Standing pat

A friend of mine asked me about this last night — as of yesterday, the only SEC team without a player coming in this season via the transfer portal is Georgia.  To put that in perspective, half the teams in the conference have at least nine transfers coming in, led by Ole Miss with 16 and LSU with 15.

That is some statement by Kirby Smart, who essentially is telling us he really, really likes his roster without saying he really, really likes his roster.  And that’s after 15 players left for the NFL draft.

That sound you hear is Dan Mullen, shaking his damn head somewhere.


Filed under Georgia Football, Transfers Are For Coaches.

23 responses to “Standing pat

  1. billionm16

    Agreed and those young DBs must’ve really showed him something in the spring.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Faltering Memory

    I found his head. It’s a channel marker on Lake Oconee.

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Derek

    …and we lost a bunch to the portal AND Dan Jackson is still w/o a scholly.

    He’s managing to stay at 85 and in this environment, that ain’t easily done.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I thought he was at about 87 or 88 with the last of the freshmen coming in. Have a couple left in the last week or so?


      • Derek

        I really don’t know where we are. I just assume we are at 85 because 1) I think we had to be by a date certain this spring and 2) if we dropped to 84 Dan would be on a scholly.


  4. This is the type of PSA I can fully support…we’ve said it before, that Kirby is unmatched in roster management. And if he’s good with the ones he presently has, that says a lot.

    Sideshow can take a long walk on a short pier.

    Liked by 4 people

    • rugbydawg79

      Kirby also is focused on Locker room Chemistry. Come here and learn and wait your turn. We are not gonna transfer somebody in here to jump ahead of you.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Ran A

    Guess is that there were a couple that he would have liked to have, but that’s about it. You leave a program, and good enough, you want a virtual guarantee that you’ll start. Kirby doesn’t give those.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Tim B

    I suspect that he realizes that taking transfers to start over guys who are good but inexperienced …..guys who have put in the work and waited their turn in the end will bite you. Take a transfer in spots where the roster is depleted but not where all the next man up needs is experience.

    Liked by 5 people

    • W Cobb Dawg

      You nailed it. It’s one thing to let players that don’t pan out or malcontents leave. But we’ve had some talented players walk for playing time elsewhere rather than matriculate and contribute through the system.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Kirby has said he believes high school recruiting is the way to build a consistent winner. If he believes the roster is where he wants it, I have no reason to doubt.

    He went after Kendrick last year because he knew he had a hole at corner, and there was a player available with experience who could make a difference. Once DK’s legal troubles went away, it was a no-brainer to bring him in. Same with JT – he knew he needed a QB because the guy from Wake was a 1-year guy.

    Both guys seem to fit the culture and leave Athens as DGDs.

    Liked by 3 people

  8. was looking for a blog post to do today… I am gonna do a report on Portal Players in SEC… I will Update throughout the day. I’ve Got D up. My blog is free

    Liked by 3 people

  9. Dylan Dreyer's Booty

    “That is some statement by Kirby Smart…”
    Yeah, he likes what he has, but Kirby being Kirby is never going to be satisfied, but what is available in the portal just isn’t better than what he already has, including the relationships he has with his players, and the players’ relationships with each other.

    Liked by 2 people

    • RangerRuss

      There it is, DDB. Kirby has no aversion to dipping in the portal and is willing to watch as less talented players move on. Whatever is best to improve the team. That’s harsh and can be emotionally hard to bear. You pay the cost to be the boss.
      The fact that he didn’t dip into the portal this season says a lot about team talent.


      • biggity ben

        I agree. I’m sure Kirby does keep an eye on team chemistry, but nothing Kirby has done shows he cares who is on the roster when goes a portaling.
        Hell this is basically the pros at this point anyway.


      • Speaking of moving on, I wish Kimber hadn’t left. I think he could have really helped at corner. I have no idea why he did leave.


      • erksshadow

        I agree Kirby likes what he has. It must be driving the other coaches crazy. I always get nervous in poker when a player stands pat with the cards he was originally dealt. Of course, Kirby ain’t bluffing.


  10. uga97

    Whelp Tykee didn’t play last year so there’s that, and the reality that we still had 89 schollys on the roster as of late May….so no room.
