Kirby’s defensive strategery

I’m going to post something at some point about Smart’s defensive philosophy at Alabama – and, yes, Virginia, there was a Smart defensive philosophy at Alabama – but in the meantime, consider this:

I hope the 50% they’re leaving out is the way the defense played against Tennessee last year.


Filed under Georgia Football, Strategery And Mechanics

10 responses to “Kirby’s defensive strategery

  1. Jt (the other one)

    ME TOO!


  2. Rp

    50% of the time it works every time!


  3. I like how Kirby talked in the press conference about how the OLBs will be hybrids. Some will double as defensive ends in the 4-3, and others will provide depth as 3-4 ILBs. There’s talent on the edge. I hope we can get a bunch of it on the field.

    For the defensive play against Tennessee, a bunch of it was due to poor fundamentals especially tackling.


  4. And the 50% they keep is the part that played against Auburn last year. I know it is a rivalry game, but Auburn seems to have more success against Kirby’s Bama D than the Dawgs of late. I could be wrong, but it just feels that way.


    • Go Dawgs!

      It probably just feels that way because they haven’t had any success at all against Georgia, save for years when they play for a national title.


  5. Timphd

    And the “defense” on the field against UF in 2014.


  6. AusDawg85

    Wait…no return of Towel Boy and arm-flapping?


  7. shane#1

    I just want to see good solid defense. ILBS filling their gaps, #3 getting pressure on the QB and setting the edge, please, and #14 flying all over the place like last year. I really like #14.


  8. Go Dawgs!

    Hope that Kirby’s leaving the Clemson gameplan in Tuscaloosa.

    In all seriousness, I was talking with a friend earlier today about how Kirby and Mel Tucker’s first time against Tech will go. I remember that Kirby’s Alabama defense had an awful lot of trouble with Georgia Southern’s triple option attack. Some of that could be attributed to a blue blood program not being excited to face a scrappy bunch of kids looking to stick it to a name brand program. Still, I hope they’ll have something figured out. At least most of the players will have had plenty of experience facing it.


  9. BrightOwl

    That Tennessee game, especially at the end, had the worst tackling I have ever seen by a Georgia team. Yes, worse than the tackling in the 2008 Tech game, though that was also abysmal. I hope I never see defense like that again, no matter who our coach might be.
