“But I certainly feel more comfortable having been through a season.”

Jeff Schultz relays what may be the most Process-y story of Kirby Smart’s Georgia career so far.

Smart was so determined to amend for that performance against Tech’s triple option that in the days following the loss, he reached out to a third party to see if former long-time Navy defensive coordinator Buddy Green would be willing to come aboard as a consultant.

The answer from Green: no.

Smart confirmed Thursday he reached out indirectly to Green because he knew the assistant coach, despite his friendship and past ties to Tech coach Paul Johnson, had helped Clemson prepare before its game against Tech. Smart was hoping Green would do the same for Georgia. But it turned out Green helped Clemson only because his son works there (director of video).

Smart said he has since acquired the assistance of others, without divulging who. But the anecdote illustrates how determined Smart is to get Georgia turned around next season.

True, determination and fairly unlimited resources may only get you so far, but if Smart is willing to go so far as to add on a designated consultant for defending the triple option — and nobody at Butts-Mehre has an objection to spending money to do so — I’m more than willing to be patient and see what a no stone left unturned approach gets Georgia football in the next two or three seasons.


Filed under Georgia Football

9 responses to ““But I certainly feel more comfortable having been through a season.”

  1. I do love that he’s being proactive.


  2. lakedawg

    Would think being a defensive guru Kieby would have seen a triple option before. But was it not the long passes that really killed us.


  3. UGA85

    I truly feel that CKS hates to lose. And I think he has the necessary humility to adapt and say he was wrong and get input when he needs it.


  4. 69Dawg

    Well based on Mark’s OJT we only have 14 more years to go.


  5. Macallanlover

    Not sure KS is a “defensive guru”, and that takes nothing away from his having good defenses at Alabama. He certainly has a defensive background from both his playing days and time as a coach. A guru is an innovator, and person able to make creative adjustments as needed. I haven’t seen anything like that before his coming to Athens, or since. And that is not a priority to me, I just want him to be a really good head coach. And I want Tucker to be a top flight DC.


  6. Will have to see how he changes and adapts. if he does, then figure he will have a long career at UGA. Coaches are a stubborn lot, some learn quicker than others. I do think his time spent at Bama, really skewed his view of how things are on the outside(not Bama). This could happen to anyone spending a lot of time there. Try to be UGA not Bama east. Adapt and adjust. Hope it really works out.


  7. AusDawg85

    Hire a consultant, or just watch video from the past 15 seasons. Whatever…


  8. stoopnagle

    Former defensive coordinator needs help figuring out how to beat the triple option. What a world!
