Bogart Double Dawg

      I hope our University President, a Terry faculty member of many years, notices just how poorly this was managed by the AA. No one in Terry would advocate for the way this whole series of events played out.

      Whether Richt deserved firing, or not, the way this was handled is strong evidence of incompetence by the persons who carried it out.


    • You realize Richt has been here longer than McGarity , right? Jesus it’s amazing how y’all can pin the blame on everyone else.


      • Ben

        You do realize that McGarity had the chance to go all in on Richt when he got there, right? He didn’t. He’s a petulant ass who’s been waiting for a reason to make his “signature hire” instead of giving Richt and the program the resources to compete.


      • Doggoned

        Don’t you think it could have been done in a slightly classier way?


        • No. I think you people are just massively butthurt.


          • Ben

            Ah, yes. A rape joke. Anything else to enlighten us with?


          • Doggoned

            You people? There’s an open mind for you. You have no idea what I think about the change itself.


            • I’m not talking about what you think of the change. I’m talking about the stupidity running amok here today and feigned outrage over a dismissal that was done as tactfully as it could have been. Maybe if they had just let Richt decide when he wanted to quit everyone would have been happy.


              • Doggoned

                I have no outrage –feigned or otherwse. Just hoping it was done in the classiest way possible for all those impacted, including prospective recruits. Not an easy thing to pull off.


              • Scorpio Jones, III

                Chili: “I was here for the whole game thread, and nobody was derisive toward players. ”

                “Well if you think Lambert can’t throw worth a damn, get a load of Thomas.”

                “Well one thing is for sure, Morgan is going to break the line of UGA kickers that went on to play in the NfL.”

                “That was really stupid, Ganus. Dude literally waited on the receiver to get in his face and do that shit.”


              • lakedawg

                Chili stupidity been running amok ever since you first posted here.


  20. Doggoned

    The optimist in me is hoping they had KS on a string before canning Richt. Now I’m jumping ahead to: Can Kirby and Pruitt coexist?


  21. McNease

    “The simplest way to explain the behavior of any bureaucratic organization is to assume that it is controlled by a cabal of its enemies.”

    —Robert Conquest


  22. JoshG

    So how many sub-Richt seasons does the new coach get before we fire McGarity? Cause if Richt has to go, Greg’s gotta go too.


    • Turd Ferguson

      Yep, that may be the next necessary step in what could be a very long struggle for the good of the program. But if it is indeed for the good of the program, then I’m all for it.


  23. Other choices from: https://www.dawgnation.com/football/team-news/uga-moves-all-about-kirby-smart

    Mike Bobo, the Bulldogs’ longtime offensive coordinator, who just completed his first regular season as head coach at Colorado State (7-5);
    Dan Mullen, the Mississippi State head coach, who has a relationship with Georgia Athletic Director Greg McGarity from their time together at Florida;
    Charlie Strong, the Texas head coach, who has struggled some with the Longhorns but who also has a relationship with McGarity from Florida;
    Tom Herman, the first-year Houston head coach out of Ohio State.

    My god…….

    Is those are really the options, can we take a mulligan on firing CMR please?

    Holy crap those are all downgrades from CMR.


    • Uglydawg

      Matters not, mucky…they could hire Mama June and the Fire Brigade would think it’s an upgrade. 10 wins a year? Bah!! anyone can beat that.
      Mehthinks UGA football is in a heap of trouble…


      • Scorpio Jones, III

        National championships on a Division 1 budget… If there is not complete overhaul of the thinking behind having college football at Georgia, no coach is going to consistently do better than 10 wins per year.

        So if that does not happen, immediately, then we are in deep shit.


    • McNease

      This was always the problem. And if you mentioned it around here it was “Loser Talk,” because only winners committed to excellence fire first and THEN figure out who the new coach should be.


  24. dudemankind

    I honestly did not think they would fire him now. I thought last year’s season, where Georgia was very competitive and only got embarrassed in one game, would buy him another year by itself. After reading many comments today from those who were so adamant in their support for Richt, I am starting to believe that his firing had to do with a lot more than Georgia’s win-loss record, or the availability of coaches on the market. Call me uninformed or crazy, but to me this looks like an organization who has decided to cut ties with an individual who was well on his way to becoming bigger than the university. Some are fanatic about Richt, almost to a point that is creepy to me, and he has not been ashamed to use this image as a “good, honorable man.” He knows when the camera is looking and sorry…. but the talk with Morgan before the field goal vs Mizzou was Richt playing the viewers. He knows how much folks like that image and he is even using that hook to sell Ford trucks on TV now. Don’t believe me? Watch the commercials that have been airing recently. Yeah, I know, they all sell products, but he is the only Georgia coach I remember using THAT image to do it. Anyway, I applaud the decision and believe that win or lose in the near future, it will work to UGA’s advantage to not have some guy around forever who can’t be fired and is never questioned by the fans or media (they are not in the arena after all). Just ask Penn State how that worked out.


  25. Erskine

    If our AD thinks we have a program with a continues top 5 final ranking willing to fire a 9 win a year coach, why would he think of hiring a coordinator with absolutely zero head coaching experience? Absolutely no sense whatsoever. There is NO chance someone as incompetent as McGarity can hire a successful coach.


    • Otto

      Many of the same media outlets have Bobo high on the lists, and if you’re here you have likely read that McGarity would not agree to up Bobo’s contract prompting his move to CSU. Why would the same man go back to Bobo?

      My point, Just because somebody in a skybox supposedly said something doesn’t mean McGarity is thinking that way. Further, The media is full of uniformed click baiters. We will all know more soon.


  26. Chuck

    Does “move my needle” mean what I think it means? 😉


  27. coaching staff should be leveled…They ruined a talented team!!
    wrong people at the top — bad results !!!!


  28. rchris

    Georgia has never hired as its head coach a head coach from another major program. Marshall was 1A when they hired Donnan.
