If that’s how you feel, don’t watch.

With all the legitimate stuff out there to bitch about, it never ceases to amaze me to see some people complain that college football produces too many games for us to watch in December.


Filed under Media Punditry/Foibles

48 responses to “If that’s how you feel, don’t watch.

  1. Just Chuck (The Other One)

    If there weren’t so many bowl games there would be more air time for I love Lucy reruns. You just can’t watch those too many times.


  2. Derek

    I had to listen to an uncle bitch about Thursday night football ruining the NFL about a month ago. Not sure who comes over and makes him watch it but he was legitimately upset by pro football being an option on Thursday night. I can’t understand it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • The Truth

      I think Richard Sherman is a tool, but when he raises the health and safety angle of Thursday night games, I have a hard time dismissing that. Not what the Sen.’s post was about, but since you brought it up…


      • Sh3rl0ck

        The problem isn’t having games on Thursday night, the problem is playing on Sunday and then playing the consecutive Thursday. Having Thursday games in conjunction with their bye week isn’t an issue. Instead of a two week break they get two one and a half week breaks.


      • Derek

        That wasn’t the complaint. The complaint was “too much football is ruining the NFL.”

        Sherman is a hell of a player. I don’t appreciate post game insults towards opponents. I get the idea. I appreciate why he would feel that way and that it drives him, but don’t say it on national tv. Tell it to your teammates.


  3. Oh no! People participating in an activity might be rewarded! The Horror! The Decline of Western Civilization!

    (…meanwhile, in Aleppo)


  4. BosnianDawg

    Hacks like this shouldn’t be rewarded with traffic. While I agree with your sentiment Senator, I think you should have called out the writer by name but left out the link to the article. That way you are not rewarding this crap by sending visitors to the site.


  5. Nate Dawg

    Right. Tech fan in the office was complaining about this as well. “Too many bowl games” he says.
    Yep. Too much beer. Too much money. Too many vacation days. All these are huge problems.



    I agree, don’t watch..problem solved…I like having them on in the background…season went by way fast…


  7. Biggen

    This is part of my argument for an 8 team playoff. How is more football less enjoyable??


  8. Bright Idea

    Not only is there plenty of other stuff to bitch about Senator there’s a lot of great stuff to watch on TV besides football!


  9. Mary Kate Danaher

    I blame McGarity.


  10. Bulldog Joe

    So true. Nobody likes a negative Nancy.


  11. W Cobb Dawg

    Sorry to interject, but Dawgs get a huge OT commit!


  12. CB

    “If that’s how you feel don’t watch”

    Check the ratings and attendance. Nobody does.

    Surely you old school bowl guys can at least appreciate the concept that a 5-7 Miss St. making a bowl is a complete joke, and diminishes the entire system.


    • It’s a fucking exhibition game, so who cares? It’s not as if lives are at stake. I’ll watch, even if you won’t.


      • CB

        Almost nobody cares. That’s the point. I don’t have a problem with them playing the bowls, but they stopped mattering a long time ago. I’m surprised to see you call them exhibitions as much as you seem to like the old bowl system.


        • I don’t understand why your’e trying to make this point. The entire premise of the Senator’s post is that he enjoys watching college football no matter who, when, or the stakes and that he finds people bitching about the volume of games silly because more CFB is always better than less CFB in his view. What’s that got to do with ratings or attendance? His was never a discussion of the significance of the bowls, but merely that he’s a fan of CFB. I bet you’re a real joy at parties.


          • CB

            “premise of the Senator’s post…more CFB is always better than less CFB in his view”

            You must have missed all of his posts about an expanded playoff… I guess he only values the games that mean nothing.


            • C’mon, man, I give you credit for more intellect than that.


              • CB

                Unless Audit whiffed on your premise you’re giving me too much credit.


                • My mantra is “Don’t Diminish The Regular Season”. At some point, playoff extension does that. The lower-tiered bowls, which are mere exhibition games, don’t, no matter how many exist.


