Mark Emmert, tower of courage

It appears we’ve come a long way from Penn State, baby.

So much for all that moral leadership bullshit.


Filed under The NCAA

30 responses to “Mark Emmert, tower of courage

  1. Cojones

    You can include Delany in that group as next in line in culpability. He and Emmert should be included with the MSU Pres and MSU athletic staff.

    Threw my torch and pitchfork away after our team and Kirby came through. Now I have to decide between 3-, 4- and 5-tine pitchfork and the new gas- operated torches to get this job done.


    • sniffer

      Delaney has no ability to punish MSU’s leadership. That’s for the courts to do. Why would he publicly criticize MSU when they haven’t been charged with anything or sued in a civil action?


      • Cojones

        Because he can read and can voice support for the student athletes who were denied in their complaints to the leadership of one of his conferences schools. You need to review a few past public statements as to his self-proclaimed support of student athletes, whereas, he has been as silent as Emmert concerning MSU.


        • sniffer

          You said Delany is culpable. Of what? Not offering his opinion?

          What happened at MichSt and US Gymnastics is horrific. Many people are guilty of serious crimes and enabling. This seems to have come to light in ‘15. Girls were complaining much longer than that but no one was listening or doing anything about it. If I understand you right, you are calling Delany out for not commenting on this case. Is that right? Or is he guilty of something worse, in your mind?


          • Cojones

            I included him with Emmert and for the same reason. What’s your point? Do you disagree?


            • sniffer

              I’m not sure it’s helpfull to comment on something, in an official capacity, that is a he said, she said thing. Other than a generic statement about the issue, I’m not sure what he could do. After the criminal trial, he could coment. But with civil lawsuits around the corner, he’s probably been told to shut up.


              • Mayor

                “…he’s probably been told to shut up.” Yes, and that would have been good advice for Emmert many times over many years.


                • Dolly Llama

                  Yeah, and it goes to the Senator’s “tower of courage” point.

                  “I really want to do the right thing, but the lawyers said I can’t.”


              • Cojones

                Who would tell Delany to shut up? That was what was at the center of the problem – women athletes who were told to shut up for years. Women marched only yesterday over that issue. Shut up long enough to let there be more victims? Shut up about an MSU administration that heard cries of help for years and didn’t do anything until it was an international incident just before the Winter Olympics? Shut up about an asshole abuser because you are afraid of lawsuit and female athletes don’t count? Gedouttaheay.


                • sniffer

                  I’m gonna end this by saying what happened to those girls was horrific and unforgivable. Too many people were culpable, complicit and guilty of enabling Nasser. On all those and similar points, I agree with you. Where I don’t is that Delany is culpable, as you stated. Maybe you used the wrong word to describe your frustration with him.


                • Cojones

                  No argument, but the point was that, by silence, Delany was as culpable in the moral leadership category as Emmert and the MSU administration. Take another look at how long this crap went on and assimilate the leadership roles of all involved for student athletes; think Baylor’s coach, President and their conference head.


  2. sniffer

    Isolation and insulation. We fans are simply deplorable to his elitist mind.
    From the body of work Emmert has produced and his public pronouncements amd comments and general lack of intelligence, he’s fortunate to be gainfully employed. IOW, we are the village and he’s our idiot.


  3. Cojones

    Al Pacino will portray Joe-Pa on an upcoming HBO presentation. Wonder who will portray MSU athletics on the trailer that’s sure to follow?


  4. Hogbody Spradlin

    Is there anything that guy doesn’t try to rhetoric/bullshit his way around?


  5. W Cobb Dawg

    Don’t wish to hijack the thread, but somebody please fire 56 % winner Mark Fox right now. Currently watching Bruce Pearl running his cheating mouth on TV. Enough is enough!


    • Mayor

      This year the Dawgs are 13-5 so far. Not 56% winners. Pearl is a notorious cheat who should be permanently banned from coaching. The problem is the SEC and the NCAA let Auburn get away with anything. I like Fox. He runs a clean program and the teams are getting better. Do you want a program like U.K.? Fine, offer Calipari $10 Mil per year and steal him from Kentucky. Short of something like that we need to leave Mark Fox alone.


  6. Cojones

    Speaking of basketball, did anyone see where Tom Izzo was questioned about Nassar after his win over Indiana? He praised his boss, MSU Pres Lou Anna Simon, whose job is being demanded by Bd of Trustees over the Nassar abuse charges? He further questioned if they had the right man ? It’s that kind of waffling that promotes an environment that the Nassars can work in and promotes people “shutting up”.

    A simple case of no cojones is sweeping everywhere. No wonder women found it necessary to go to the streets in protest.

    And just to get the ball rolling here, this sort of promotion of disrespect of women goes to the figurehead of its promotion, the office of POTUS.


  7. Tim in Sav

    I suppose you’re Cojones, it did start with Kennedy and Clinton.


  8. Tim in Sav

    “Right Cojones”


  9. Tim in Sav

    I love it when no one has a “snappy’ comeback to my post, it usually tells me I am right.


  10. Tim in Sav

    It ” could be ” that I’m right, Senator he made the statement, I was just responding to it.
