Man bites dog. Dog bites back. Man is unhappy. Film at 11.

Oh, look – Jim Harbaugh’s pissed off again.

As Harbaugh tells SI : “The incompetence of the NCAA has reared its ugly head yet again.”

From there, Harbaugh really got going, firing at the NCAA’s use of the term “student-athlete,” a certain SEC head coach and the two conferences (the SEC and the ACC) that seem to benefit from this ban. However, Harbaugh wants to be clear: The NCAA is not some nebulous group of bureaucrats. It is comprised of the people who work in intercollegiate athletics. Coaches, athletic directors and school presidents make these decisions. And they completely botched this one.

Harbaugh says the ruling was “knee-jerk … like somebody was shaving in the morning, cut themselves when they were shaving and said, ‘Let’s just ban satellite camps.’

“I mean, what’s it based on? A survey? There wasn’t a lot of discussion or study. What are the facts? What are the perils and merits of making that decision? It just seemed lacking in that regard.”

Yeah, I get all that, but, seriously, dude, you poked the bear.  What did you expect would happen?

“It seems to be outrage by the SEC and ACC,” Harbaugh says. “They power-brokered that out … the image that comes to my mind is guys in a back room smoking cigars, doing what they perceive is best for them. It certainly isn’t the best thing for the youngsters. It’s not the best thing for the student-athletes.”

Yeah, like you’ve been showboating because it’s the best thing for the student-athletes.  Save the pious hypocrisy for somebody who buys it.  You played your move for yourself and you got beat by others who played for themselves.

Even his Hugh Freeze criticism falls flat.

Harbaugh saw Ole Miss coach Hugh Freeze say, “I’m away from my family enough, and I just did not want to go,” and it did not sit well with him.

Says Harbaugh: “You’ve got a guy sitting in a big house, making $5 million a year, saying he does not want to sacrifice his time. That is not a kindred spirit to me. What most of these coaches are saying is they don’t want to work harder.”

When it comes to recruiting Hugh Freeze is motivated as much as Jim Harbaugh is.  He simply has the advantage of geography and wants to keep it.

I’d tell Harbaugh to move on to the next outrage, but I don’t think he really needs my guidance on that.


Filed under Recruiting, The NCAA

42 responses to “Man bites dog. Dog bites back. Man is unhappy. Film at 11.

  1. gastr1

    Harbaugh, Corch, Franklin…how did Bert Byelema leave that group?


  2. dawgtired

    It’s simple really. Harbaugh wants to play in the South’s beautiful yard where the athletes enjoy the nice weather and pretty girls tanning themselves…his yard is cold and gray and unattractive. He doesn’t have anything the Southern schools want. He wouldn’t mind one bit swapping yard-time with the southern schools. It’s like a man with a ugly wife wouldn’t mind swapping with a man with a beautiful wife…it’s a win/win for him.


  3. 92 grad

    Harbaugh must’ve hired obamas former campaign manager or something. He’s doing all he can to get public opinion to hate the southern conferences.


    • DawgPhan

      lulz…I think the “southern conference” was doing a fine job of hating obama without any help from the president’s staff.


      • Macallanlover

        I don’t know that it is hate as much as repulsion from his divisive and racist policies, plus his failure to lead in these times of financial crisis and increasing security concerns. The ridicule for him isn’t limited to the “southern conference”, it extends internationally and particularly to our former allies.

        If you want to make a case that southerners embrace traditional values, that are under constant attack, more so than other regions of the country, I can agree with that. That is something to be proud of, unfortunately it is not enough to protect the US from what is coming our way. Everyone will be awake soon, but right now the “change” crowd has been able to dance around and hide behind diversity and PC bullshit. The libtards know it, and embrace this takedown, because they also know that sheep followed leaders like Hitler, Lenin, Castro, etc. to the gallows in other countries before. Why not let Alinsky blueprint the way to bring about the fall of America? Without a shot? Probably not, but very successful so far. Most of the sheep have been bought, and enslaved, by Big Brother, but there are a lot of converts to “the cause” here, surprisingly to me. We cannot agree about UGA football when we have a common goal, no way to argue with those who do not have an agreed upon objective for this country’s future, so I will return to football despite this temporary veer into politics.


