Stacey Osburn has no comment.

One of the great mysteries of our time is why the NCAA lets Mark Emmert speak in public.  This is breathtakingly clueless:

If college athletics weren’t about selling the best recruits on the opportunity to go pro, the SEC would go out of business tomorrow.  Besides that, isn’t college about preparing yourself to go out in the working world?

When you’re so wrapped up in making sure you don’t give in even slightly to attacks on amateurism, this is the kind of gibberish that ensues.  If you’re Emmert, silence is better than denial.


Filed under The NCAA

11 responses to “Stacey Osburn has no comment.

  1. Mark Emmert … just an idiot


  2. DawgPhan

    College isnt the place to prepare you for being a professional. It’s the place where you learn that you are a resource to be exploited.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. John.

    My God. Get the man a muzzle already.


  4. AusDawg85

    The problem with tweets is they lack context. If it was a video, you would have seen Emmert in his $3000 suit, with his lear jet in the background at an island resort “executive retreat” where important NCAA business is being discussed. You get this type of job by immersing yourself in the student experience in college, not hard work in the classroom and internships.

    Senator…please stop posting stuff like this. My cynicism bucket is full.

    Tell us about what the RedCoat Band is going to do in Pasadena. Outtakes from LaLa Land?


  5. Uglydawg

    Emmert, Wake up, man. This isn’t the Ivy’s the SEC. You just invited most of our athletes to check out.


  6. Hogbody Spradlin

    Did he really say that? No way.


  7. This is so bad, that one would need to check if he really said this.


  8. Huntindawg

    Ok, I am going to get lambasted for this. But before you blast away, consider my take.

    There’s what should be vs what is. Power 5 football is semi pro. A large percentage of those athletes would never be admitted to the college they attend based upon their academic performance. My WAG would be 95%. So in reallity, these aren’t student-athletes, because the student part is extremely secondary.

    So if it were truly a student athlete sport, the student would be admitted based upon his academic performance and then would participate in athletics. As someone mentioned above, that is the ivy league model.

    So maybe Emmert has a point in there about what is the ideal that should be for the student athlete. But that ideal is so lost because of the lear jet and $4000 suit that it does sound hypocritical and self serving, especially since under that ideal Emmert’s job would have little reason for existence.

    I’m a little hypocritical too because I see this yet I’m still hoarse from screaming on Saturday.


  9. Ricky McDurden

    Deadspin sums up the whole system pretty well:

    “Here’s the truth: College sports are two different beasts entirely. There are the non-revenue sports, which feature the vast, vast majority of athletes and administrators. And then there are the revenue sports, which operate entirely differently, which pay for the whole thing, which pay a lot of really wealthy people’s salaries, and which lead universities to forsake their educational missions altogether. These two things should not be under the same umbrella; the NCAA can not capably and ethically handle both.

    “But what is the alternative? It feels like most people—especially those who have it pretty good right now—would rather wring their hands and live with a broken system than do the work of changing it.”

    In summary, it clearly pays to be breathtakingly tone deaf.


  10. Cousin Eddie

    So that’s why they are working so hard to end the one and done kids.
