Delusions of grandeur

No one knows what it’s like to be the sad man…

Hope that’s the last time he says that about this G-Day.


UPDATE:  Hey, it’s even sadder.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution had made a Freedom of Information request for correspondences between UGA and potential music artists but was informed Monday none existed.

If I didn’t know any better, I’d say the media has started trolling McGarity.


Filed under Georgia Football

37 responses to “Delusions of grandeur

  1. SouthGaDawg

    Spinal Tap may be available if they can find a drummer. Big bottom, big bottom. Talk about mud flaps my girl’s got em…


    • Bulldog Joe

      Probably wouldn’t have accepted the mandatory conduct, ethics, and fundraising clauses in the contract anyway.

      Turn the rap up to eleven. Go Dawgs!


  2. DugLite

    Sad in deed. Almost ridiculously funny.


  3. Bright Idea

    I’m sure the hip hop will be blasting on the PA.


  4. Mayor

    McCheap does everything orally……wait……


  5. The other doug

    I wonder if McGarrity is ready for the media to constantly make him look bad. You know, on top of the dumb shit he does all on his own.


  6. Bulldog Joe

    Look on the bright side, now no one gets injured running into the stage.


    • The Dawg abides

      Yeah but it would have been pretty funny to see Luke Bryan get doinked on the head by a shanked punt.


  7. Red Cup

    I don’t give a shit about a band. Just want to see my Bulldawgs in Sanford on a nice spring afternoon. Is that asking too much?


    • Macallanlover

      I agree, if they were going to have entertainment it should have been on Friday night, not before a football event. But it is funny so see that McFrugal whiffed again, absolutely no shock there. In a world of starving musicians he could not find anyone decent to showcase their skills before 60K+? Actually, hilarious is more like it. This falls under the category of “I don’t believe I would have told that, brother.”


      • Its not like there are any musicians in Athens anyway. I doubt there are even any musicians studying at the University…certainly not…like…in the University’s very own f***ing Music School or anything. Why on earth would they want to showcase their own school or town’s talent!?


  8. Ray Goff

    Going to be a nice day Saturday, except in Athens. Enjoy the bad parking, nonexistent concessions, loud rap music and mediocre football. I’ll be on my tractor shooting cups with a BB gun I got today as a gift from Barney Fife, aka Jimmy Williamson.


  9. AusDawg85

    Shoot…there went the REM reunion.


  10. Chi-town Dawg

    I can’t understand why McGoofy had such a difficult time finding a big name musical act who didn’t want a 15 minute gig. It’s not like this isn’t the Super Bowl or anything. Yet another example of him dropping the ball…


    • Rumor has it B-M couldn’t find a bag of single color M&Ms to fulfill a contract demand.


    • Ben

      Exactly. I’m no fan of country music at all, but I can understand why they didn’t want to make the effort for 15 minutes of music. There’s just no way it was ever going to work.

      In a few years we’re going to look back and realize, finally, that it’s really been McGarity the whole time who’s screwing this whole thing up. Kirby may win a title, but it won’t be because of the stellar management skills of his AD.


  11. Can we say the AD had a brain fart or soiled the bed on this?


  12. DawgPhan

    so he announced there would be a band. Then made no efforts what so ever to get one and then just says meh it didn’t work out.

    nice work if you can get it.


    • Normaltown Mike

      I wonder if “band” means Redcoats and “didn’t work out” means they are preparing for finals and don’t need to spend time entertaining Dunwoody Dan and Bob from Buford during the G-Day game.


  13. Chi-town Dawg

    I agree, the guy probably made 1 or 2 phone calls, realized there was no way in hell he’d find anybody halfway decent and gave up because it was too much work. I bet the calls went something like this…”Hi, this is AD Greg McGarity calling to speak with the manager of the Rolling Stones. I’d like to inquire about possibly booking them for a 15 minute gig in a couple of weeks at our Spring football game….Click….Hello? Hello? They must’ve thought it was an April Fool’s joke, so I’ll call back again…”


  14. JTP

    They claimed they’d talked to Zac brown and Thomas Rhett, so someone’s telling a tale about there being no communication.


  15. PatinDC

    Why not some of the good local music? I am sure it would be awesome to have the local talent. and easier to stage.


  16. hassan

    There are a million bands in Athens. Some are pretty darn good with wide appeal and would work for cheap. Most fraternities know how to book a good act. Jeebus….how did he f**k this up? On the flip side, had they not said there would be a musical group, nobody would be the wiser.

    Way to set expectations and not live up to them. Greg — some things should be worked out internally first before going public. Somebody put a media restriction on this guy.


  17. LakeOconeeDawg

    This guy……jeez. I bet McFrugal still has his first pair of tube socks…………..


  18. W Cobb Dawg

    Said it the other day. Kirby’s heart and intent were in the right place when he picked up that mic at the basketball game and said he wanted everyone out for G-Day. What he didn’t consider is McGarity’s ability to take any problem and make it worse.

    McGarity’s problem isn’t PR. He’s totally incompetent at all aspects of the job. I assume CKS is looking for McG’s replacement already.


  19. You know, I don’t know a damn thing about PR, but I swear I could do a better job than GM. Shit man, just sit back and think about things for five minutes before you open your mouth. Say to yourself, ” Let’s see, if I say this, how might it come back and bite me in the ass.”


  20. 92dawg

    Oh, Greg. How many ways doth thou suck? Let me count the ways. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37. That can’t be right – seems way too low. Maybe I should file a FOIA request asking for all documents in any way concerning, evidencing or relating to the ways in which Greg doth suck. Back in 90 days…


  21. Jared S.

    As has been said before…
    It’s bad enough that ADGM apparently “IS” incompetent, what makes his incompetence so hard to stomach is the fact that he “appears” even more incompetent than he actually is (which must be very hard to do). He comes across as bumbling, fumbling, and out-of-touch. And insincere. And ancient. And a goober. Did I say out-of-touch?