        • dawgtired

          “Everyone will be awake soon”

          That’s what I used to think…not anymore. People will be blind to the end and just blame something/someone else. Don’t you know, if you disagree with Obama’s policies your a racist…if you disagree with something Kirby says or does, your a Richt lover and should move to Miami…


        • Derek

          Then: The Dow at 6,500. 9/11. The Iraq invasion. Tremendous stewardship that.

          Now: the Dow is at 17,721. Nothing remotely close to 9/11 has happened. We haven’t invaded anybody just for the fuck of it and lied while planning and executing it, both incompetently btw.

          Fucking libtards. Can’t trust them with anything.

          I know you want to go back to football and all but I swear you idiots elected the political equivalent of Johnny Griffith (twice). Why should anybody listen to any of you about anything ever again?


          • Faulkner

            If you think Dow 17721 has anything to do with the state of the economy or economic policy coming from DC then I have a bridge to sell you. The Federal Reserve has been guiding this economy with basically free money which has juiced stocks and allowed the big players to buy and bid up asset prices. When your foundation is a house of cards, it eventually comes down. Funny you bring this up since we had 2 emergency FR meetings this Monday and Tuesday and an unscheduled meeting between Yellen and Obama AND Biden. This comes at the same time that the IMF, World Bank, the heads of other central banks and finance ministers all come together this week in DC. We’ve had our first “bail in” of a bank in Austria and the Dallas Fed telling banks not to mark to market the loans they made to energy companies in the oil patch who are now effectively tits up. Yeah, everything is great. Nothing to see here.
            In the past 8 years we have destroyed, Libya, Syria, Ukraine and have basically kicked Iraq to the curb. We have allowed the birth and growth of ISIS and do it all while supporting Saudi Arabia. A country whose treatment of women, minorities (non-Sunni) and gays is something out of the 1600s. Whose involvement in 911 was redacted from the final report. A country who promotes Sharia law which is not exactly inclusive and egalitarian. Now that is some fucking tremendous leadership. I should definitely be listening to you.


            • Dog in Fla

              “Now that is some fucking tremendous leadership.”


              “The ceremony was to formalize new cooperation on combating nuclear terrorism and weapons proliferation, protecting critical infrastructure and developing civilian nuclear energy in Saudi Arabia.”



            • Derek

              Yes the Fed was birthed in 2009. None of the dynamics you mention existed during the last presidency. Zero.

              The 9/11 commission was completed (and classified) during the Bush administration.

              17 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi and Bush invaded their next door neighbor and held hands with King Faad.

              You should listen to somebody with some damn sense.


              • Faulkner

                Which is definitely not you.
                Yes this hypocritical charade with Saudi Arabia has been going on for decades. I never inferred that it didn’t. Bush has been gone for 8 years. Why has it still not been declassified? You criticize our entry into Iraq after 9/11 as you should. But don’t pretend the idiocy of our foreign policy ended with Bush. Apparently we like to double down on stupid.
                Yes the FR has been around longer. However the Bernanke – Yellen Fed has been more active in propping up markets than any I can remember. Just look at the balance sheet. What has there involvement done to the health of the markets? Has anything actually been “fixed” from what happened in 07-08?
                If your goal every day is to come on this site and call people names and tell them how stupid they are then that’s your call. I for one will try to inform the readership and let them figure things out for themselves. Once you peel back the onion for yourself many interesting things start to come to light.


          • Tim In Sav

            Derek I’m just curious, how many ways do you use the “F” word?


        • ASEF


          Glenn Bleck and Sarah Palin have been plagiarizing Chapter 8 of Mein Kampf for more than a decade now. Direct cut and paste, substituting “American” for “German” and (insert scapegoat here) for Jew.

          Hitler loved a good conspiracy theory, especially ones that allowed him to rant about vague forces coming to enslave the Germans. And once he had enough people willing to believe him and vote for him, he took over. And started making Germany safe from all of those vague forces determined to enslave the Germans.

          I like you, MacAllan, because we both like the same beverage and we both aren’t shy about our opinions. I also suspect you’re on the other side of Nantahala Gorge from me, which suggests we have WNC in common as well. Could be wrong on that.

