There are no student-athletes in the NFL.

Note that term of art is missing from Arizona State’s AD’s comment.

Maybe we should start referring to him as the school’s GM.

I keep saying it, but how can Larry Scott and Mark Emmert not be having shit fits over the message these guys have no problem sending?


Filed under Pac-12 Football, The NCAA

35 responses to “There are no student-athletes in the NFL.

  1. Anonymous

    Student receives academic scholarship, doesn’t do well academically, and proceeds to lose their scholarship and is possibly kicked out of the school if they don’t improve.

    No one says anything.

    Student receives athletic scholarship, doesn’t do well athletically, and keeps their scholarship without the requirement of playing football anymore despite the fact that they were most likely unqualified for admission without the athletic waver.

    Oh no! It’s a travesty!

    They really need to go back to the policies of the old days where student-athletes had to be admitted through the normal admissions process. There are players on the team right now with an SAT score below 800. This is the shit that is really embarassing:


    • They really need to go back to the policies of the old days where student-athletes had to be admitted through the normal admissions process.

      LMAO. When the fuck was that, exactly?

      When I was at UVa, I had a friend who worked in the admissions office. Moses Malone scored a whopping 440 on the SAT, when you got a 400 just for showing up. He didn’t get accepted at his home state school, but he was accepted at at least two ACC schools I know of.

      By the way, the issue here isn’t about academic travesties, as much as you might like for it to be, but about one school dropping the pretense that there’s something uniquely different between student-athletes and your standard run of the mill employee-player. ASU is just saying the quiet part about P5 football out loud.


      • Derek

        fo fo oh.


      • SCDawg

        Didn’t Moses also have the option to go pro straight out of HS? Wasn’t he one of the first?


      • Anonymous

        LMAO. When the fuck was that, exactly?

        Sometime before WWI.

        I understand the point. My point is that we wouldn’t be having the national discussion about the difference between student athletes and employees if the student athletes were actually students. The problem isn’t that college don’t pay players a salary. The problem is that the NFL doesn’t pay for their own farm system.


        • The problem isn’t that college don’t pay players a salary. The problem is that the NFL doesn’t pay for their own farm system.

          The part you left out there is that the schools are more than happy to take advantage of what the NFL has structured.


          • Anonymous

            Just because the schools are more than happy to take advantage of the situation doesn’t mean that it isn’t a problem. With the bullshit like at Baylor, I would like to know the difference in incidence rate of sexual assault by athletes that received an academic waver versus athletes that could get in on academic merit. If Craig James was denied admission to SMU back in the day, those five hookers might still be alive.


          • doofusdawg

            And this is exactly what college football will look like when the students become employees. Are you happy.


    • ChiliDawg

      Where are you getting this myth that they’re going to keep their scholarship after being cut?


      • Cousin Eddie

        Herm said so in an earlier statement. But if they remove all the academic support how long will they be students? Or how many will transfer to somewhere else to play, assuming Herm doesn’t block the school they transfer to? Maybe he can trade for someone on that team, just like the NFL.


        • Derek

          Don’t cut them, just put them on waivers….


        • ChiliDawg

          I haven’t seen anything out of the man’s mouth that said they’d keep their scholarship. I did hear him say they could keep their financial aid, but that isn’t the same thing as a scholarship. Even if he did say it, you’d need to be pretty naive to think that with an 85 scholarship limit, they’re going to be cutting players from the roster and just let them keep going to school on a scholarship that counts toward their 85.


          • Cousin Eddie


            “Herm Edwards sent to his players this week: You can keep your scholarship, but if you’re not good enough as a player you’ll be dropped from the roster.”

            But without the support they will flunk out, some of them anyway and some will transfer (or go on waivers).


            • I saw that, but I still haven’t figured out that’s supposed to work. Is he saying they get to keep their athletic scholarships? If so, those count against the 85. If things go really south, that could make Mark Richt’s roster management skills look like Nick Saban.


              • Cousin Eddie

                Personally I think Herm s trying to motivate his players. It is the only leverage he thinks he has right now. It’s not like he has the depth to just trot out another 5* (4*, most likely 3*) to take the place of someone slacking in practice so he is threatening to “fire” them. He probably will cut a few guys to show business but not a cleaning house. He wants to look like the NFL lite for future recruits.
                But they will only be on one year deals anyway so you use a 1 yr scholarship for a player that wasn’t going to play anyway. He never said he was going to keep them for 5 years. just keep your scholarship, which btw runs out at the end of the year.


                • gastr1

                  Didn’t they also have the worst-ranked P5 class in the country this year? So if they suck it’s really Herm’s fault because he doesn’t know how recruiting works?


                • ChiliDawg

                  I’m trying to figure out how you think this is any better…

                  You’re a “student-athlete” but if you get hurt or don’t play as well as I want you to I’ll cut you from the roster and take your scholarship away.

                  I think you’re missing the point here. It’s not that this isn’t already happening elsewhere, it’s that Herm Edwards and ASU are not even trying to hide it. This is to reinforce the point that collegiate athletes are already employees, and this notion of amateurism is complete horseshit, a diversionary tactic to protect the money being hoarded by the rich old white guys wiping their asses with it.


                • Cousin Eddie

                  I totally agree with your point. They are amateurs when needed and employees when convenient. I think Herm is just so Honest he isn’t going to try and hide it.


                • ChiliDawg

                  Eh, I don’t know if him being honest as it is part of his ongoing con that he pulled to get the job in the first place. Who do these comments play well with? It certainly isn’t recruits. But I’m sure it’s validating talk for the morons who thought an NFL model would work in the college game. They’ll be loving his act right up until the point that they’re winless in November.


      • Anonymous

        Cousin Eddie beat me to the reply. It isn’t a myth; it is a direct quote from Edwards.


  2. Sides

    Here is what really grinds my gears. I hate seeing the top “amateur” in Butler Cabin after the Masters. Doesn’t this idiot know he could be collecting major prize money and sponsorships on the tour? It is like this guy thinks that the “experience” of playing in college and in the Masters has any real value.


  3. I don’t think the period ever existed where athletes, in certain sports, were not admitted based on athletic ability. My Dad told me about some at UGA and UVA back a long time ago, that were there for one reason-play football or basketball. UVA must have had sucky bag men caused the teams in my Dad’s day were awful.


  4. Ben

    I’m pretty sure most of the Pac 10 just ignores Arizona State and everything it’s known for, otherwise they’d have to claim them.
