Envy and jealousy, the smartest people in the room edition

Andy Staples ($$) concisely nails the geniuses at the NCAA with this:

Meanwhile, the schools and the NCAA got dog-walked into the business end of a 9-0 Supreme Court decision in NCAA v. Alston last year. It’s really hard to lose 9-0 in the Supreme Court, but these people managed it.

The sad thing, as he goes on to note, is that a significant portion of the folks running the sport haven’t come to grips with that yet.


Filed under Envy and Jealousy

15 responses to “Envy and jealousy, the smartest people in the room edition

  1. David D

    Well, the Supreme Court did have a generational defense last year.


  2. mg4life0331

    In this environment? Yeah I’d say 9-0 is pretty damn convincing.

    Liked by 4 people

  3. When your arguments are so bad that you lose 9-0 at SCOTUS, it’s the legal equivalent of the 62-0 in Nashville this year.

    Without getting into politics, when Thomas and Kagan agree on something, it means you don’t have the law on your side no matter the politics.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. And Emmert got an extension and pay raise. I continue to wish a reporter would interview Jere Morehead and ask some tough questions about why he and the other university presidents tolerate such gross incompetence in Indy and from themselves when it comes to operating a multi-billion dollar sporting and entertainment business.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. 123 Fake St

    I think they have come to grips. They are doing everything they can to keep their kush jobs before someone points that out and says why are we paying these dinosaurs?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Russ

    Hey, the NCAA managed to unite liberal and conservative, so they have that going for them.

    Liked by 5 people

  7. Just as a contratian perspective on the “world is burning LOL” zeitgeist (and totally irrelevant to the real point that the NCAA is run by a bunch of dunderheaded dillwads), unanimous Supreme Court decisions are /ackshually/ very common — and
    are more common than 5-4 splits. See e.g. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/jun/23/trey-wingo/despite-popular-misconception-supreme-court-9-0-ru/


    • Is that typically true for landmark cases that are going to serve as precedent? Just curious.


      • Did you mean landmark cases that overturn precedent? I’m not an expert, but I think yes, cases that overturn a significant and well-established precedent are inherently more divisive, and it’s probably fair to say that they much more rarely result I’m unanimous decisions.

        That said, the framing is a bit circular, as the whole point of the argument at the SCOTUS level is generally to establish whether there is a significant and well-established precedent on the issue at hand, and it’s often a highly technical question that is very different in the minds of the justices and actual legal experts from the simplistic way it gets framed for the general public. So to some extent the public media conversation draws a circle around all of the 5-4 decisions and says the decisions inside this circle are landmark cases and therefore the SC is politicized. (That’s an overstatement — there is definitely a trend toward predictability of each justice’s opinion as both parties have begun appointing less moderate candidates, and i do think that’s a bad thing — but I’m saying that trend has been blown way out of proportion in my opinion.)


        • Got it. I was looking at the Alston case as a case that was going to establish precedent.

          I’m not a lawyer but did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. 😉


          • Technically, all SCOTUS cases establish precedent. Otherwise they reject cert and the Circuit Court ruling stands. I get that there is a commonsense perspective about major rulings in a mostly virgin territory vs. super narrow and highly technical rulings within well trodden ground, but (a) that’s a really vague and highly debatable distinction and (b) I’m copping out because I don’t have enough expertise to give a better answer.


  8. Faltering Memory

    Like my old partner used to say, they don’t know the war is over.

    Liked by 2 people