          I have good friends in both the far left and the far right, and it’s interesting to me how they both don’t like Obama. The far left friends feel he betrayed them by not becoming their Reagan. And of course the far right friends see him as the Ultimate Lefty, which is hysterical. IMO, he’s a moderate president in an immoderate political time. If you look at his favorability polls, his approval ratings come from the middle of the political spectrum bell curve. The further left or right you go, the more the approval percentages fall.

          This country will be whole again when people like you and me can sit down over a double and talk politics without the contempt and a lot more listening. As Lincoln said, a house divided cannot stand. And I blame the far left and far right for that division way more than I blame the guys and gals in the middle. That’s the way see it.

          Prediction: someone hits you with a flamethrower response, and this gets ignored. Hope I’m wrong.


          • This country will be whole again when people like you and me can sit down over a double and talk politics without the contempt and a lot more listening. As Lincoln said, a house divided cannot stand. And I blame the far left and far right for that division way more than I blame the guys and gals in the middle. That’s the way see it.

            And that’s the rub. The lack of self-awareness of those on the far ends of each political spectrum is fascinating. Rather than stepping back, talking to each other, and maybe trying to understand why you and I feel differently about things – it’s kneejerk “you’re wrong and I’m right” nonsense. You sure as shit aren’t going to persuade people to your side of the fence by calling them by dismissing their viewpoints as destructive and “un-American” or insulting them.

            Your observation of Obama is so spot on. Hell – Hillary Clinton is center-right, Wall Street-backed with hawkish policies (all staples of what would traditionally be a Republican), but the Republican Party has shifted so far right that she is liberal by comparison. Bernie Sanders is the closest thing to a true liberal running for President and even he diverges from traditional liberal stances. Hell – if we could sit down over that double, I’d love to debate the merits of whether George W. Bush was actually a liberal president.


            • ASEF

              NCLB, hand in hand with Ted Kennedy. Bipartisan prescription drug benefit, 2004. Highly sympathetic to the motives of immigrants. Without 9/11 (or maybe even just without Dick Cheney), I can see your point.

              Americans since 1988 seem to prefer a Predidential candidate who is willing to stiff arm their own Patty’s ideologues – and veto whatever might roll out of Congress. We’re seeing a lot of Dem president, Republican Congress. Went the other way towards the end of Bushes. Gridlock is a feature, not a bug, to a lot of voters.


            • @audit: yep, nothing gets your foot in the door like insulting the other folks. And now the candidates followers on both sides are doing the same. You are correct on the shifting of parties. Hell, I voted for Dan Evans, WA state Repulican. He would now be a democrat.


          • @asef: i try to point this out bout Palin and Beck to my really right wing buddies and they get mad and call me a libtard commie. Hell, I am politically conservative, just not bat shit crazy.


          • Macallanlover

            Discussions over a Macallan, or three, are always a more acceptable way to exchange viewpoints. I suspect there are several common grounds we share, perhaps a few where the divide is great, but conversations are a better way to understand one another than limited blog responses.

            I think I must be on the other side of the Nantahala from you, about 45 minutes South for me. I do get up that way pretty often though.


        • Dog in Fla

          “I don’t know that it is hate as much as repulsion from his divisive and racist policies, plus his failure to lead in these times of financial crisis and increasing security concerns…. The libtards know it, and embrace this takedown, because they also know that sheep followed leaders like Hitler, Lenin, Castro, etc. to the gallows in other countries before. ”

          Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a winner!

          Mac gets three trophies, one for lack of economic knowledge, one for lack of security awareness, and one for combining Hitler, Lenin, Castro, gallows, and sheeple into a testament for wingnuts everywhere. Nobody does it better!

          In related kumbaya news for Mac


          • @ dif: Must admit I liked the trifecta plus, Hitler, etc. That is top quality wingnut bs there and I am politically conservative. Will have to go to a Sanders rally to get the other side wingnut tri fecta.


        • chc

          at least you veered right!


        • WNCCanine

          I spit my drink out at the comment that Soutnern whites hate President because he is a racist. White southerners hate him because he is black. The South will always be handicapped because it just cannot accept racial equality. Just admit your bigotry. That is the first step in recovery.


          • Macallanlover

            Would be hilarious if it weren’t so pathetic. You call someone you know nothing about a bigot, call Southern whites haters based on race, and state Southern whites are against racial equality and think those points don’t represent a bigoted point of view? Really? Is this typical of your level of thinking or were you intoxicated at the time? Classic, using bigotry (look at your own words) to call others (erroneously) bigots.

