It started as an amusing moment…

… and ended as a metaphor.


Filed under Georgia Football

20 responses to “It started as an amusing moment…

  1. Mayor

    They need to leave their mascot at home instead of taking it out on the road—before somebody gets killed. Have a guy dressed up in a bull outfit on the sidelines.

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  2. NCDawg

    I’m just glad UGA wasn’t gored and gutted like the team was. They’ll be some good Texas t-shirts made out of this one. Glad I work early and had to go to bed at the half. Was hoping I would wake up to a turn around but the Dawgs were sleeping like me.


  3. jollyrogerjay

    Being an old farm boy, I don’t think putting a red clad bulldog in front of a steer is a good idea on any level.


  4. Supposedly the steer is heavily sedated for all these games. Usually barely looks alive. Someone at Texas’ butthole clinched in that moment, no doubt.


    • gastr1

      As it should have. If anything had happened to Uga the shit would have hit the massive, industrial-scale-size fan.


  5. 1smartdude

    Gonna make for some interesting meme’s


    • Bulldog Joe

      The game will be remembered for the mascot encounter instead of the Bulldog team rolling over and playing dead.

      Small blessing.


  6. Gurkha Dawg

    The guy in the grey baseball cap came pretty close to being run through by one of those horns. The steer doesn’t give a shit. That’s why they call them animals.


    • Russ

      Yeah there were a couple that just missed serious injury. I like live mascots but last night was a good reminder that they are animals.


  7. FlyingPeakDawg

    Biggest bone UGA has seen in his life. Can’t blame him for getting close and giving off a vibe of “Mine!”.

    Best comment on SVP last night was that BEVO should have been called for targeting.


  8. Scorpio Jones, III

    Anyone who did not see this as an omen proly needs to find something else to do with their time. Two of the Kharmic Bitchez had to have oxygen they were laughing so hard.


  9. CB

    So weren’t bulldogs originally bred to grab bulls by the nose (hence the name) and not let go until they give up fighting or was I fed misinformation?

    Not that I would risk Uga or even expect him to pull that sort of thing off, but just curious.


  10. Nacho

    Just goes to show that guys dressed like gay cowboys have no business handling an animal.


  11. Rockdale Dawg 75

    Can’t understand why Bevo was not arrested for attempted murder. At the very least UGA should file a restraining order.


  12. Bulldog Joe

    It was amusing once everyone checked for blood.
