
Danny Kanell is overwrought.

Can’t sleep, Danny?  Take two Herbstreit rationalizations and call me in the morning.


Filed under BCS/Playoffs

53 responses to “Insomnia

  1. 81Dog

    Kannell is a pot stirrer, but when he’s right, he’s right. The whole idea behind the playoff was to put a premium on teams winning their conference, right? (And to make sure the Big Integer got a seat at the table after LSU and Alabama played for the BCS title). Can’t let UGA in back in 07, despite campaigning for an OSC-Michigan rematch in 06. UGA “didn’t even win their division.”

    Well. Now the Nikes are on the other foot. Big Integer’s got 2 teams that didn’t win their division, but what the hell. They pass “the eye test,” so, why bother with all that conference title stuff. Surely one, and maybe both, should get in. I agree with Kannell: this is ridiculous.

    Penn State sucks. Wisconsin barely beat Georgia State, but they didn’t lose 49-7 to anyone. Let’s hope Wisconsin wins the big integer, let them in, then take Alabama, Clemson and the Pac 12 winner. Don’t like it in the Midwest? Tough. Win your conference, or at least your division, then get back to me.

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  2. Ohio State – “wild card” – At least maybe we’ll see if the committee punishes them by putting them at #4 to play Alabama. One thing to say about Jeremy Pruitt, the guy has figured out how to defend the spread.

    I can’t believe I’m considering pulling for Clemson to win the whole damn thing. I need to go wash my mouth out with soap after typing that.


    • Got Cowdog

      You should at least go stand in the corner. Shame on you.


    • Derek

      I pulled for Clemson last year and the Buckeyes before that to beat Bama. Other than the Notre Dame game,the only times I’ve pulled for Alabama during this run was when Auburn had a shot and of course Bama blew both. One with a 24-0 lead and another on the kick six. I have a lot of reasons to hate saban but one of the biggest is blowing that game against Newton and making me suffer though another championship game with auburn playing.

      I’d consider pulling for the gators tomorrow but they’d still put alabama in so it’s better that Alabama grind them into the ground. FWIW, maybe 2017 and beyond will be better because of the move, I hope so, but I say we’d be playing tomorrow had we stayed the course. That’s conditioned on CJP being DC whom our host says God couldn’t have kept in Athens for reasons he won’t share. Anyone have ready access to sodium pentathol?


      • Mad Mike

        I’m with you on this one Derek, that’s gotta be a dang good story.


      • I think even with a good relationship, Pruitt would have been lured away by Bama. Smart would have been on his way to USCe with Muschamp as his DC, so the Tide, Auburn, and LSU would’ve made a run at Pruitt. I believe he is where he has always aspired to be as a coordinator.


        • Derek

          …and I think you’re wrong. CJP left Alabama. He had every chance to stay right where he was and wait for CKS to get a head job shot. Instead he went to UGA and did what he could (on the field at least) to keep CKS from getting the UGA job.


          • Napoleon BonerFart

            A college football assistant coach doesn’t just pass up a chance to go to a P5 school as a coordinator and make >$500k. Those jobs don’t come around often. And it’s certainly not a given that, upon KS’s departure, Alabama would take a chance on a coach with no coordinator experience.


            • Derek

              I agree. Nor does a DC leave a spot where he essentially is given free reign to go be Saban’s bitch in the same position, but that’s what the guy above thinks.


              • Yeah that’s exactly what I said. Damn buddy, you are as abrasive as hell. Just giving an opinion and you want to twist my words. Just go ahead and call me a fucking idiot and I will officially have been Derek’d on GTP.


        • Gaskilldawg

          Smart did not pass up head coaching opportunities in previous years to take ther SC job. He was not going to SC. That was a smokescreen .


    • PTC DAWG

      If I was Alabama, that would be the last matchup I wanted.


    • MGW

      I would only root for Bama over Ohio State. Anybody else, please beat Bama. They’re never going to go away until they quit winning championships.


    • Living in AL, I am for anyone but Bama.


  3. sectionzalum

    kannel is a blithering idiot.

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  4. Bob

    On this issue, the others are the blithering idiots. He is absolutely right. It would be one thing if OSU gets in because of the PAC 12, ACC and Big 12 faltering, but to not get in over a team you beat and didn’t make the title game is patently absurd. And I thought the whole reason we went to this stupid playoff crap was because of the horror of 2011? Ole Danny is spot on about this.


    • PTC DAWG

      Ohio State played the most likely Big 12 Champ at their place…it wasn’t close.


    • Napoleon BonerFart

      2011 gave cover to expand the playoff and make more money. Nothing more. The playoff committee could easily codify standards for making the playoff. They don’t because they want the flexibility to use a standard one year and abandon it the next.


