Today, in tone deafness

When last we saw former Baylor AD Ian McCaw in these parts, he was being hung out to dry by his ex-employer in fairly spectacular fashion.

In early 2015, Baylor’s Title IX Office first learned of the sexual assault allegation in connection with three other reports of sexual assault involving multiple football players. At the time, the Athletic Director was asked if he had any prior knowledge of an alleged gang rape within the football program. He denied having any knowledge of the alleged incident. Later in 2015, for the first time, the Athletic Director acknowledged that the student-athlete’s head coach told him about this report in 2013. The Athletic Director explained that he did not take any action, including reporting the alleged sexual assault to Judicial Affairs, because he thought the victim did not want to report the incident.[Emphasis added.]

As I posted at the time, first McCaw lied and then he tried to justify his decision to bury the complaint.  Pretty bad, eh?

Evidently not bad enough.

Not exactly the best choice of words there, Jerry, old boy.  On the other hand, it appears Art Briles may have just found his safe space.


Filed under Baylor Is Sensitive To Women's Issues, General Idiocy

15 responses to “Today, in tone deafness

  1. Jared S.

    Not to put too fine a point on it but…

    I’m a Conservative, Bible-believing Christian. And I think Jerry Falwell, Jr. is a Grade A, First Class, Number One Jackass.

    So he’s right. The Baylor AD is a perfect fit for him.

    The irony of all this is, of course, that this is further proof that Liberty’s best days are behind it.


    • WF Dawg

      I also identify as an evangelical, and it’s worth saying to those who aren’t that Falwell/Liberty don’t speak for all evangelicals. I disagree with LU, in a number of respects, theologically and politically, and I surely disagree with them about this hire. Folks may not agree with evangelicals, but there are a lot better representatives of them than Falwell, such as Russell Moore or Al Mohler (IMO).


  2. Bright Idea

    McCaw won’t be there long. Obviously a stepping stone back into the big leagues kind of like the route Red Panties took. Find somewhere to hide for a couple of years while networking.


  3. Russ

    The jokes just write themselves. Nice “religious” schools.


  4. Big Dawg

    Liberty U fan myself for many reasons, but this is a BAD hire, period. There is something to grace and forgiveness, but this is not Liberty’s place to do either (it’s Auburn’s but I digress!!), and a real lapse in judgment. Secondly, there is nothing he can do for the school to make it worth it to hire him. No AD is that good.


  5. Go Dawgs!

    The potential nominee for Secretary of Education, Jerry Falwell, Jr, ladies and gentlemen.


  6. paul

    So where you see your programs going is two players convicted of sexual assault and serving jail time and a third on trial. And all three allowed to complete their eligibility. Yeah, who wouldn’t want that?


  7. Sh3rl0ck

    I am surprised that Falwell’s quote wasn’t “Well, those sluts got what they deserve for wearing pants and dancing”.


  8. ColonySquareDog

    I’ll save the disclaimers because they’re overly perfunctory…
    I served as President of the Academic Honor Judicial Committee at my university in Texas a decade ago, and I liased with administrators, school executives, the University Board of Trustees, athletic administrators, coaches, and advisors. I also attended 4 intercollegiate school conferences, at UVA, W&L, Princeton, and Vanderbilt. Having seen all these individuals, talked with graduates of Baylor, and having three friends as graduates of the Baylor football program, I have been convinced, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that McCaw and Briles acted in an absolute above board and logical fashion in handling these matters. Hindsight easily smears the patina of judgement and action. Having read the testimony and legal investigation, the fact remains that these individuals acted in their best judgment in the moment as non-police officials in handling the case, deferring to authority and the predefined authoratarive process in place, and in good faith respecting the confidence of the individuals involved. Would that all individuals in power deferred to the established process–robust, clear, and unequivocal in its authoritative responsibility I will add–that would prevent many overreaches of the sort many fellow fans complain about occurring in Athens with the ‘Georgia Way’.

    Baylor needs a new era, and it’s acceptable to part ways with administrators that over-watched a fiasco in the making, conscious they were of it or not. Starr, McCaw, Briles with find a new start. Don’t hound them for endeavoring to begin anew, as everyone else is attempting after an episode like this.

    I’ll support a crusade anytime, but this Senator, is a witch hunt of the first order against McCaw and Briles that you’re condoning, and you’re WAY out of line to be passing judgment. It’s obvious you haven’t read the facts of the case with sober logic in the clear light of day.


    • I appreciate the warning, but to accept your conclusions means that what the school itself released about what Pepper Hamilton reported isn’t accurate. I have to tell you I have a hard time swallowing that.
