If you ain’t cheatin’, you ain’t tryin’.

Even in Division III



Filed under The NCAA

3 responses to “If you ain’t cheatin’, you ain’t tryin’.

  1. AusDawg85

    Locals know Baruch College as the “Auburn of the North”, and their mascot is a tiger holding a musket standing in a field…wearing a leather jacket and goes by “Vinny”.


  2. Nashville West

    As a former DIII athlete it is hard for me to believe that anyone cares about DIII athletics except for the athletes and,maybe, their families. A small town HS in GA gets more people for a game than we did.


  3. SouthGaDawg

    Any of ya’ll remember all the cheatin’ that Life College was doing with their basketball program in the 90’s – Remember the Dr. Sid “Phantasm” Williams commercials?