  5. paul

    The Playoff committee made a lot of noise about how important it is for a team to win their conference championship. Play every team in your conference every year but don’t have a title game? That’s not good enough. You need a conference championship game not just a conference champion that gets settled during the season. Oh wait, unless you’re Ohio state. Lose to an unranked team late in the season. No problem as long as your name is Michigan. Never mind that neither Ohio State nor Michigan is even going to the championship game. Lose in head to head competition to the team that IS in the conference championship game? No problem as long as your name is Ohio State. So what we have, despite all the assurances that we don’t, is simply another arbitrary process determined by a group of people who are absolutely certain that what makes sense to them is more important than what happens on the field. In order to convince us that this is true we will soon move to an eight team scenario followed very quickly by an expansion to sixteen. The season itself will be rendered essentially meaningless but the money! Oh, the money!

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  6. Russ

    Screw Herbie. I hope people keep re-tweeting his 2007 spot where he said it was okay to screw Georgia out of the BCS game because we didn’t win our conference. I’m sure he’s fine with it now that it’s his Buckeyes.


  7. Mark

    Still think UGA was the best team in 07. Funny how not winning the conference didn’t keep Nebraska from playing for a BCS title in 2001. Also, didn’t keep Oklahoma for playing for the BCS title in 2003. In 2011, Bama got a chance at title after losing their division.

    One thing I hated about the old system was the subjective nature of it and how the “rules” seemed to change with the voters from one season to the next.

    Too bad we are still in the subjective phase of determining a champion.


  8. Jared S.

    I think Conference Championship games should be defacto (possible) play-in games for the CFP. And if you do not even appear in your conference championship game I don’t think you should be allowed in the CFP. Period. It should be a hard and fast rule.

    I think the committee is reveling in pulling this crap because they know it will push the needle further toward playoff expansion. I can’t wait until we have 3 and 4-loss teams in a 16-team playoff. That’ll be a blast.


  9. ASEF

    Gotta admit, I’m a rhetoric junkie. Politics fascinate me, and watching college football do its annual argumentative dances is half the fun.

    Alabama would love nothing more than to see the system axe Michigan or Ohio State in favor of Oklahoma or Oklahoma State or Penn State. Which tells you all you need to know boutique which teams have stronger rosters and the better resumes.

    I’m hoping Clemson and UDub lose, luring the committee into three B1G teams: OSU, UM, and the WI/PSU winner. Talk about a cluster.


    • Mark

      Now that would be fun to watch! Bet we would see expansion to 8 teams very fast after that though. I still think 6 is the right number. All conference champions from the big 5 and 1 wild-card for the best champion or team left from the other conferences.


  10. I strongly dislike OSU, but I also think they are one of the 4 best teams in the country. The problem is how the committee has explained things. Had they simply said we believe that undefeated Alabama, and 1-loss OSU, Clemson and Washington are the top 4 (over a variety of teams who lost 2 games), I couldn’t argue with that. Instead, they are vague and ‘don’t look ahead’ and teams ‘clearly separate themselves’.


  11. Brandon

    The “eye test” is the biggest load of horseshit I’ve ever heard of. All it does is give the powers that be an excuse to put a brand name in over another school that might be more deserving and earned it on the field. I had no problem with the result of ’07. We had 2 losses, LSU had 2 losses. LSU were SEC Champs, we were not. If we hadn’t shit on ourselves TWICE with inexplicable games against USCe and UT early that year, we would have curb stomped LSU in the Dome and earned our spot in the title game and probably won that too as good as that team was playing at the end. I’m afraid if either Clem or Wash loses this weekend, the committee is going to get OSU AND Michigan in there because of the name on their jerseys and this is going to get the ball flying towards expansion to 8.


  12. Macallanlover

    Conference champion advocate here, lynchpin of my 8 team rationale, so Bama, Clemson,(if they win), UDub (if they win), and either winner of OU/OSU, or PSU/Wisky. doesn’t matter to me. Total chaos if Bama loses, mid-level chaos if Clemson and/or Washington lose. Going to be at least two pissed off fan bases regardless of what happens. Bama will not lose but can see Clemson and/or Washington going down this weekend.

    These title games would be lights out tense if they were guaranteed a spot at the table for all five winners, yeah, I am counting OU/OSU as a defacto CG. Under no circumstances should two teams from one conference be allowed to take 50% of the spots. When all Power 5 champs have a spot, then a 2nd team could work.

    Liking the possibility of 5-6 fan bases all riled up because of the lack of logic to mini playoff format. Will not get everything corrected by next year but may put that 12 year contract in jeopardy. Again, the Selection Committee is handed an impossible task, while none of us may agree on how teams should be ranked, this is not their fault. There are good cases to be made for several programs. Good times for me and Mayhem.