                • CB

                  Right, so Audit didn’t totally whiff, but he missed the mark. Your scope is a little more narrow which I don’t disagree with, but I’m probably not gonna watch too many crappy bowls unless I end up in a Pick Em with money on the line.


                • Jesus Christ man – you knew what I meant. Stop being obtuse.

                  I left out the word “exhibition” – so sure, I guess you can interpret it however. I’ve been posting here long enough and have been clear about both enjoying the bowl games that are obvious exhibitions while acknowledging that playoff expansion devalues the regular season, same as the Senator.


                • CB

                  Hmmm, seemed like you missed the point of the post while reprimanding me for not grasping it, but I could be wrong.

                  For the record, I recognize names, but when it comes to individual stances on issues everyone kind of runs together for me.


                • Nah bro – I got the point of his post just fine, you intentionally didn’t. My apologies if my grasp (or lack thereof) of the English language didn’t make that clear enough.


                • CB

                  I got the point and made my own. Individualism can be a valuable trait, and a good vocabulary word for you to google in your spare time.


                • Gaskilldawg

                  Why do you resent Miami of Ohio fans or Mississippi State fans or fans who like watching broadcasts from St. Petersburg having a chance to see the game?


                • CB

                  I don’t resent anyone. I just think it’s all pretty pointless to lose money traveling to play in a meaningless bowl game.


      • MLB2

        Easy, Bluto! Otter’s going to hand you a fifth of JD in a second.


      • SouthGaDawg

        Thank you Senator. They are exhibition games. Who cares? I’ll watch too. There are five on tomorrow. I’ll likely watch some of all of ’em because I love college football – Just like I watch the Sunbelt and MAC games on week nights during the season. It’s college football man!


    • Reipar

      So the rose bowl is diminished by the very existence of miss st playing in another bowl game?


      • CB

        Yep, check the ratings.


        • reipar

          The ratings?? That is your proof that the Rose Bowl is diminished. It could not be any other factor in the whole world that is causing the ratings to be down for the rose bowl. It is the fact that Miss State is in a bowl game with a losing record. Just damn man.


          • CB

            Miss State and everyone else and their moms too. Why do you think the ratings are down? Damn…man.


            • reipar

              You had me going for a while there. Good for you playing the old intentionally obtuse game as you are bored on a Friday afternoon with school being out.


              • CB

                Translation – You can’t come up with a better reason than a flooded market.


                • Gaskilldawg

                  Right. The millions and millions who will not watch the St. Petersburg Bowl influence those who formerly watched the Rose Bowl to cease watching the Rose Bowl.
                  If the St. Petersburg Bowl did not exist would those millions and millions who would not have watched it anyway would then be more motivated to watch the Rose Bowl?


                • CB

                  Hand clap for missing the point entirely. The St. Petersburg Bowl is only a small part of the problem. The issue is every worthless bowl that they broadcast year after year. They just keep making them up. If everyone gets to go then it doesn’t mean anything. How is that complicated?


          • Macallanlover

            Agree, off the charts silliness. Why should I care about the damned Rose Bowl ratings? Always felt they were inflayed because they were given an exclusive time slot anyway. I don’t vare if it is the Rose Bowl or the Weed Eater Bowl, give me a competitive game between a 5-7 Miss State and a 6-6 team over a blowout game as an option. I don’t watch every game, but watch 3/4 of them. Like a squirrel, I know winter and the null and void period is coming in about three weeks. Wish the season lasted longer anyway. Everyone’s option to choose differently, don’t need Big Brother, or his self-appointed nannies telling me what to watch, or when. There us an off button on every remote I have ever seen.


  13. Uglydawg

    In other news, I was closing on a real estate deal this week and wondered if you were one of the lawyers. I asked…”is any of you Blutarsky” and just got stares.


  14. I will watch a number of the games, although I view some as exhibition games, they provide a number of inter sectional games. Those interest me far more than some of the cupcakes the Div. 1 teams play.
    I am all for playoffs expanding to 8 or 16. Does not diminish season for me.
