Your 4.15.20 Playpen

Someone suggested in an email that I ought to devote a Playpen to constructing the ultimate social distancing playlist (his two suggestions:  the acoustic version of “Splendid Isolation” by Warren Zevon and “Don’t Stand So Close to Me” by the Police) and I thought, well, why the hell not?

So, what tuneage do you find topical?  Are there songs you find yourself leaning on when you’re all by yourself?  Share it all in the comments.


Filed under GTP Stuff

107 responses to “Your 4.15.20 Playpen

  1. mwo

    “All by Myself” – Eric Carmen. A tribute to the way gator and tech fans lost their virginity and continue to have sex.


  2. Hogbody Spradlin

    My contribution. A nice flip side.


  3. Idlewild Dawg

    Guns n Roses ‘Used to Love Her’


  4. Mary Kate Danaher

    “Ventilator Blues” The Stones


  5. sniffer

    I’d Love To Change The World
    Ten Years After

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Godawg

    U Can’t Touch This
    MC Hammer

    One (Is The Loneliest Number)
    Three Dog Night

    Liked by 1 person

  7. dawgtired

    George Thorogood. I Drink Alone.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Call out the instigators
    Because there’s something in the air

    Liked by 1 person

  9. There’s a kind of hush. . .


  10. Streets full of people, all alone
    Roads full of houses, never home
    Church full of singing, out of tune
    Everyone’s gone to the moon
    Eyes full of sorrow, never wet
    Hands full of money, all in debt
    Sun coming out in the middle of June
    Everyone’s gone to the moon


  11. I Think We`re Alone Now


  12. Don’t worry, bout a ting. . .


    • Do you know the story of “Closing Time”? “While the song is about people leaving a bar at closing time (also called last call), and widely interpreted as such, drummer Jacob Slichter has also indicated that the song was written by Wilson “in anticipation of fatherhood” and that it is about “being sent forth from the womb as if by a bouncer clearing out a bar.”
      “So You Want to be a Rock and Roll Star” is a really interesting book about the biz.


      • RangerRuss

        I read that somewhere,I84. I always liked that tune and got to hear it often 22 years or so ago. Me and the boys were wide open in those nights.
        It was playing awhile back and my young nephew told me to turn that shit off. I explained its meaning per your post. He wasn’t impressed. But he started liking it a few years later when his son was on the way.
        Thanks for posting that.


      • Union Jack

        From this episode of World Cafe, Wilson expounds upon the meaning of Closing Time. Not just about becoming a father but his daughter spent a lot of time in maternity ICU so “take me home” carries a lot more meaning.

        If you have time, and we all do, give it a listen. Wilson also wrote “Not Ready to Make Nice” for the Dixie Chicks and co-wrote “Someone Like You” for Adele (I believe without even meeting her – just sending emails back and forth.) He does an acoustic version of “Someone Like You” and since he is a 40+ adult male – it will change your perspective of the song. Biggest stalker song since Gordon Sumner penned a ditty about his ex-wife (after having an affair w/her best friend BTW) called “Every Breath You Take”


  13. So You Wanna Be a Rock & Roll Star: How I Machine-Gunned a Roomful Of Record Executives and Other True Tales from a Drummer’s Life


  14. I’ve listened to this recording/video/performance of Mahler’s 5th Symphony about a dozen times over the past three weeks.


  15. burt

    Down With Disease- Phish


  16. W Cobb Dawg

    I Walk Alone (Boulevard of Broken Dreams) by Green Day.


  17. Shewdawg

    Godsmack – Keep Away


  18. Shewdawg

    Alice In Chains – I Stay Away


  19. Sanford222view


  20. Sanford222view


  21. Russ

    I read the government was going to put out of work bass players on random street corners to play continuous solos. This will force people to stay indoors.


  22. The anti-social distancing song with an Athens flair.


  23. Sanford222view


  24. Shewdawg

    P.I.L. – Seattle


  25. Sanford222view


  26. Sanford222view


  27. Chesley Hanshew

    Social Distortion – Reach for the Sky


  28. Sanford222view


    • RangerRuss

      This is played closing the movie Daddy and Them. The movie is worth watching if only to hear Andy Griffith say,”I dreamed my brother was getting cornholed by them white boys down at the jail.”


  29. cardawgrapher

    Plus, Shinyribs is ready for 4Q on that album cover


  30. Silver Creek Dawg

    Can’t believe nobody suggested this one-


  31. Chesley Hanshew

    Johnny Cash (Soundgarden cover) – Rusty Cage


  32. Wilcodawg

    16 Blue – The Replacements

    Liked by 1 person

  33. playmakers in space


  34. ASEF

    Billy Idol, Dancing With Myself


  35. PTC DAWG

    I’m going to say it again here…how long do we shut down for this thing? The travel industry and any related business (which there are a LOT) are royally screwed…

    The County I live in has had 5 deaths, with an average age of over 79…population over 114K. When folks get into their 70’s…unfortunately, they start to die more often. The cure is worse than the disease.


    • Derek

      First, the medical system has to be able to accept additional cases.

      Once additional cases can be absorbed, healthy and not at risk people can go about their lives and see whether additional spikes are occurring. At risk people can remain distancing.

      It would be stupid and reckless to pretend that normal behavior would not have led to horrific results.

      Seeing trenches dug in NYC and being filled with bodies is probably good for Caterpillar stock but among us humans, we value lives more than dollars.

      I know their is the contrary minority view:


      • Napoleon BonerFart

        Derek is right on, as usual. Until The Greatest Depression is upon us, we’re not serious about helping people.

        The Grapes of Wrath was a feelgood book about successfully centrally planning an economy.


  36. PTC DAWG

    You want a song?


  37. AutomaticDawg

    I got a head start on you, Senator. Put mine together a few weeks back:


  38. AutomaticDawg

    Trying that again:


  39. Nashville West

    Georgia Satellites- “Keep Your Hands to Yourself”

    Liked by 1 person

  40. Union Jack

    Since John Prine’s death last week, I can’t get enough of this one.


  41. Derek

    Trump Orders White House Defunded for Being too Solicitous Towards China:

    “China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus,” Trump tweeted on January 24, “The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!”


  42. Derek

    “When somebody is president of the United States, your authority is total.”


    I bet someone out there is dumb enough to call themselves a libertarian AND will defend this. Probably with a meme.

    That level of stupid exists.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Napoleon BonerFart

      While Derek and I both hate Trump and wish he would die of the Corona virus gasping for air (in the name of compassion). We both obviously support the idea of unlimited government power. How else can the elites force the plebes to behave correctly?


  43. Derek

    Because branding is what’s important right now:

    I bet his name won’t be on the tax bills that fund those treasury checks.

    He’ll probably put Biden’s name on those.

    Stupid works on stupid, right stupid?


  44. Mick Jagger

    Back to the original post:

    “I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry” – hank Williams


  45. Bulldog Joe

    I had a few more but they got rejected…

    Phil Collins – “In The Air Tonight”
    David Bowie – “Little China Girl”
    Meatloaf – “Bat Out Of Hell”
    Bee Gees – “Night Fever”
    Exile – “I Want To Kiss You All Over”
    The Divinyls – “I Touch Myself”


  46. Raleighwood Dawg

    When I’m ready to unplug from the world around me, I typically put on my headphones and play stuff like this. Minimal lyrics and maximum-volume shoegaze. #Chill