    • MLB2

      How does Mayhem have time for you when he’s so busy shooting commercials for Allstate?


      • Macallanlover

        He just love chaos, does free overtime just to be around. If Washington and Clemson lose this weekend he will be very happy with the Committee’s dilemma. What a mess that will be.


  13. MGW

    We didn’t get to go in 2007, nobody should get to go. Bama never should have had a second shot at LSU, and nobody else should get that kind of bull shit second chance again, especially without even winning a division. Go win your conference or deal with the consequences.


  14. Biggus Rickus

    I never wanted a playoff, and if they have to have one, I’d rather they go with whoever they think the best four teams are regardless of whether or not they win their conference. Also, if Danny Kannell is kept up at night by who plays in the college football playoff, he needs to lighten the hell up.


  15. Sh3rl0ck

    This is all a perfect example of why I absolutely despise yankees and the B1G. OSU got in the playoffs in 2014 by leapfrogging Baylor and TCU. The “official” reason from the Playoff Committee was that they played in and won a Conference Championship game whereas Baylor and TCU did not. Two years later, playing for and winning a Conference Championship game will mean nothing. Add in the calls for a 2006 OSU vs UM rematch followed by 2007 exclusion of UGA (which I understand; I believe you should win your conference), the 2011 bitching, and all the other media bias BS.

    The real lesson here is that LSU should have played Oklahoma State for the title in 2011. They were 11-1 with their only loss coming in double overtime.

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  16. CB

    “Didn’t even win their division”Means nothing, just like conference championship games mean nothing most of the time. Ohio State lost one game everyone else in the conference lost two. They are the best team in the conference. End of story. No exhibition game between Wisc and Penn State can change that. CCGs are just money grabs to sell to networks. Think about it, the outcomes of 3 of the 5 P5 CGs are of no consequence.


    • Mayor

      One of the reasons tOSU only lost one game is they won’t have to play another game against a good opponent in a conference championship game. Georgia would only have had one loss in ’12 if the Dawgs hadn’t played Bama in the SECCG.


      • CB

        Not their fault the system is dumb. OSU would be favored against either team in the title game IMO, as such I think they are better. It’s not like theyre ducking the game (like Florida).


        • Mayor

          tOSU lost to Penn State. By definition, since they won, Penn State is “better.” Why do we even play the games if the outcome doesn’t mean anything?


          • CB

            They also have a worse record. Who would your money be on in a rematch? I’m taking tOSU, and I’m betting Vegas would too. I want to see the best four teams, and I firmly believe that tOSU is the best team in the BiG, and no worse than 4th best in the nation. ymmv.


  17. 1smartdude

    Based on what the committee has done in the past, if Peen Dtate wins, they’re in. I’m not sure why that would be a shock. Playing an extra game allows them to have as many wins as OSU. They’ll have another loss but they also BEAT Ohio State. Strength of schedule is slightly different but they’ll be the Big10 champions and a win over Wisconsin improves their SOS. The committee has proven they don’t look ahead, they rank on the here and now. After this week, the here and now changes drastically. I’ll be shocked if OSU makes it in the top 4 ahead of Penn State.


  18. Bigshot

    It’s amazing how all of a sudden the rules changed. Keep UGA out because they didn’t win the championship, but don’t worry whether the Tide won it or not. That still sticks in my craw.


    • Otto

      UGA lost tiebreakers fairly keeping the team from the SECCg and had an equal record to LSU in the same conference in a system where only 2 teams went.

      I see this an anomaly in that tOSU and Michigan are the best teams in the Big Integer, PSU just behind. PSU is not in the debate as they lost to Pitt and Michigan. tOSU won over Oklahoma who is playing for the Big12 title this weekend.


  19. Think it was Dylan, who wrote, You Don’t Need a Weatherman to know which way the wind blows. Kinda like the committee. They bend which ever way suits their fancy at the moment. And the weatherman is loaded with $$$$$$. I will now take my cynical self on a walk.


  20. Mayor

    Kannel is right. The 4 team playoff is ruining college football. I saw Paul Finebaum on TV the other day say that conference championships don’t mean anything any more. Ohio State is in already according to the media and they aren’t even playing in the B1G Championship Game. The system is rigged now to favor the Big 10. Michigan lost to Iowa and didn’t even drop in the rankings. The Wolverines lost to tOSU and still didn’t drop much. He’ll, Michigan may still get in along with tOSU and neither will win their division much less the conference championship. If that happens all the other conferences need to withdraw from participating in the playoff in the future and create their own playoff.


    • CB

      CCG have never really meant anything see 2011. The BiG wouldn’t even factor into the old system. If Clemson and Bama win out then that would be the title game in the BCS era. If anything the system has benefitted the SEC over the years.
