“All of us believe in second chances.”

Good Lord, this is arrogant stuff, especially coming from a school that had an SEC transfer rule named after Saban’s last mistake.

“All coaches think they could save everybody,” Battle said in Destin. “Nick has had great success in taking players in his history. Some of them have really done well. And some haven’t. But probably more than not, he has been able to change behavior. I think that’s part of his DNA.”

Sorry, but the minute you believe your coach’s ability to save kids is part of his DNA is the minute you guarantee you’re going to enroll someone who can’t be saved.  Which means somebody else is going to pay a price for your delusion.


Filed under Nick Saban Rules

12 responses to ““All of us believe in second chances.”

  1. dawgtired

    “Which means somebody else is going to pay a price for your delusion.”

    THIS, is so true. And sometimes the price is irreversible. The $ that the criminal can bring takes president over the chance of the innocent being hurt. Plus, I don’t even think they believe what they are saying. It is just a cover for what they really want…a football player, no matter the cost. Poetic justice would be one of their beloved family members falling prey to the criminal they save.


  2. Dog in Fla

    No way Nick has time for the Watson-Crick base pairing, the chemical romance Velcro®™© ℠ that binds together the two strands of DNA’s double helix. The four chemical “bases” (the letters of the genetic alphabet) that form the rungs of the helix stick together in complementary pairs: A (adenine) with T (thymine), and C (cytosine) with G (guanine).

    However, Nick would have time for single strands of DNA or RNA with specific A, T, C and G sequences. That way four out of five analysts can precisely define which part of a Creationist strand will bind to another and give the test results to Nick so he may predict which player will beat a woman.


    • Cojones

      His DNA stands for “Deny No Assholes”. Nick’s is all single-stranded and that’s why he is short.

      I had a guanine for breakfast. Funny, I don’t feel any shorter. I should have committed to the “G”.


      • Cojones

        And for your info, the four bases are First, Second, Third and Home. You ain’t frum ’round heah, are you?


  3. JCDAWG83

    The only thing that may possibly stop the foolishness of bringing known criminals to college sports programs will be when a victim of a violent crime committed by a player successfully sues a school, football program or coach for knowingly bringing a dangerous criminal to campus. Until then, the upside of taking a chance on a good player who happens to be a sociopath thug outweighs the downside.


  4. DawgPhan

    I suspect that Art Briles might be about to find out what that feels like.


  5. Argondawg

    Is the coed beating behavior intervention gene passed down on the mother’s side or the father’s side? Do we have a scientist in here?


    • Cojones

      The beating behavior can be found in families with rented mules and red-headed stepchildren. It continues until attitudes improve. And it’s passed upwards, not down.


  6. 69Dawg

    Once again the hypocrisy of all associated with football, college and pro is shown. If this kid was just an average football talent these second chance guys would never ever put the institution through the ridicule. If you are good enough the rules do not apply to you and all the bull hockey these grown men can spout will never change that.


  7. Tommy

    I don’t see what could go wrong with this approach. Baylor, Penn State — what say you?


  8. Bulldog Joe

    “We spend an inordinate amount of time trying to educate our coaches and administrators that these are the processes to follow to keep the good players eligible when bad things happen,” Battle said. “So far, we’ve done a reasonably good job of doing that.”
