Just shut up.

His mind perhaps distracted by the size of Donald Trump’s penis, Marco Rubio goes for broke and elects to disregard the Dawgnation vote in Georgia.



Filed under Political Wankery

47 responses to “Just shut up.

  1. S

    As if Rubio didn’t have enough against him, now he’s an honorary Techie. Yep, he’ll lose.


    • Will (The Other One)

      Wasn’t it just last week he was talking up how big a Gator fan he was? I think the only way he could further lose the state is to cap it with “I think they play better football up north.”


  2. Doug

    That’s almost as bad as Fiorina’s rooting-for-Iowa-in-the-Rose-Bowl pander. Even Georgia Tech fans don’t think Atlanta is a Georgia Tech town.


  3. DawgByte

    This is the lamest election in U.S. history. The presidential bar has been lowered to such an extent that I’m surprised Joe the Plumber or Shelia Jackson Lee isn’t leading the polls.


    • 3rdandGrantham

      Right after that embarrassing GOP debate last week, which basically was a two hour, 6th grade playground name calling fest, a conservative friend of mine texted me and said that, unless a miracle happens and Kasich get the nominee, he’s either voting for Hillary (if Trump wins) or not voting at all. I’m right there with him, sadly.


      • Bazooka Joe

        I think I am there as well. I am a moderate and do not like the extreme on either side. 3 people I absolutely will not vote for – Trump, Cruz and Sanders. Id hate to vote for Rubio but might do it (he is pretty much a republican Obama). And of course there is Hillary… ugh…. come on Kasich !!!
        If it ends up being a Trump/Cruz vs. Sanders election then I am going to petition the queen that we go back under the crown because its obvious we are now too stupid to govern ourselves.

        Where is Colin Powell when you need him…. ok I don’t know enough about his specific politics but from what I do know he would be better than anyone on the current list.


        • Bazooka Joe

          While I am on a rant… what ever happened to negotiating and moving the country forward ? Neither party got everything they wanted, but each got some and we were able to move forward. Now its “I get everything I want/demand or I will shut the government down, oppose everything you do, take my ball and go home”
          I feel sorry for our kids…..


    • Russ

      A-freakin’-men! Got a call this week asking who I was voting for, and I literally could not think of any person, on either side, that I’d want for president. I’ve always maintained that the office was such that pretty much nobody could screw up the country too badly. I think my theory will be sorely tested in the coming years.


      • Bazooka Joe

        The problem is the people that would make a good POTUS have zero desire to run. Who wants to be put through the nasty ringer that passes for politics these days ? So, we get left with the dregs….


    • Probably not a good year to be planting suggestions like that in people’s minds, man.


    • Semper Fi Dawg

      U.S. Congresswoman Corrine Brown for PRESIDENT


  4. Just Chuck (The Other One)

    What do you think about the triple option as an election strategy?


  5. 3rdandGrantham

    Actually, that is quite a fitting remark from Rubio. After all, he: chokes on the main stage or during big moments; sweats profusely all the time (similar to when a GT student/alum encounters a female); wears shoe lifts to make him appear taller; and constantly is chugging bottled water (a favorite tailgate beverage of techies, along with its clear liquid cousin…Zima).

    Suffice to say those comments don’t surprise me in the slightest.


  6. 69Dawg

    Rubio is a f’ing Gator, nuf said.


  7. Chris

    In addition to this stupid comment by Rubio, he’s a Gaytor, I believe.
    Count me in for not voting. Sad that this is the best our country has to offer….on both sides.


  8. Paloaltodawg

    Of course if he doesn’t like big sodas he may not like the health effects of football either.


  9. Athens Dog

    The lack of any type of leader from both sides is disheartening. But to mistake a nerd for SEC??


  10. Noonan

    You can search the entire Earth and you won’t find a Georgia Tech town. Maybe there is one in another galaxy.


  11. Careful Brad

    Let’s dispel with this fiction that Paul Johnson doesn’t know what he’s doing, he knows exactly what he’s doing.


  12. PTC DAWG

    Trump….no Hillary fo me….would rather have Bill again than her.


  13. Bulldog Joe

    Rubio ended his stump speech with “Thank You, Michigan!”

    …in Minneapolis.


  14. Scorpio Jones, III

    Icht ben ein engineer. Mr. Johnson, tear down that wall.


  15. South FL Dawg

    Ignorant goofball


  16. ASEF

    Read an interesting article this evening about Trump using Perdue’s campaign as a model, started talking to him 2 years ago.


  17. PBR1975

    Here is how the conversation between Rubio and Trump should go:
    Rubio – Look at his stubby fingers, you know what they say…
    Trump – Oh, so now I have a small penis
    Rubio – Yes you have a small penis
    Trump – OK sure, it is small, but it goes in her…(looking at his hot wife)



  18. Cosmic Dawg

    I’m just gonna leave this here: https://www.garyjohnson2016.com/


  19. AusDawg85

    So disgusted, I wrote-in our own Senator Blutarsky. So don’t be surprised when Anderson Cooper calls you later tonight.