            First, you should first learn the actual meaning of the term “racist” because it is clear you are are totally lost there. You will find it works more than just one way. You will also find that while it may be numerically skewed toward one race or another, ideology is totally separate as a dividing factor.

            You aren’t saying that conservative whites, Southern or not, would vote for a Hillary, Bernie, Kerry, over a Condi, Carson, Cain, etc., are you? Because if you are, I am embarrassed for you, and you clearly have no grasp of the whole discussion Being against obama isn’t being against him because of his skin color, maybe 1 %, perhaps, it is against his failure to lead and to weaken the country, and to divide us as never before (in my lifetime.) Frankly, I don’t think obama is the guy making all the mistakes, I feel he is simply the puppet, but he is the current front man. The ones pulling the strings are smarter, and more evil. And guess what? Several are white folks…but I hate them more!


  4. DawgPhan

    We are lucky that Harbaugh continues to talk. Without him we might be the laughing stock of CFB right now. Damn if we arent trying.

    I really hope the stadium at least looks fullish on TV, or we might be looking foolish….

    see what I did there.


  5. Harbaugh is just high-T baby. He likes to poke out his chest and make everyone think he’s the straw that stirs the drink. When others push back on him, the guy immediately starts whining and crying. I liked him at Stanford and how he turned that program around especially how he stood up to the WWL’s darling, USC. He became less likeable in the NFL and now is just an insufferable @$$ at Michigan.

    The Michigan-Ohio St. game has now become one of my top meteor games because of Harbaugh and Meyer.


    • Russ

      That’s true. I was hoping Harbaugh could really get under Corch’s skin, but he’s such an insufferable ass himself, I hope both of them lose the game. Definitely pulling for the meteor in that one.


  6. Walt

    Harbaugh is saying that student athletes are hurt by the ban, but is that really his motivation or is he really more worried about how Jim Harbaugh is affected by the ban? Oh, and, Obama is a muslim who was born in Kenya and hates America.


    • dawgtired

      Dang straight Harbaugh is worried about Harbaugh. He knows the intent of rules…he just poked the dragon with his in-your-face attitude with the opportunity to evade the talent-rich south. If he likes it down here he should get a job coaching in the South. The NCAA obviously over reacted in shutting the camps down completely but I think they realized that Texas, California, Florida and Georgia were about to get overrun with satellite camps run by schools that typically stayed close to home. And it wasn’t just the SEC and ACC conferences complaining…they were gearing up and forming battle formations to evade uncharted territories.


  7. ASEF

    The conferences were looking at a severe escalation that would require an entirely new section of rule book being drafted on the fly,


    And the real beauty of this, as LFK discovered at UT and USC, is that about the only thing that really shakes the NCAA brueaucacy out of their torpor is trying to score cheap political wins at their expense. Harbaugh better keep his nose really, really clean.


  8. Harbaugh is sounding like a regular fan with his non-conciliatory remarks or a disgruntled employee using a whistleblower law on his side. he should know by now who steers the ship.


  9. mamatried

    “Coach Freeze should find a new family that will allow him to work harder” – Coach Harballz


  10. Go Dawgs!

    The thing is that if Jim Harbaugh had taken the job at Tennessee instead of Michigan, he’d be arguing the exact opposite side of this debate. He doesn’t care about the plight of a kid trying to catch the eye of a coach at West Georgia so much as he cares about Michigan’s ability to catch the eye of a player who would otherwise end up at Alabama.


  11. Comin' Down The Track

    For the record, Jim Harbaugh will not make me feel kinship and sympathy towards Hugh Freeze.


  12. W Cobb Dawg

    Harbaugh can always adopt Freeze’s policy of hiring recruit’s family members, giving schollies to their siblings, girlfriends, etc., or just plain paying them.


  13. PTC DAWG

    More free PR for Harbaugh..that is all this about. He spouts off, people fall over themselves to print his dribble.


  14. But did he pee on the dog? Or is that strictly a pirate kinda thing?


  15. Harbaugh just keep giving more examples of why Stanford and the niners were so happy to see him gone. Wonder how long it will take UM. Beating OSU can only count for so much.
